Saturday, January 7, 2012

America was ok until it sided with the cursed people of Zion... then Zion did NOT become America, but America became like Zion... And they say it is for OUR PROTECTION! Tapping phone lines... spying on us all... enforcing ID papers on us, like farm animals... maintaining central databses with our names... finger printining all of us... These are the results of USA pairing up with the cursed people of Zion who bring around them only curses, killings, suffering and death... Goodbye American FREEDOM! Zion had you on plate for dinner...UNWASHED YOUR BRAIN If the feds did that to me & ruint my life, I'd have to kill somebody & it would not be the hacker... time we took our country back from these idiots that caint win a war or defend our borders. They really work for the corporations anyway, not the citizens. Fark 'em. You go to Europe, you buy a cell-phone OFF THE SHELF, with SIM card, call credit etc., ready to use it ! In AMERICAS THEY ASK IDs to buy a SIM card! Because this NAZI-GOV CONTROLS ALL OF US, who calls who and why, worse than Hitler did to his fellow Germans Down with the Nazi-USA Gov! WHERE IS THE AMERICAN FREEDOM? Strangled by the Zionist Nazism...from yahoo user.

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