Friday, December 28, 2012

State Spying on it’s Citizens
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Part of this article is based on internet edition of National Journal, Box 62, GB-Uckfield/East Sussex. You can contact NJ at:
In this article I will look at states spying on its citizen. First I will give a brief historical look, looking back over the last century.  Gossips are one of mankind’s many feeblenesses - which we will have to live with; we should however teach our fellow citizen not to do so. I  choose to look at the phenomenon that a state spies on its own citizen as a proof of how little faith the state has in it's own citizen.

Germany during Hitler Area
In Germany the political police were called the Gestapo. It’s strength was 7,000 men, according to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August 2, 2000 page 8, in a population of 80 million. Each gestapo-man watched over 11,400 Germans.
Think of that number as we stroll down the road of states spying on its citizens.
In 1934 Reichsminister Wilhelm Frick said, "in a National s gives unjust or exaggerated notification on a fellow citizen that person can be sent to a concentration camp". (This according to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August 2, 2000 page 8.)
That was how Germany during the Hitler era looked upon citizen spying and gossiping.
German Democratic Republic (1946-1989)
During the communist era in the Democratic Republic of Germany the political leadership, mainly Jews, had special police force, including private citizens, Stasis. This body held a force of 83,985 official and 176,000 unofficial employees. (Frankfurter Algemaine Zeitung August 2, 2000 page 8.)
Germany today
After 1989 Germany took over 100,000 of the former Stasi ‘personnel’,. Germany are using these spies to 'protect' the constitution. They are used to spy if any German read incorrect books or are engaged in politically incorrect behaviour.
Over the last 7 years Germany have imprisoned over 50,000 Germans for politically incorrect behaviour. (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August 2, 2000 page 8.)
Germany's political leaders of to-day call on all citizen to notify the police if they know of any political right wing activities. (German newspaper BILD August 1, 2000 page 2.)
No wonder many Germans look to the Hitler-area with yearning. No wonder many Germans once again are studying "Mein Kampf" and political books printed during that area

Soviet Union - a Jewish state
The CHEKA, was a direct outgrowth of the Tsar's "Okrana" (window), and most of the original personnel simply changed sides when they saw who was going to win. The reason for the heavy (over 50%) Yid content was that one of Okrana's main objectives was to keep an eye on domestic insurgents, revolutionaries, rabble rousers and troublemakers... since a large part of this crowd was Yid, they had an extensive network of Yid informers, who were absorbed into the later organization.
Many people think that Felix Drezhenski, the first Director of CHEKA was a Jew... As far as I can determine, he wasn't, which surprised me. His name, although it sounds Jewish, and his patronymic (Edmundovich) is a completely Polish name. From what I have been able to find, so far, his parents were some sort of minor aristocracy in Poland. This would preclude his being a Yid, since the Poles, at that time, were extremely race conscious, and in addition, all title holders in Poland, at that time, had to be, of necessity, Roman Catholic in religion. Unless he has a kike grandparent, or great grandparent (which I am trying to determine), he was, unfortunately, a Western Slav... an Aryan who sold out. In my book, this is worse than being a Yid.
The first Directors of the Security Apparatus, under it's various names, were:
- Felix Edmundovich Drezhenski (Polish/Possibly Half, or Quarter Yid) CHEKA, 1917-1926
- Henrik Yagoda (Jew) CHEKA?OGPU, 1926-1935
- Interum committee (Six months in 1935/36)
-Nikolai Ivanovich Ezhov (Russian/Half Jew) OGPU/NKVD, 1936-1938
- Lavrenti P. Beria (Georgian) NKVD/NKGB, 1938-1953
If you will notice, in the first 38 years of the existence of the Soviet Security Apparatus, of all the Dircetors, only Lavrenti Beria was demonstrably and documentably not a Kike.
In 1921 - three years after the Bolshevik assumption of power, the Cheka had a force of 280,000 secret polices.
The official strength for the year 1936 was something like 125,000, but I don’t believe this number.
Let my finish this journey on state citizens as domestic informants by looking at:
The USA of today
President Bush (He is ‘President Bush.’ His father was George Herbert Walker Bush. He is George Walker Bush…NOT a junior in the proper usage of either Continental or American custom.) Homeland Defense Police Plan will make millions of primarily be recruited from those who’s work provides access to homes, businesses or transport systems. This means letter carriers, utility employees, truck drivers and train conductors and many more.
Assuming the program is initiated in the 10 largest US cities that will be 1 million informants for a total population of almost 24 million, or one in 24 people.
Present Justice Department procedures mean that informant reports will enter databases for future reference and/or action. The information will then be broadly available within the department, related agencies and local police forces. The targeted individual will remain unaware of the existence of the report and of its contents.
I my language this means USA under Bush Jr is moving into a totalitarian system worse then the Soviet under it's Jewish governments.
Is this the New World Order Bush Jr and his Jews will establish not only for USA but the rest of the world? If yes, I will fight that system with all my strength.
It is high time all Americans unite against this Jewish control-system.
During WW2 Germany had an army which included over 1 million foreign volunteers- the Waffen SS.
These men came to Germany to fight not for pension or money, but against Bolshevism and Judaism. They came from India, Arabic countries, Asia, South America and European countries. They came and they fought to the last bullet, and were even willing to die for a man whom the Jews say he "looked upon them as inferior humans".
How many countries can today bring up such an army of volunteers willing to do the same for a foreign country, much less the country in which cause they believe in. Many European countries have problems getting soldiers to peacekeeping missions.
Is it not high time we reevaluate our view on Hitler and National Socialism?
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael


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