Monday, February 6, 2012

NEWS: Hindraf just learned about DAP Posted by The Unspinners at 9/15/2009 That's what happen when you give your ass to the wrong person Demolition and destruction of Kampung Buah Pala HINDRAF is appalled by the demolition of the last remaining Indian Heritage village in Penang today aided, abetted and assisted by the Penang State Government. Malaysians should be aware that Hindraf assistance to help preserve the village was sought on the 26th June 2009 when the villagers have been battling a more than 10 years struggle to preserve their village. Upon our campaigns and questions on the legality of the attempt to demolish the village many eye opening facts surfaced. Till date Lim Guan Eng has refused and deliberately diverted from answering the real questions posed on him on the saga of KBP. The final act of wiping out the village would serve as the beginning of the end of DAP rule in Penang and support for DAP nationwide. Hindraf has on its own accord mobilised thousands of supporters to campaign for PR in the last GE without even being invited to do so because we believed the time to rid the evil BN regime has come. But the actions and inactions of DAP in Penang and their subsequent lies, denial and silence on many legitimate questions posed on the issue have caused many Malaysians to lose hope on change and make assumptions DAP is no better than the evil UMNO and BN. The fact that senior leaders within Pakatan Rakyat- Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang,Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Syed Husin, Karpal Singh and others who have remained silent and tight lipped causes Hindraf to wonder if they are actually held at ransom by Lim Guan Eng for reasons only known to them. The Rakyat voted for a change- change that they believed would enhance a more democratic Government that is open, transparent and friendly that would take into considerations human factors, fairness, right of the poor, defenceless and marginalised. It is very troubling that a senior citizen of the village had attempted to torch herself in order to protect her home. The conclusion that could be made is that the state Government under DAP has turned into an evil regime. We urge senior leaders in PR to break their silence and come in the open on their stand on the KBP issue. Should they fail to do so, a wrong signal would be sent to the public that would erode the confidence of rakyat on PR which would pay a hefty price in the next GE. If nearby Chinese fishing village – Bang Liau and Chinese jetties Clan in George Town can be recognised as a heritage village what sin has the people of KBP committed to face extinction? P.Waytha Moorthy Chairman HINDRAF 14/09/09 Q: Why is Manoharan still wasting time in DAP????

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