Sunday, December 9, 2012

Iraq Had A Business Class Before The War

There Were All Sorts Of Industries

There Was A Farming Class
Iraq's Euphrates, and Tigress Rivers, provide a fertile basin

Iraq Had An Upper Middle Class

Bush And His Zionists
They have portrayed Iraq as a hell hole of dictators, bombers, and crazed Islamic Fascists. In reality it was a country, just like any other. It had it's various classes, Saddam was the president, and the state guided the oil enterprises.
Under the pretext of nuclear aggression, with the backdrop of the Zionist 9/11 fiasco, in comes the Israelis, backed by the US.  The American armed forces kill off the Iraqi government, and their army. Next, they quickly established Interior Ministry, the 70,000 mercenaries, and the Medhi Militia, whose job is killing off the civilian resistance. When it is all over the Zionists will own the businesses.
They will not leave some old line wealthy family, who has educated kids, to disrupt their new puppet government.

The Al-Rasheed Tobacco Company
The Nourji family has owned this tobacco company for a hundred and sixty years. They controlled 40% of all Iraq tobacco sales.

There Are Hundreds Of Small Businesses 
This country is 26 million, and contrary to popular belief there is a world outside the US.

There Was A Upper Middle Class
Contrary to the Zionists propaganda, Iraq was a not always a third world hell hole. This country is thousands of years old, and with a structured society. Saddam used it's oil wealth to propel it into the 21st century, but it's main cities had businesses.

These People Have Educated Kids
The Nourji family had sent their three sons to European Universities, and they think more western than Islamic.

The Middle Class Had Baghdad University
Al Sired owned a profitable Baghdad restaurant, and his kids went to Iraq's premier university. The farm industry.

These Are The People Being Killed Today
Zionists are going to be able to take over Iraq with these people floating around. A son who comes back from Harvard, who takes over a tobacco empire, will soon be a problem.

Their Option Is To Sell To The Iraqi Jews
These Arabs don't want their brains blown out, so they are selling. The Iraqi Jewish class now moves in. The best part is America will provide the financing for them, under the Iraqi Reconstruction Act.

Privatizing State Businesses
The US Coalition For Iraq will sell these to bidders, anonymous layered offshore companies, with vague owners. In reality they will be no different than Russia's oligarchs.

So Why Should We Care?
The Zionists next step will be a 'False Flag', another 9/11, where we will be drawn into Iran. Once they control the world's oil they will collapse the world economy. During this 1929 type period they will be buying up the world, and in a few years they will give us the salvation, a one world government, with a commodity based currency.

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