Friday, December 28, 2012

Taliban Soldiers in Prison at Guantanamo Bay
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."

I update my web-side once a week with the articles I send you and with other  interesting information sent me by friends.

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
In this article I will look at the US-prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. I hope you  all have seen the picture of the Taliban soldiers in small cells under  open air behind barbed wire. The soldiers were kneeling on the ground in  handcuffs, with masks over their mouths and noses and mittens on their hands.
That is not a way to treat Prisoners of War.
The US-Government has said those Taliban fighters are not soldiers.
Well, let us look at what the US-Government has done which makes those  Taliban fighters soldiers according to a general understanding of the word soldier.   After September 11, 2001 the US President, George W. Bush, declared war on the Taliban and Afghanistan.   The US started to bomb Afghanistan. As the war continued and almost all of Afghanistan was bombed back to the Middle Ages, the US began bombing the strongholds of the Taliban army. They then established, without any election, a leadership of Afghanistan - but that leadership did not contain any of the former leaders of Taliban.
During the ground war, a war carried out without any US-soldiers, soldiers  of other Afghan groups captured a lot of Taliban soldiers. All these soldiers capitulated to the group of Afghan soldiers and were put in  Afghan prisons as PoWs.
After the war had ended the US demanded the PoWs be given to them for prosecution - and the Taliban soldiers were transported to the base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Guantanamo Bay is a US-Army base
(technically Navy-Marine). The Taliban PoWs were transported to Cuba because the US-Government would be in total control of who were allowed to  visit the Taliban PoWs, and the US-Government could control the information that was given to the public.
As the US-Government decided to imprison the Taliban PoWs on Cuba they  started to call the Taliban PoWs criminals. They did this hoping to avoid being criticized for bad treatment of PoWs.
The US is famous for bad treatment of PoWs and for giving PoWs they want  to kill names other than soldiers. Let me update you on one particular case of bad treatment of PoWs and renaming PoWs. Go back to the time after WW2. Of all the soldiers who capitulated, some 3,000,000 of them, died during imprisonment. General Eisenhower, a Jew, was Supreme Commander of the Allied European Forces.  After he had decided to rename about 2,500,000 PoWs to Disarmed Enemy Forces, or DEF, he had these men killed through starvation and from the lack of proper medical treatment. Among these DEF were a lot of the finest soldiers the world have ever seen - Waffen-SS soldiers. You can read up on this in James Bacque’s book "Other Losses". I am sure you can find a detailed description on how these brave and fine soldiers were treated if you go to the web-side of Institute of Historical Review at
I have in this article not looked into the Third Geneva Convention, I have  based my article on the first ever laws/regulations of war dated 1907.    I will call these regulations Hague-regulations.  The official name is  Regulations respecting the laws and customs of war on land from The Hague, 18 October 1907.
Let us look at what these regulations says about what a soldier is:
Art. 1. The laws, rights, and duties of war apply not only to  armies, but also to militia and volunteer corps fulfilling the following conditions:
1. To be commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;
2. To have a fixed distinctive emblem recognizable at a distance;
3. To carry arms openly; and
4. To conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of  war.
In countries where militia or volunteer corps constitute the army, or  form part of it, they are included under the denomination "army." 

Art. 3. The armed forces of the belligerent parties may consist of combatants and non-combatants. In the case of capture by the enemy, both have a right to be treated as prisoners of war.
All the Taliban soldiers meet these requirements and should be treated as PoWs. 
All paragraphs covering PoWs can be found at the end of this article.
The paragraphs do not cover the renaming of PoWs for the sole purpose of a  government to use that as an excuse to mistreat them. Eventhough the US-Government likes to say that part of the Taliban soldiers were  mercenaries, they shall be treated as PoWs and according to The Hague regulations.
Neither does the Hague regulations allow for mistreatment of  PoWs. Nowhere in the Hague regulation is it allowed to PoWs in handcuffs with masks over their mouths and noses.
German soldiers were treated this ways by US, UK, France and Canada after WW2. You may find proof of that if you visit the Germans have written hundreds of books on the mistreatments, and revisionists have published documents proving the mis-treatment.
The media has also given us information that US-government will not let The International Red Cross,or IRC, to publish their findings after they have visited the prisoners.
Such behaviour from the US-Government is a breach of international laws.
The US-Government has said they don’t intend to treat Taliban PoWs  according to any international rules or regulations, which shows us how lawless the world has become.
The IRC looks upon the Taliban soldiers as PoWs. According to the IRC, these  soldiers shall be treated as PoWs until a court has decided otherwise. During such a court hearing every PoWs shall have legal help and can even choose such help among his own compatriots.
US-Government have said they are not willing to meet the requirements of  IRC.
We all know who governs USA. I think of Jews and Israel. In Israel torture of  all prisoners are allowed. The remarkable thing is that the largest part of the wardens after WW2 were Jews. As I don’t know how many of the wardens at Guantanamo bay are Jews I can not tell you. What I can tell you is that mistreatment of any prisoners is not a Germanic way. Such treatment have only occured in countries where the Jews have been in power after wars.
A Taliban soldier imprisoned by the US at Cuba holds a Swedish passport. The  Swedish Embassy in Washington has requested to visit this PoW, but the American leadership will not allow such a visit. The Swedish Government has demanded their citizen must be treated as PoW and human. This has not been answered by US-Government.
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right,  then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
Let us look at how PoWs shall be treated according to The Hague regulation:
Prisoners of War

Art. 4. Prisoners of war are in the power of the hostile Government, but not  of the individuals or corps who capture them. They must be humanely treated.   All their personal belongings, except arms, horses, and military papers,
remain their property.
Art. 5. Prisoners of war may be interned in a town, fortress, camp, or other place, and bound not to go beyond certain fixed limits; but they cannot be confined except as in indispensable measure of safety and only while the  circumstances which necessitate the measure continue to exist.
Art. 6. The State may utilize the labour of prisoners of war according to  their rank and aptitude, officers excepted. The tasks shall not be excessive and shall have no connection with the operations of the war. Prisoners may  be authorized to work for the public service, for private persons, or on their own account. Work done for the State is paid for at the rates in
force for work of a similar kind done by soldiers of the national army, or, if there are none in force, at a rate according to the work executed. When the work is for other branches of the public service or for private persons  the conditions are settled in agreement with the military authorities. The wages of the prisoners shall go towards improving their position, and the balance shall be paid them on their release, after deducting the cost of  their maintenance.
Art. 7. The Government into whose hands prisoners of war have fallen is  charged with their maintenance. In the absence of a special agreement between the belligerents, prisoners of war shall be treated as regards  board, lodging, and clothing on the same footing as the troops of the Government who captured them.
Art. 8. Prisoners of war shall be subject to the laws, regulations, and  orders in force in the army of the State in whose power they are. Any act of insubordination justifies the adoption towards them of such measures of  severity as may be considered necessary. Escaped prisoners who are retaken before being able to rejoin their own army or before leaving the territory occupied by the army which captured them are liable to disciplinary punishment. Prisoners who, after succeeding in escaping, are again taken  prisoners, are not liable to any punishment on account of the previous flight.
Art. 9. Every prisoner of war is bound to give, if he is questioned on the subject, his true name and rank, and if he infringes this rule, he is liable to have the advantages given to prisoners of his class curtalled.
Art. 10. Prisoners of war may be set at liberty on parole if the laws of their country allow, and, in such cases, they are bound, on their personal honour, scrupulously to fulfil, both towards their own Government and the Government by whom they were made prisoners, the engagements they have contracted. In such cases their own Government is bound neither to require of nor accept from them any service incompatible with the parole given.
Art. 11. A prisoner of war cannot be compelled to accept his liberty on  parole; similarly the hostile Government is not obliged to accede to the request of the prisoner to be set at liberty on parole.
Art. 12. Prisoners of war liberated on parole and recaptured bearing arms against the Government to whom they had pledged their honour, or against the allies of that Government, forfeit their right to be treated as prisoners of war, and can be brought before the courts.
Art. 13. Individuals who follow an army without directly belonging to it,  such as newspaper correspondents and reporters, sutlers and contractors, who fall into the enemy's hands and whom the latter thinks expedient to detain, are entitled to be treated as prisoners of war, provided they are in possession of a certificate from the military authorities of the army
which they were accompanying.
Art. 14.  An inquiry office for prisoners of war is instituted on the  commencement of hostilities in each of the belligerent States, and, when necessary, in neutral countries which have received belligerents in their territory. It is the function of this office to reply to all inquiries about the prisoners. It receives from the various services concerned full information respecting internments and transfers, releases on parole, exchanges, escapes, admissions into hospital, deaths, as well as other
information necessary to enable it to make out and keep up to date an individual return for each prisoner of war. The office must state in this return the regimental number, name and surname, age, place of origin, rank, unit, wounds, date and place of capture, internment, wounding, and death, as well as any observations of a special character. The individual return
shall be sent to the Government of the other belligerent after the conclusion of peace. It is likewise the function of the inquiry office to receive and collect all objects of personal use, valuables, letters, etc., found on the field of battle or left by prisoners who have been released on parole, or exchanged, or who have escaped, or died in hospitals or
ambulances, and to forward them to those concerned.

Art. 15. Relief societies for prisoners of war, which are properly constituted in accordance with the laws of their country and with the object of serving as the channel for charitable effort shall receive from the  belligerents, for themselves and their duly accredited agents every facility for the efficient performance of their humane task within the bounds imposed
by military necessities and administrative regulations.  Agents of these societies may be admitted to the places of internment for the purpose of distributing relief, as also to the halting places of repatriated prisoners,  if furnished with a personal permit by the military authorities, and on giving an undertaking in writing to comply with all measures of order and  police which the latter may issue.
Art. 16. Inquiry offices enjoy the privilege of free postage. Letters, money orders, and valuables, as well as parcels by post, intended for prisoners of war, or dispatched by them, shall be exempt from all postal duties in the countries of origin and destination, as well as in the countries they pass through. Presents and relief in kind for prisoners of war shall be admitted
free of all import or other duties, as well as of payments for carriage by  the State railways.

Art. 17. Officers taken prisoners shall receive the same rate of pay as  officers of corresponding rank in the country where they are detained, the amount to be ultimately refunded by their own Government
Art. 18. Prisoners of war shall enjoy complete liberty in the exercise of their religion, including attendance at the services of whatever church they may belong to, on the sole condition that they comply with the measures of  order and police issued by the military authorities.
Art. 19. The wills of prisoners of war are received or drawn up in the same way as for soldiers of the national army.
The same rules shall be observed regarding death certificates as well as for the burial of prisoners of war, due regard being paid to their grade and rank.

Art. 20. After the conclusion of peace, the repatriation of prisoners of war shall be carried out as quickly as possible.

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