Monday, December 31, 2012

Prelude to WW3
Control of the Militias


The ADL's push on the militias and the strange death of Vince Foster. Web The involement of Hubbel, Hillary Clinton, and Vince Foster. How the Mossad paid a visit to Foster when he threatened to talk about Waco.
Blind Ambition The Facilitator He was to talk
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Anti-Defamation League Online Homepage
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"From Ruby Ridge , Idaho, Waco , etc - The Militias must be dealt with"
" Many wonder whether the rapid growth of militias across the American heartland could have taken place without some significant mainstream appeal. And many, especially in the Jewish community, note and fear the militias' potential for anti-Semitism."
" Stern, the American Jewish Committee's watchdog on the radical right, also is vitally concerned with the impact of Waco and Ruby Ridge "

A typical Jewish trap
Koresh and the ATF were both set up

BATF agents killed

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Some of the Davidians killed

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The Texas Seven
They were caught without a single shot being fired
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The 'Texas Seven' were a gang of inmates who escaped from John Connally Unit, a maximum-security prison located just outside of Kennedy, Texas, on December 13, 2000. The crew then went on a robbery and murder spree that shocked the nation. The fugitives were discovered in an RV park in Colorado.

Ruby Ridge
The killing of Vicki Weaver and Kevin Weaver was another message to the Militias
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