Friday, December 28, 2012

Jews Badgering Sweden p3
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
I trust you remember my two previous letters on this topic. If you don’t, please go to The New Sturmer, 2000 edition. There you can read both letters. As the Lying Swede, Harald Sundin was a STAR in the movie. This even though the truth of Mr Sundin’s lies had been revealed as the TV-movie was made.
Newly that TV-movie was viewed in one of the commercial TV-chanal of Norway, TV2. No mentioning of Mr Sundin as a liar. The film director, Bosse Schoen, did put the madman Sundin at Treblinka. He did not show Rolf Wrangnert, who he claimed was a guard at Treblinka in his news paper article. In the TV-movie Mr Wrangert was not pictured. Why? I don’t know.
All pictures from the various camps were of those already know as false. The picture from Treblinka only showed the Jewish graveyard with all the stones. But Mr Schoen, Jew-lemming, also showed the famous drawings from Treblinka.
I am ashamed on behalf of all good Swedes that a Jew-lemmings like Schoen can and will disgrace his country and people running errand for the Jews.
Thank God a lot of Swedes did fight with the Germans in Waffen-SS. They did their duty to protect the Germanic homeland from the parasite/horde of rats - the Jews.
I wish many more had help. I wish we could send all Jews in our Germanic world back to where they belong: hell.
If you ask me? I think hell is best for them. I am afraid the Devil himself don’t want them as his guest even though they are his children. He has too many of them already - he don’t want any more. Think what a hell the poor Devil must have trying to live among all the Jews - "That must be a real hell!"

If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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