Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bush Blames Iran For Five Dead Marines

Soldiers are questioning whether Sunni farmers have the sophisticated hardware

Damage Being Done By Shape Charges
These can penetrate heavy armour

Bush Says Iran Provides The New Weapon

Five Dead
On 5/5/07 American forces broke up a Shiite militant cell believed to be smuggling a new sophisticated armor-piercing Iranian weapon. Separately, the U.S. announced the deaths of five American soldiers died from roadside bombs.

The EFP Or Explosive Formed Penetrators
It was announced that these EFP are replacing the IED. American spokesman say: - 'The number one killer of US troops, the IED, is quickly being replaced by these EFPs or Shape Charges." The weapons, which hurl a fist-sized lump of molten copper, can pierce even U.S. armored vehicles newly designed to deflect roadside bombs.

Muqtada al-Sadr Verifies This
Coalition raids in Sadr City, Baghdad produced 16 suspected members of a Muqtada al-Sadr militant cell that brought in the Iranian weapons.

It Just Can't Get Any Sillier
These shape charges have been around for three years. Anyone that followed this realized that the attacks required special electronic detonators, inside information, and shape charges. Last week the US military said it was Sunnis behind the attacks, that was the point of Bush's extra 20,000 troops. The problem today is, Iran is Shiites, so this week we blame Muqtada al-Sadr, the Shiite leader.
The odd part is Al-Sadr is an Israeli puppet.

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