Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Worlds Largest Debtor Nations

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern
The following are the top 20 countries ranked in order of their respective external debt/GDP ratios:
#1: Ireland: 1,312%
#2: United Kingdom: 425.9%
#3: Switzerland: 382.2%
#4: Netherlands: 376.6%
#5: Belgium: 328.7%
#6: Denmark: 316%
#7: Sweden: 264.3%
#8: Austria: 256.2%
#9: France: 248%
#10: Portugal: 235.9%
#11: Hong Kong: 223.1%
#12 Finland: 220.2%
#13: Norway: 202.6%
#14: Spain: 186.1%
#15: Germany: 182.5%
#16: Greece: 170.5%
#17: Italy: 147.4%
#18: Australia: 124.3%
#19: Hungary: 121.9%
#20: United States: 96.5%
Source: http://www.cnbc.com/id/30308959/The_World_s_Biggest_Debtor_Nations

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