Israel and the ‘Exodus’ Of America’s Wealth
“And Yahweh said to Moses ‘Tell the Israelites that both men and
women alike are to ask their Egyptian neighbors for all their silver
and gold…’ And so the Israelites did as instructed and asked the
Egyptians to lend them all their gold and silver, which the Egyptians
did, and the Israelites therefore plundered them…’
Bush Gets A Reality Check While In Israel
During George Bush’s recent visit to Israel to help celebrate 60
uninterrupted years of good, old-fashioned/Old Testament-type butchery
and oppression against the non-Jewish peoples of the Holy Land
(Christian and Muslim alike) he was promptly met by rabbis
closely-associated with ultra-violent elements of the Israeli right
(as opposed to the moderately-violent of the Israeli left) who
presented him with a list of demands. The commandments, collectively
called ‘Megillat Bush’ were written on a specially-made scroll as if
scribed personally by some Old Testament prophet, giving it that old
world/otherworldly/divine quality it otherwise would not have
"We Are God's Chosen", They Shout To Bush
Typical of the same haughty, pushy, demanding, threatening,
obnoxious and condescending tones universally-known to be as much a
part of the Jewish state’s character as pasta and tomatoes are to
Italian cuisine, the decree had the following to say–‘To George W.
Bush…who comes to Jerusalem, eternal capital of our land, joy of the
entire earth…
…If you truly desire peace and wish to be counted in the company of
the truly righteous, we call upon you to declare to all the world the
‘I George Bush declare that the Land of Israel was bequeathed to the
nation of Israel by the Creator of the world. which He gave to His
people Israel, the eternal people. Therefore I call upon all the
nations to save themselves from certain doom and recognize that this
land is the exclusive rightful inheritance of the people of Israel. He
who denies this truth endangers all life on earth.’‘\
Or, Heaven forbid, you can choose the second option…to willfully
aid in destruction…
You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and to all
Israel’s enemies from time immemorial. Do you imagine you can escape
from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and
Lebanon, by offering up the Jews who are slaughtered daily by their
enemies? Remember our forefather Abraham, who pursued the world’s four
greatest kings in order to redeem his nephew from captivity. We cannot
forget the deeds of our patriarchs, whose example guides us through
every generation…
…Understand this well–God ordained that the role of the nations of the
world is to strengthen the nation of Israel. Therefore it behooves you
to declare: “I, George Bush, Commander in Chief of the armies of the
United States of America, will instruct all of my troops to protect
the Divine rights of the nation of Israel, and remove from her any
threat.” Before you is a choice: You can merit eternal life, or be
inscribed for eternal disgrace. Your fate and that of all those with
you hangs in the balance of the destiny of our land…’
The Threat Of The Sampson Option
Most persons well-versed with Israel’s use of terror, intimidation
and false flag attacks in achieving her desired ends have assumed
(with good reason) she would eventually resort to her much-discussed
‘Sampson Option’, the military protocol calling for the use of nuclear
weapons against the entire world in the event that the great
experiment in Jewish self-rule turns out to be a failure. However,
what many of these persons in-the-know failed to consider was that
Israel has many weapons in her arsenal besides the aforementioned
‘conventional’ nukes, not the least of which is her power to destroy
entire nations economically with the mere push of a button.
An Economic Version Of A Nuke
Such is what is taking place right now regarding the banking crisis
that began in America and has now spread throughout the world like a
wildfire. Like some Old Testament miracle where Yahweh, the God of
Israel brings plague and pestilence upon nations who don’t ‘see things
properly’ regarding His chosen people, entire swaths of financial
territory have been (borrowing a much-used phrase these days) ‘wiped
off the map’ as if they had never even existed, and this in a day and
age where discrepancies on a balance sheet down to the penny can be
detected and tracked down literally in a nanosecond.
One of the things to keep in mind throughout all of this is that if
the present economic hurricane could somehow be blamed on ‘Islamo-fascists’,
all the usual suspects would be doing there damnedest in trying to
foment even more wars for Israel’s benefit. Despite the fact however
that at present none have ventured forth with such a risky investment
scheme as trying to pin the blame for the present woes on Osama Bin
Laden, what must be kept in mind is that it is still early in the
trading day and this may very well be what the powers-that-be are
planning before the final market bell sounds.
As it is though, at present ‘they’–meaning the Zionist cabal
responsible for wreaking havoc on the world markets–are busy trying to
douse those ever-recurring flames dealing with the topic of Jews and
all the ‘old canards’ surrounding their control of money and
economics. The ADL–domestic branch of Israel’s Mossad tasked with
spying on any and all persons considered inimical to the well-being of
the Jewish state–recently beat a trail to the nearest microphone in
order to decry the recent spate of ‘anti-Semitic’ (what else)
conspiracy theories involving the present economic meltdown and how
the Jews figure into all of it. With all the typical shrieking,
wailing and gnashing of teeth that characterizes the collective Jewish
voice in snarling-away any curiosity or awareness on the part of the
Gentile world regarding Jewish criminality, the ADL’s ‘capo di tutti
capi’ Abe Foxman had the following to say–
“As we witnessed after 9/11, whenever there is trouble or uncertainty
in the economy or world events, Jews become the scapegoats, and ugly
anti-Semitic canards are given new life.”
The Movers And Shakers Are All Zionists
Therefore, what else can sane persons expect other than the ADL and
other Jewish agents of disinformation come forth in the midst of an
economic crisis unprecedented in history and preemptively ward-off any
discussion of the fact that the financial/economic systems of America
presently in meltdown mode are top-heavy with Jews, as testified by
none other than the Jewish Telegraph Agency itself in a recent piece
that spoke of the ‘conspicuously Jewish names adorning many of the
nation’s top investment banks’ as well as the ‘wealthy that have made
money on Wall Street and real estate and finance, as so many Jews have
— some legitimately, some not so’.
"We Run Wall Street" They Screech
The idea Wall Street and the main thoroughfares dealing with
finance in America is dominated by Jews is not a theory. It is a fact
that Jews themselves proudly acknowledge in Op-Ed pieces
where–linguistically speaking–various pundits shrug their shoulders
and say in effect, ‘Yeah, we run Hollywood and Wall Street? Big Deal’.
Given political realities these days it only makes sense they would,
as finance is a lever used in forcing Washington DC to act in the
interests of the Jewish state rather than in the interests of America
when making foreign policy.
Those who accept this fact–that American finance and Jewish
interests go hand in hand like fortune cookies and Chinese take
out–but who doubt that the two are interrelated as pertains the
present economic downturn should think twice. The fact of the matter
is that–despite the incalculable sacrifices in terms of money and
blood made on behalf of the Jewish state by America with the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan–organized Jewry is quite upset with Uncle Sam
these days for refusing to go to war with Iran as Israel has demanded.
The Jewish state needs this war like a heroin addict needs his fix ON
TIME and not a second later and as of this moment dear little Israel
is going through some pretty frightening symptoms of withdrawal.
Her people, eager to get the Purim festivities going ASAP are like
a rowdy, drunken mob at a rock concert when the band is late and are
tearing the place up in protest. Keep in mind as well that ‘never
forget’ is her motto, and that ‘turning the other cheek’ was not an
idea that ever took root in the collective character of the Israelite
Was The Great Wealth Transfer Planned?
Therefore, the fact that America’s banks are dropping like flies
with seemingly no warning ahead of time means the chance of it all
being an accident is as likely as Elvis Presley popping up and
announcing to the world that he did not die but rather was kidnapped
by space aliens and taken away for the last 3+ decades. Whether it is
in the interest of getting even with America for not ceding to
Israel’s demand for war against Iran and Russia or whether it is to
put the heat on the world to get the music started is irrelevant at
this point. It is an act of war, or at the very least an act of
coercion in putting the screws to those principally-Christian nations
of the West drafted as foot soldiers in the wars to expand the Israeli
empire against the Islamic world, a war known in some circles as ‘The
New World Order’.
They Have Done This For Thousands Of Years
The truth though is that none should be particularly surprised that
these nice Jewish folks would do such a thing. As the rest of the
world is reminded on a regular basis, they are (spiritually speaking)
the descendents of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and others who are legends
and role models in the Jewish community and whose exploits are held
high as the standard which all tribe members are expected to imitate.
One need look no further than the present economic misery being
deliberately wrought against the Palestinians and the accompanying
glee with which this misery is celebrated by Israel and her supporters
throughout the world for proof that there is a sadism that permeates
throughout the whole process of robbing people. There is not a
recorded instance of IDF soldiers occupying a Palestinian home where
money, jewelry and other items of value were not robbed from the
They Stole Palestine
More important than recent history though is the past, something
which the non-Jewish world forgets to its own detriment. Recount that
in the Old Testament it was the Israelite Joseph who became Pharaoh’s
right hand man as a result of interpreting his dreams, after which
time he was making a killing on grain speculation when Egypt and the
surrounding areas were going through a famine. The final stage in the
drama features the Egyptian people being completely despoiled of their
property by Joseph in exchange for some food and some seeds. Later, as
infamously recounted in the story of Moses and the exodus of God’s
chosen people from that same country, the Israelites are told by Moses
to ‘borrow’ the gold and silver of their Egyptian neighbors before
fleeing. Upon arriving in the Holy Land, they continue their thievery,
both in terms of the existing real estate and other items of wealth of
the indigenous people whom they destroyed.
Our Wealth Is Gone And So Is Our Jobs
In effect then, what is taking place with regards to the exodus of
American wealth is a repeat performance of what happened when the
Israelites of old pretended to borrow the gold and silver of their
Egyptian neighbors. In the same way as Americans ‘lend’ their money to
Jewish banks and Jewish investment firms with the expectation it will
be there when they ‘ask’ for it back, Jewish interests are now fleeing
with the gold and silver as they high-tail it the hell out of America
and into some new ‘promised land’ flowing with milk and honey, most
likely one of the developing countries like China or India where there
are plenty of desperate, hungry people who will work for pennies.
The timing of this meltdown lends further credence to the idea it is
an Israeli operation aimed at bringing America and the West to their
knees, as it is all taking place during the Jewish holy days beginning
with Rosh Hashana and ending with Yom Kippur. Collectively the ten
days are referred to as ‘the days of awe’, something that should
elicit an audible ‘hmmmm’ by all concerned persons when considering
the ‘shock and awe’ campaign of mass murder waged against Iraq by
George Bush and his entourage of Jewish spies. Coincidentally (or not)
the feast opening the days of awe, Rosh Hashana marks the opening of
the economic new year and is called the ‘day of judgment,’ where
Yahweh, the god of the Israelites, opens three ‘books of account’ and
wherein the fate of the wicked, the righteous, and those of the middle
class are recorded. The names of the righteous are immediately
inscribed in the book of life and they are sealed “to live.” The
middle class are allowed a respite of ten days, until Yom Kippur, to
repent and become righteous and the wicked are “blotted out of the
book of the living.”
"Attack Iran" Screams The Zionist
In effect, the message being sent to Washington DC and the rest of the
world was that they have a few days or weeks to get their collective
act together and begin military operations against Judea’s ancient
enemies in Persia lest they are ‘blotted out’ economically speaking.
Those who doubt that such historical and religious events play a role
in operations of this type should consider the fact that Judea’s
infamous ‘declaration of war’ against Germany in 1933 took place
during Purim, the festival of revenge, as well as the war that has
presently destroyed Iraq. The Jewish state is peopled by individuals
who live in the 21st century BC while the rest of the world is living
in the 21st century AD and it is the past that dictates all their
The truly sad and sickening thing is that the handwriting is on the
wall with regards to how this will be spun for ‘Christian’
consumption. As America continues to spiral downward economically,
taking the world with her in Israel’s financial version of the Sampson
Option, at some point the argument will be made (by Israel’s
suggestion) through one or all of her many false prophets that this IS
INDEED a repeat of Yahweh’s punishment for mistreating his favorite
creatures has happened to Egypt. If only America had listened and done
as she was told in attacking Iran, this would not be happening. The
‘fist of God’, just as hurricane Katrina was said to be a punishment
on America for ‘forcing’ Israel to disengage from Gaza some years
It is at this time therefore that the words of war criminal Ariel
Sharon should haunt the thoughts of people all over the world when he
expressed longing for the day the world began to fear Israel rather
than feeling sorry for her, adding ‘Maybe they will start to tremble,
to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them
tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are
a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we
might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or
that we might one day go crazy’ as well as his infamous ‘We, the
Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.”
And as the existing world order is torn to pieces by (in the words of
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan) ‘mad dog’ Israel the words of Lord
Rothschild, virtual founding father of the Jewish state–come into
clearer view–
‘Give me control over a nation’s money and I care not who makes the
(c) 2008 Mark Glenn
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