Saturday, December 29, 2012

America Taken to the Cleaners
The New Stürmer  -  Year 2003

One cannot worship God and mammon at the same time.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other  nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general."   This is what rabbis tell their flock to do with our money and valuables.

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans

After WW1 Germany was taken to the cleaners by the Jews and their  henchmen, the freemasons.  Today America is taken to the cleaners by the same groups - this even though many US-freemasons do not know they are helping to clean out their country.

What happened in Germany as WW1 ended?

The Jews and freemasons forced Germany to accept a treaty - The Versailles  Treaty.  In a very short time Germany was bankrupt. In the same time Germany was overrun by Jewish agents from Russia.  These agents were supposed to turn Germany into a Jewish Communist Republic.  Thanks to ordinary Germans and a some nationalist soldiers and officers, the Jews did not succeed in their attempt - Germany remained a German state.

But the failure of their agents did not stop the Jews from trying to take over  the governing of Germany.  After the installation of the Weimar Republic, Jewish politicians and their lackeys started to clean out German industry and the economy.   As you know from history they almost succeeded in their intention to destroy the German economy.

The USA was next to learn how the Jews operate

As the Jews did not succeed in totally taking over Germany before 1932 they  turned their eyes on the USA as their next victim. In fact, the USA had been a victim for a long, long time.  Ever since the first Jews came to the USA they realized this country would be their "promised land".  And looking back at history, the USA has surely been a promised land for the Jews.

Ever since the first Jews stepped onto USA soil they have exploited the people  - never the land.  Way back in 1492, the Jews had been advised by their chief rabbi in Constantinople to make themselves kings over all goyim, make their sons merchants, doctors, apothecaries, advocates, lawyers and any other profession which puts them in command of the goyim.  And surely the Jews have followed the orders of the Prince of the Jews of Constantinople.

In the USA the road was open to defraud, steal from, exploit and deceive  every Christian.  The settlers - the immigrants from Europe to the USA - were hardworking men and women.  They were very religious and had listened to the various preachers of their homelands when they spoke of the children of Israel.  Thus it was easy for the Jews to deceive the settlers.  As they moved onto the political scene, the task of taking over the government became harder.  They first became successful when money started to play a role in getting elected to Congress, not to mention the office of President of the USA.

To prove that the Jews have been out to destroy the USA I  quote from the  US Congressional Record of December 13, 1923:  At the 3rd Communist International, Chairman Zibovieff (Apfelbaum) said: "We have exterminated the property owners in Russia.  We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America."

Hitler tried to stop the extermination and destruction of Europeans and Europe, but the Jewish lackeys - politicians - in the USA helped the Jews  destroy Germany during WW2.   Now the American citizens are paying the price because their forefathers did not listen to people like Lindbergh and Ford Sr when they warned their fellow Americans against the Jews.

The Jews are about to destroy the USA

I think I do not need to tell you how the Jews started in their destruction of the  USA - you can find all the proof you need either on the Internet or by talking to your friends.  Now they have done as they did in Germany during the 1920s:  "making your industry set up business in foreign countries for production and directing your politicians to promote the importing of goods that could have been produced in the USA."   They have also forced the rotten US politicians to give money to Israel and to make the USA the fighting machine for the same rotten state.

Today US workers are out of work as were the Germans in the 1920s.  Yes,  American workers also had a bad time during the ‘20s and ‘30s - but still they voted for a Jew for the presidency, a Jew who took the USA into a war no American wanted.

To my knowledge the USA is in debt to Jewish bankers for about $900  trillion.   This means every American citizen old and young owes the Jewish  moneylenders  $4 million.  A debt the country cannot repay.  Unless the USA gets rid of the dirty Jews and starts producing goods for the American market and stops the unnecessary imports, the USA will be a Jewish slave state.  And the USA will have to stop going to war with every country and people the Jews want the USA to make war on.

Today the USA —  tomorrow the rest of the world

When the Jews have cleaned out the USA which they will do in the  foreseeable future, they will turn to the rest of the world, countries like Russia, Australia, India and China.  Why not Germany, you say.  Germany they have almost cleaned out through their holocaust hoax and constant demands for money to the Jewish state of Israel, a state that could not exist unless Germany and the USA support her.

They have started to clean out Russia, but since the amount of raw materials  in Russia is so large, the Jews will return and start all over.  When Communism ended in the Soviet Union, the Jews secured most of the raw materials of the country into their own greedy hands.  They also secured all mass media into Jewish hands.  Thus they could keep on deceiving the Russian people.   This even though the Russian people have long experience with the Jews and know what they are capable of doing.  The Jews destroyed farming during their communist period - today the Russian countryside displays poverty and a  lack of money to invest in new machinery.  Payments to farmers are so low that they hardly can live off what they get for their products.  Have you heard this before???  Yes, during the Weimar Republic the same happened to German farmers.

If we allow Jews to continue dictating to our politicians regarding free trade, all  western countries will experience what Russia is experiencing now and the Germans did during the 1920s.  In not many years even Europe will see her farmers out of work.  The Jews can buy farm products cheaper elsewhere - farmers, the carriers of our culture, will be out of work and their land used as golf courses.

The new continent, Australia, is so flooded with Jews that it soon also will be  taken to the cleaners by the lovers of all politicians, the Jews.  Not even Australian politicians have learned from the experience of other countries, but allow the Jews to run their country.  

After WW2 Jews have also run and have cleaned out Japan.  So we cannot  expect any help from the once so proud Japanese people.  Young Americans died for the Jews’ "right" to exploit Japan and its industry.

The next country to be taken to the cleaners by the Jews, unless we stop  them, is China.  China already has a large number of Jews living inside her borders.  These Jews came from Central Europe during the Jewish emigration of the 1930s.  According to Basler Nachrichten of  June 18, 1946, some 35,000 Jews emigrated to China - mostly to Shanghai - during the ‘30s.  These Jews were told by the leadership of International Jewry to go to China to open up that country as a new colony for Jewish take-over. Additionally to the 35,000 Jews who emigrated from Europe before WW2 we have all the Jews who lived in Hong Kong which was a colony the Jewish opium dealers forced the emperor of China to give up in 1852 after the opium war.

They MUST be stopped

The Americans who once were so willing to help the scoundrels of the world  into power MUST now stop them.  Even though US youth have paid in blood for their politicians’ willingness to help the Jews, it is that same youth that will have to bear the burden this time.  Europe has done her part - but was stopped by the US youth and their eagerness to run errands for the Jewish vermin.

A revolution, this time, will be the solution

For us to get rid of them and get our countries back on track we must start a  revolution and this one must be on our terms.  That is, only a national-socialist revolution must be carried out.  In this national-socialist revolution we can get rid of not only the Jews and their helpers, but also all the illegal immigrants they have allowed to enter our countries.  As the Jews feared a growing dislike of themselves, they started to work for immigration of third-world people into our countries. All these immigrants must also be forced out - which can be done in a revolution.

We, the grown-ups, must enlighten our young followers to start the revolution  to clean our countries from all that is associated with Jewry and freemasonry.  All that reminds of Jews and freemasons must be purged from our countries.  Just like Satan told the Jewish immigrants to Palestine when they thought they had found the land of milk and honey.   We must do to them as they have  done to us for centuries.  Read once again the quotation from the Talmud at the beginning of this article and you know what is in store for  us.   Not one stone must be left in place that is evidence that the Jews were ever present in our countries.

In Deuteronomy, Chapter 7, you find the recipe for how to get rid of people  you do not need in the future homeland for our youth.  You must not give any of your children to your enemies - and the Jews are our enemies.   You must - as Deuteronomy, Chapter 7, 16, says: “Consume all the people who are given to you. Your eye must NOT feel sorry for them, because if you do that will be a snare to you.”

Deuteronomy, Chapter 7, should give guidance on how to handle the disliked  Jews and any other nation you would like to purge.   To follow Deuteronomy in purging the Jews from our countries cannot be racist - because we would be following the same  course they have taken before.

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael
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