Saturday, December 8, 2012

Getting away with murder

Killed in cold blood by a psychotic gunman

Two 16 yr old boys are playing a prank , ringing doorbells  and wind up being shot in the back.

 A 41 yr old psychotic Jewish accountant
Shot the boy in the back

The murder

Oct. 24,2003
Mark Drewes and a friend were out playing pranks - they knocked on neighbor's doors and ran away. They were in a affluent Boca Raton neighborhood when they rang the bell of a Jay Levin, a Jewish accountant.
As Drewes and his friend ran away Levin swung open his door and fired his .45 pistol shooting the boy in the back. Luciana Drewes ( mother ) ran to the scene and police wouldn't let her be with her dying son. Drewes was rushed to the hospital but died of massive injuries.

Investigators questioned Levin at his home at 6115 Woodbury Road and collected evidence but did not take him into custody.

Sheriff refuses to arrest Jay Levin

Spokesman for Palm Beach County sheriff's office said " We have no plans to arrest Mr. Jay Levin. Our office has been in contact with the 40-year-old businessman and homeowner. He was very cooperative '.

Citizens go berserk
Citizens protested City Hall on the fact that this " Crazed Psychotic murderer " wasn't even arrested.

The arrest

He was finally asked to turn himself in and charged with manslaughter. He is under house arrest and wears ankle bracelet

His statement to police was -
“I took a shot. And that was it in a nutshell.  Now that I think about it, that must have been somewhat shocking for the kid.”

The parents

Drewes' parents had urged neighbors in their middle-class community to press State Attorney Abraham Krischer to charge Levin with second-degree murder for killing their son, particularly since the teen was shot in the back.

Barry Kirshner - State attorney

State attorney reluctantly files a charge of manslaughter. Kirshner said Levin is currently under house arrest, ordered to stay at home but is allowed to go to work.
He said homeowners have a right to protect themselves and this appears to be vigilante justice.


Sheriff Edward W. Bieluch

Sheriff grandparents were Russian immigrants
Sheriff is a supporter of Israel and has taken his top lieutenants to Israel , courtesy of the American Jewish League , for law enforcement seminars.
We met with Israeli National Police officials, members of the Israeli Defense Force and experts on security issues and counter-terrorism measures  the prevention of and response to acts of terrorism. Bieluch entertained by Jews.

Judge Kenneth Stern

Dec. 16, 2003A judge on Monday loosened the terms of Jay Levin's house arrest
While declining to lift Levin's house arrest, Judge Kenneth Stern ruled Levin can go about his business between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. weekdays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday but that he must remain home Sundays

Judge Labarga

Born in Cuba,   came to the United States when he was 7. His family was probably one the the many Jews that fled Cuba in the revolution.
Labarga refers to the door bell ringing  as an " Incident " that resulted in the shooting death of Mark Drewes,”

The judge also instructed the prosecution to refrain from calling Drewes a victim, so as not to bias jurors. Labarga won't allow the police testimony on Levin's casual attitude and lack of  felt remorse when he learned he had killed a 16-year-old neighbor

Roy Black

Black only handles million dollar cases. This defense will cost a minimum of $ 500,000.
The fear the Jewish community has is this will turn into another case similar to Leo Frank ( 1910 rapist and killer of children ).
Black's jury  survey questions  sought out religion affiliation - hoping to include Christian Zionists in the jury.


The jury

Black is expected to load the jury with Jewish and pro-Jewish jurors.


Plea deal accepted

Roy Black , Irving Shapiro and Jay Levin
The sentence
•  Five years probation

• One year of short weekends in the Palm Beach County Jail
•Levin will be excused from serving jail time April 15-17 to attend a bar mitzvah.

• No contact with the Drewes family.

• Must pay $2.50 weekly to the Mark Drewes Scholarship Fund
• Five community service hours per week for a total of 1,250 hours over five years

• Must sincerely apologize and publicly take responsibility for his actions.

• Court costs of $621.


The history of Boca Raton Fl

Boca Raton is 45% Jewish - the highest percentage in the country followed by  New_York City with 16%.
Boca Raton is predominately Jewish and an extremely rich community.
All sorts of criminals haunt the town from drug dealers, Jewish mafia bosses, Russian Mafia, porn dealers, white collar criminals, etc.

Boca Raton airport is home to the largest private jet fleet in the world. Corp. CEO's had the federal government install a FAA control tower for an airport whose traffic mainly consists of 50 private jets

Boca is the number one choice for Corp headquarters. A list of Jewish run businesses from Tyco to Bank Leumi is headquartered here
History of unsolved murders
Boca , with it's high Russian Jewish population, is prone to violent crimes. One of the most famous was the "Nanny murder " where a Jewish father impregnated his kid's nanny, Monica Marina Rivera-Veldizen, and had to kill her.
The body was dumped a block from his house and the sheriff called it a serial killing. Later that year a Beatriz Vasquez, 22, was also murdered.

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