Monday, December 31, 2012

The United Nations promote training manual for 10 year old to have sex with animals to prevent teen pregnancy
Hitler is vanquished, freedom is here, hallelujah
From National Journal
The Washington Times - May 10, 2002   The Washington Times - May 11, 2002
Child sex book given out at U.N. summit By George Archibald
NEW YORK — A UNICEF-funded book being passed out at the United Nations Child Summit encourages children to engage in sexual activities with other minors and with homosexuals and animals. ...
An accompanying workshop book produced by the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF) tells Latin American mothers and teens: "Situations in which you can obtain sexual pleasure: 1. Masturbation. 2. Sexual relations with a partner — whether heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. 3. A sexual response that is directed toward inanimate objects, animals, minors, non-consenting persons."
The book, which was distributed by the Mexican government with U.N. funding, suggests lesbian sex as an acceptable alternative for girls. ...
UNICEF spokesman Alfred Ironside acknowledged U.N. funding for the book ... He said the book was "intended as a training manual for people working with adolescent women to prevent teen pregnancy."
  UNICEF sex book remains in print By George Archibald
NEW YORK — A U.N.-financed sex-education manual for teens that promotes abortion, homosexuality and even sex with animals has not been withdrawn in Latin American nations as UNICEF says it has, current and former government officials from Mexico and Nicaragua said yesterday.
The manual — circulated among delegates at a U.N. Child Summit here as evidence that the world body promotes abortion ...
"It's not true," Mrs. Valdes said of Mrs. Bellamy's assertion that the book was withdrawn from circulation in Mexico in 1999. "It is being used in the social-assistance system for counseling adolescents until age 10." ...
"We have never been able to find concrete evidence until now that UNICEF, despite all the many wonderful things it does for children throughout the world, has another side through which it promotes abortion and sexual promiscuity by children, even perverted sex as well," said UFI President Sharon Slater.
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