Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gen. Janis Karpinski
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Gen Karpinski

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A New York Jewess on the fast track  Army Reserve Col. Janis L. Karpinski has been nominated for appointment to the rank of brigadier general.
Karpinski is currently serving as the chief of staff, 81st Regional Support Command, Birmingham, Ala.

Brigadier General Janis Leigh Karpinski began her career in 1977 when she was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. After completing the Student, Women Officer Orientation and Military Police Officer Basic Courses at Fort McClellan, Alabama, and the Student Airborne Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, she was assigned to the 21st Military Police Company, Fort Bragg, N.C., as platoon leader.
Additional active duty assignments include tours in various intelligence positions with the 46th Support and 7th Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, and as Operations/ Anti-Terrorism Officer, with the Office of the Provost Marshal, Operations Officer, European Command Executive Agency, 42nd Military Police Group, all in Mannheim, Germany. Karpinski completed her active duty tour as Company B Commander at Fort McPherson, Georgia.

Plum jobs in Germany , Florida, Georgia

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Since March, 1987, Karpinski has served in the Army Reserve in various military police and intelligence capacities, including two years of active duty from 1990 to 1992, when she served as Operations and Targeting Officer (Operation Desert Shield) for Third Army, deployed to Riyadh, King- dom of Saudi Arabia, and Commander of the Military Basic Training Team (Operation Desert Storm) at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

She served as commander of the 160th Military Police Battalion in Tallahassee, Florida, Director of Operations for the 641st Area Support Group in Saint Petersburg Fla. , Chief of Staff, Readiness Command, Fort Jackson, S.C., and commander of the 641st Area Support Group. Her most recent tour of duty before taking command of the 800th Military Police Brigade was as Chief of Staff, 81st Regional Support Command, Birmingham, Alabama.

From State School party girl to General

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Brigadier General Karpinski is a graduate of the Military Police Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the Military Intelligence Officer Advanced Course, Command and General Staff College and the Army War College. 
Her educational degrees include a Bachelor of Arts degree in English/Secondary Education from Kean College of New Jersey, a Masters in Aviation Management from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and a Masters of Strategic Studies from the Army War College. Brigadier General Karpinski’s decorations include the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters and the Army Com- mendation medal with two oak leaf clusters. She wears the Senior Para- chutist Badge.
Civilian career
As a civilian, Karpinski is currently self-employed as a corporate consultant for Executive Training Programs and Corporate Improvement Programs in Hilton Head Island, S.C.

Abu Ghraib prison

Most  of the 6,000  prisoners are housed in tents

Entrance to prison
This is Saddam's old prison
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Kapinski tells stories of Saddam's brutality
wpe5A.jpg (4971 bytes) GallowsKarpinski told the world that Saddam hung prisoners for no special reason. She said his two sons took particular delight in watching hangings.
wpe6A.jpg (4066 bytes) ElectrocutionRoom was filled with water - prisoner laid on floor - guard stood on tires and then Zap !!
wpe69.jpg (5799 bytes) Whipping rack Prisoner kneeled and whipped
wpe6B.jpg (3285 bytes) Meat shredderPrisoners killed and then shredded
wpe6C.jpg (7337 bytes) ViseThey would crush your hands or maybe even your head !!
wpe6D.jpg (7894 bytes) HandcuffsKarpinski said they handcuffed people to this door and let them rot
wpe6E.jpg (6810 bytes) Torture room"They did unthinkable things: electrocution, immersion in a bath of chemicals and ripping off people's finger- and toenails."

Hamed Fattil, former Iraqi prisoner
wpe70.jpg (3031 bytes) Bath tub of deathFilled the tub with acid - hit you with a hammer and threw you in

Electrocution Beheading Shark tanks Firing squads
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And oh how Saddam's millionaire sons reveled in watching it all
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Playboys with 200 ' yachts that could date Paris Hilton but they preferred a smelly prison ?

The pictures of real torture chambers
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Girl's underwear on head wpe75.jpg (10352 bytes)
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Interrogation room has brains all over the walls

The Iraqi " Interrogators " were civilians trained in Israel.
They were SLA personnel that ran the Khiam prison for Israel where Palestinians were sent.
Two American companies acted as  cover
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CACI is controlled by the Herb Karr and Harry Markowitz family. Run by a Jack London an honored Israelite.

Titan is the Jewish  Edward H. Bersoff who is a celebrity is Israel
Job offers
Lt. Gen. Lance Smith, the Deputy Commander of the U.S. Central Command, said there were 37 contract interrogators used in Abu Ghraib. The two named contractors, CACI and Titan, have close ties to the Israeli military and technology communities.     Source

Khiam prison provided the experts
wpe7D.jpg (8681 bytes) History of KhiamIsrael ran the prison using the militia they had created from the Maronite Christian community - the SLA.
The SLA provided Khiams guards and interrogators whilst Israelis trained the torturers and lead the torture sessions.
They paid the salaries and provided all the equipment. --- Khiam Prison

General Lahad
wpe80.jpg (3313 bytes) This piece of sh*it ran Khiam prison in So Lebanon untill the jews pulled out. He is a multi millionaire living in Paris.

5/ 2 / 2000 ....SLA retreats from Lebanon
wpe7E.jpg (12449 bytes) Israel decided to pull out of Lebanon and the   SLA knew they would be mince meat. On May 23, 2000 the Hizballah approached and the 2500 guards at Khiam fled. Later a total of 6000 ( guards and their families fled to Israel )
wpe75.jpg (12881 bytes) A picture of an proud Israeli interrogator at the prison

Leaders react
" This is not America " " So what " "Reminds me of Dachau"
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Background of Karpinski's mentor

wpe56.jpg (6275 bytes) Tommy Franks - Russian JewSpokesmen of CENTCOM refuse to answer questions about Franks’ background, which is very sketchy, and few details are found in any of the published biographical sources.

Biographical entries about Franks are quite unusual in that they do not include the names of his parents or his religion.

Asked about why so little information is available about the man who will lead U.S. armed forces in war, a Defense Dept. spokesman said: “He’s had his bio out that he wants to put out. He has certain rights.”
“Because we are in a different age, that is force protection,” Pentagon spokesman Dan Hetlage said about the secrecy behind Franks’ background. “That’s a personal decision [to release personal information]. It makes no difference [his religion]. He takes his orders from the President. Would it make a difference if Gen. Franks or Gen. Hetlage were in command?”
Franks is said to be the only child of Ray, a Wynnewood, Okla., construction worker, and Lorene, a seamstress and homemaker. Soon after his birth in 1945, his family is said to have relocated to George W. Bush's former hometown of Midland, Texas, where Franks was a lineman on the high school football squad, who apparently made little impression. When Franks first surfaced as the commander of CENTCOM, journalists could find no one in Midland who could actually remember him having lived there.

An archivist in Midland checked the town records for American Free Press and found the Franks family listed only from 1955 to 1962, during which time Ray Franks worked at a local hardware store. Oddly, from 1945 to 1955 there is no mention of the Franks family in Midland records, according to the archivist. The same year Tommy finished high school, the family apparently disappeared from Midland records.
Having attended the same high school in Midland as the president’s wife, Laura Bush, Franks moved to Austin where he attended University of Texas for about two years before dropping out and joining the army. After serving in Vietnam, Franks was selected to participate in the Army's "Boot Strap Degree Completion Program," and subsequently attended the University of Texas, Arlington, where he graduated with a degree in Business Administration in 1971.

Franks collected three Purple Hearts in Vietnam although how he was injured is not a matter of public record.

After a long career in the army, Franks, who is an artillery specialist, was promoted to general by former Secretary of Defense William Cohen
and placed in charge of Central Command, which is responsible for the entire Middle East area.

“My faith in God is important,” Franks said in an interview, however, it is not known which faith he belongs to. Although it has been said that Franks is of Russian Jewish extraction, the son or grandson of Khazar Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union, like Gen. Wesley Kanne Clark (who was raised as a Protestant in Little Rock), the religious and ethnic background of Tommy Franks is simply not known.


“That in itself says a lot,” independent investigator James W. von Brunn of Easton, Maryland, told AFP. “He’s hiding something,” Von Brunn said. Having conducted “an intensive search” into Frank’s background von Brunn “was unable to find anything.”

Franks was born in Wynnewood, Okla., on June 17, 1945. Dropping out of the University of Texas in 1965, after his sophomore year, Franks joined the Army, got a commission as an artillery lieutenant and shipped out for Vietnam.

While in Vietnam, he spent most of his time directing fire on the enemy. He was wounded three times and received three Purple Hearts. Upon his return, he finished college, receiving a business degree from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Franks married Cathryn Carley in 1969, and they have a daughter, Jacqy.
After Vietnam, Franks began a rapid rise through the military ranks. In the early 1970s, he commanded an armored engineer company in West Germany. He completed tours at the Pentagon in the Army Inspector General's Office and later as an Army liaison with Congressional leaders. During Operation Desert Storm in Iraq, he served with the First Cavalry Division.

Franks took over U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM), one of nine unified commands in the Department of Defense, four months before the attack in Yemen on the USS Cole in October 2000. He worked at Central Command's headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.


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