Friday, December 28, 2012

Israeli Defence Minister lying on CNN
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Last night, April 1, I watched the Israeli defence minister, Binyamin Ben Elizer, lying as he taught about the ongoing war on the Palestinian people. He told the Israeli army was not attacking civilians in Palestine. He further told Israel was waiting for a negotiator before they can stop the ongoing occupation of Palestinian towns.
Are the Jews looking for a negotiator with tanks and armour vehicles and soldiers? Do you believe that? I don’t!
Binyamin Ben Elizer
Binyamin Ben Elizer also said that if any of the soldiers was braking any of the laws of war, that soldier would be prosecuted. HA. HA, HA!1 I don’t believe that either. According to the talmud it is not an offence to kill goijm. It is a sacrifice to the Jewish satan god.
According to the laws of war it is an offence to refuse people living in occupied territories to get water and electricity. So both Ariel Sharon and Binyamin Ben Elizer are now war criminals. Do you think they ever will be prosecuted for those war crimes? Believe me they will not be. If any nation try to prosecute the political leaders of Israel for these last war crimes, the Jews of the world will start crying about the holocaust. If that should not do the trick USrael will threaten that country with war. The Jews have a lot of balls up their sleeves: they could even ask the world bank to stop all loans to any country wanting to prosecute a Israeli minister for war crime.
Binyamin Ben Elizer stated his officers and soldiers know the laws of war. What a lie? Ben Elizer knew as he lied to the viewers on CNN that Israeli army was harassing Palestinians, refusing them to buy food, get water and electricity . But not only that the Israelis also refuse the International Red Cross to entre Palestinian towns to aid wounded Palestinians and take away killed Palestinian children, old men and soldiers. They, the Israelis, don’t listen to the Jewish organisations like UN or World bank.
This should show how cruel and unhuman the Jews really are. This should show the world that the Jews are children of Satan.
Let me show you how human the Jews in Israel are, look at the picture on my web-page, Edition./defence minister/
Let me also tell you that the Palestinian leader of Red Half Moon, Arabian equivalent to International Red Cross, Younis Al-khatio, was captured by the Israeli army to day, April 2. 2002, and forced to sit naked, blindfolded and with hands tied somebody's hands behind his back for many hours. Al-Khitib sat like this until the Norwegian representative of International Red Cross, Ola Skuterud, contacted the Israeli army.

If you find these a human treatment human you are either Jews or saudo-Jews.

Even the high grade freemason, Henri Verdine, French Foreign Minister said on Hardtalk on BBC, that the Israelis are oppressing the Palestinians. That was strong words from a freemason of 33 grade, but still he used those words. It is therefore unbelievable that the freemason Georg Bush Jr, also a 33 grade freemason, does not see where the Israeli behaviour lead the world.
All normal human beings see that what the Jews are doing in Palestine is exactly what the jews have been doing ever since they were allowed to live among us: START A WAR.
This war was predicted by the Jew, Nostradamus some 400 years ago. He said a war would start in the east and spread to the world. Being a Jew Nostradamus knew what the dreams of his fellow Jews were. This war, the one to start in the east, should according to Nostradamus be the final one - Armageddon.
Ever since the day of dawn the Jews have strived for world power, they have used their freemasonry, their banks and what ever means they could find to get power over the world. During 20-century they started 2 world wars, now at the start of the 21-century they seams to have found a way: They placed bombs in WTC on September 11, 2001 and are now carrying out a genocide on the Palestinian people, a genocide which will lead to a last and annihilating war, a war which will be ours, the Aryan people, once more to carry forward for them.
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael
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