Sunday, December 30, 2012


The new Stürmer Year 1999
Dear friends and fellow Aryans
"It is my profound opinion that Judaism must perish".
"Remember, it was the Jews who declared war on Germany on March 24, 1933"

Last August in some newspapers you could read the following:
"NORWAY'S Supreme Court declared that such discriminatory statements as "foreigners unwanted" and "whites only" were legal in accommodation adverts, a precedent that worries human rights activists."
The story is as follows:
A family wanted to rent out their apartment, but they did not want foreigners as tenants, they told this to the estate agents who were going to take care of renting out the apartment. The estate agents for their part put an advertisement in various newspapers. Due to the advertisement a civil rights group took the estate agents to court claiming they could not use an advertisement excluding foreigners from the house rental market.
The civil right group lost in the first two lower court rulings but took the case to the Supreme Court. As you know they lost even there.

The Norwegian Minister of Justice declared he would start work on a new law protecting the rights of all minorities. This even though Norway already has such a law, but the new law called for by the Minister of Justice refers to: "Discrimination against foreigners in the housing business - rental and/or buying."
I think - based on my knowledge of Norwegians - is that the people who wanted to rent out their home were - yes, you guessed right - JEWS.
The Jewish community of Norway was not happy with the "foreign rights law" which they themselves had initiated. To "improve" their law they faked the rental of an apartment and told the estate agent to write "no foreigners" in the advertisement. Only Jews would do such things!!!
A Norwegian would be his own estate agent and then select a Norwegian tenant, or he would ask his estate agent to select only Norwegians, but not to write such things in an advertisement. To use an estate agent in such a way is very un-Norwegian.
BBC - the Jewish Broadcasting Cooperation of Britain - wants to make a TV-program on the matter. British reporters will destroy the view of Norway as a country of little racism or discrimination. The program on Norway will be part of a program called "Crossing Continents". The leader of the team looking at Norway and her so-called discrimination is Hugh Livingstone. He has discovered a lot of ethnic discrimination in Oslo.
Do you now smell the Jews behind the scam????????????
Hugh Livingstone claims that we are. In an interview with a Norwegian newspaper he gave as a reason for our prejudice our lack of experience in living in a colourful, multiracial society like, for instance, England. In England they have had to live with the Scots, Welsh and Irish and this has made them comfortable with other people. Mr Livingstone forgot to tell us about all the Backs, Arabs and other races living in England and the problems they have created, but then if you are working for Jews you're not likely to point this out.
Well Mr. Livingstone is wrong. Norwegians are used to living with other races. For the last 2000 years the Lapps have lived near Norwegian communities. There was no problem with that - that is until the Jews with their "civil rights" movement started to tell the Lapps that they had more right to the land/country than the Norwegians. Now the Lapps claim they have rights to the water and fisheries our in lakes and rivers. They claim they have rights to the land where their reindeer graze. Of course the government has given in to the Lapps demands, but a nomadic people - and the Lapps are nomads - have never owned any land. Only those who are settlers or farmers are landowners. As the jews themselves are nomads they support the Lapps, not officially, but through all the obedient, proselyte politicians. The Lapps have all the support they need.
Remember, the strongest lobby in the Norwegian parliament is "Israels venner" - Friends of Israel - and most parliamentarians are member of this club. In addition you should remember that Arbeiderpartiet (The Norwegian Labour party) is in debt to the international Jews, a debt dating back to the 1920's when the Soviets sent 2 million kroner to Arbeiderpartiet for their use in their political struggle. This money was intercepted by the Norwegian police - but that has not lessened the debt Arbeiderpartiet has to the Jews. The money was carried by a Norwegian who was caught by the border police. The jews have used this money many times. After WWII Norway gave Norwegian passports to Jews to be used in their smuggling of weapons into Palestine and for other criminal activities.
As to the question "are the Norwegians prejudiced?" I would say no! The Norwegian does protect what is his - and he does not want foreigners in his midst. He is friendly to almost everybody who comes to visit him, but do not try to steal what he regards as his own. You must remember that until the late 1940's the doors in houses outside Norwegian towns and cities were never locked. Norwegians in the farm areas had hardly ever seen a foreigner except for those who came as tourists, aside from the German soldiers who lived in Norway during the war. Norwegians had good memories of the Germans. They behaved like Norwegians, they understood the mentality of the people and they respected the people and their culture - a culture equal to that of pre-war Germany. The city of Bergen and some other cities and towns had had contact with foreigners even before 1850. There were merchants like the Hansa (a trading company from Germany) and merchants from Holland and England, but except for the Hansa they did not live in the country. (The Hansa were merchants from Lübeck, Hamburg, Rostock and the other Hansa cities along the North German coastline. They were trading between cities as far apart as Bergen, Norway to Novgorod in Russia and south to Brugge in Belgium and London in England.) I do not think of the Danes and the Swedes as foreigners in this connection.
By the late 1950's the first foreigners (except for the Jews, who came to the country after 1850) came to settle in Norway. They settled in the cities and towns around the coastline like Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim. These foreigners did not travel outside the cities or towns. By the beginning of the 1960's the first Niggers came to Norway, they came from South Africa, claiming they were persecuted in their homeland. They all came to Norway via England. Some of them were allowed to study at the University of Oslo, none wanted to study at universities outside of Oslo. These foreigners were a strange experience even for the people of Oslo who had seen Negroes before. The Niggers were political extremists even worse then the leftist communists and they demanded that Norwegian look up to them as gods and treat them like kings. They did not respect Norwegian girls saying no to their courtships. The rapes of Norwegian girls by these Niggers were hushed up by the press, but talked about by Norwegians.
Then, by the early 1970's the first horde of Pakistanis came to Oslo. That was the beginning of all evil. They not only wanted to work, they demanded changes in the tax laws and in the religious laws of Norway - and they got what they wanted. Using them, the Jews got their changes, not that they hadn't had their rights earlier, but now they could have special rights written into the laws of Norway. The tax changes were the right to subtract from your gross income support for family living outside of Norway. This led to foreigners only paying 10% income tax while Norwegians were paying over 33%.
Since then Norway has been overrun with foreigners. They come from almost every country in Africa and of course from Pakistan, Vietnam and a lot of other countries both in Asia and South America. One town in Pakistan is called Little Norway because most of the town lives on money from relatives in Norway. In that town all young men dream of someday going to the land of milk and honey - Norway.
With the foreigners came drugs, violence, robbery, prostitution, armed gangs and all the corruption that Jews and criminals bring to a country. For myself, I am convinced that Jews in Norway together with their brethren in other countries are behind drug trafficking to Norway and the rest of the world.
Recently the land has been flooded with people from the former Yugoslavia: Kosovo, Slovenia and Bosnia. With them has come an increase in criminality of all kinds. The criminal laws of Norway have, over the last 30 years, become more and more like the laws of the rest of Europe which have made it impossible for the police to jail criminals. A criminal has to more or less be caught in the act for the police to get him imprisoned. For these changes Norway has the Jews to thank. They need the criminals to help them in their receipt of stolen property. And since the Jews are big in dealing drugs there are problems for the Norwegian police in stopping that trafficking. In Norway with its low population density it should have been easy to catch drug dealers, but no, the police are stopped in their tracks through laws given to the country by her Jewish community.
Norway was once, after the war, one of three countries in the world which held the key to the survival of the Aryan race. Norway was among the purest of Aryan countries. The Jews did not like this - they had once declared war on all Aryans, and after WWII they had attacked Aryan countries with their "democracy" and speechs on the beauty of race mixing.
The only thing I can say is: "If the Norwegian is discriminating against other races, it is their right to do so. We were only 4 million Norwegians before 1960. Of these, some were of mixed races and some were Jews. As a species we are in danger of being exterminated and it is our right to preserve our race."
The UN has a bill - "the bill to preserve every species on earth" This bill doesn't seem to include the preservation of the Aryan race - but it is vital that we - Aryans - learn to take care of our own race.   WE MUST NOT MIX WITH OTHER RACES!
The UN bill only applies to animals and plants, not human beings, except of course for Jews that is. They must be protected but Aryans must not. They are the enemies of the Jews - that is the Jews have declared us their enemies and they want to EXTERMINATE us. Let us fight back - let us join forces and fight their attacks on us. Only through standing together can we fight them. The Jews with their evil must be stopped before they destroy all Aryan blood. We must stop them or else ......
I leave you here tonight hoping we soon will be able to live in our countries without Jews.
Heil og sael
Julius Streiker

The value of the Norwegian krone of 1930 was 200 times the value of today's kroner. With a debt of 400 million kroner (equal to 54 million US$) the Jews will always have Arbeiderpartiet by the balls, and make all important decisions for the party. Even if the Bible says that all debts shall be paid within 50 years or canceled the Jews do not act accordingly when it comes to gentiles being in debt to them - the Talmud governs the life of Jews, NOT the Bible. When looking to Norway, one must remember that even though the Jews and their proselyte politicians have wanted the country to join the EU, the European Union, the people of Norway in two referendums, in1972 and 1994, have said "NO THANK-YOU". This was a blow to the Jewish desire to have Norway join the European Union. They now have to realize that they do not control all Norwegians even if they do control the politicians. When ever the politicians have moved immigrants into small villages and the farmland the resistance has been massive. Norwegians don't want the immigrants near them - it was ok when they lived in the towns but out in rural Norway they do not want them. This is feared by the Jews - where did they fail in their struggle against Norway? The Supreme Court decision must been seen in conjunction with the Jews struggle to overcome Norwegian's dislike of people with a foreign colour and culture.
Heil og Sael
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