Thursday, January 5, 2012

We don't have free speech, when was the last time you seen an assembly of the people not end in a beat down from riot cops? And to Joe I don't know about Kyle But I can tell you on two different occasions where I was Arrested in these United States for publicly asking Why Dick Cheney was allowed to give Halliburton all the no bid cost plus contracts in Iraq. In a public forum in a respectful manner, asked the question and was escorted out, once outside I was charged with obstruction of justice, because being escorted out took security away from delicate details. So f ck u Joe people get arrested in this country all the time for saying the wrong thing, You don't see it because you don't have the ball sack to speak your mind. We only have the "freedom" to say what doesn't offend anyone and what the majority agree with Yout think your have freedom of speech here.... Try to defame the president or curse ata police officer and then holla @ your boi

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