Friday, December 28, 2012

USA is holding the Black man's card

The New Stürmer,
Year 2002
Jesus said, the Jews are liars, hypocrites, and deceivers. They twist the truth to their benefit and give us lies.
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,
Today 57 years after the end of WW2 a lot of Americans must feel they are holding the Black man's card. A lot of living veterans from WW2 must by now have realised they were fooled into WW2 against the only country that was trying to move the Jews away from Europe to a place where they could not harm the civilised world. A lot of these fine upstanding young Americans came back from WW2 learning that the things they had been told by their government were not only propaganda but a bag filled with lies - plain Jewish lies.
Today these veterans and many other Americans see what the Jews and their lemmings are doing not only to Europe but to the world. They - the bloody Jews - are taking the West into yet another war. But are these bloodthirsty devils doing any fighting themselves? No, once again they are using the best blood of Europe and the USA to fight their war for them.
I hear you saying: "The Jews are fighting their own war in Palestine." No friends, the Jews are not fighting any war in Palestine, the Jews are slaughtering children, old women and old men in Palestine. The Jews are cowardly bastards who only will fight if they are sure of winning. Never will a Jew go up against an adversary that is as well equipped as the Jews are. Never will a Jew pick a fight if he can lose the fight. If there is such an adversary the Jews will send someone else to do the fighting for them. So they did during WW1 and WW2. Both times the German nation had to pay the price. Now it is high time we take the Jews to the cashier and ask them to do their own dirty work. Not only should the Jews be asked to do their own dirty work - they should be asked to move back to the Asian land they once came from - and I don¹t mean they should move back to Palestine, but to Khazaria.
Recently the Jews and their lemmings held memorial services commemorating the loss of some 3,000 Americans and foreign nationals who died in 9/11. Have you ever wondered why no Jews died during that day?? Why did so many Abrahams and Nathans not show up for work that day??? Some 3,000 of the top Jews working in the WTC were either 'on business-trips' or 'visiting a friend' they had not seen for a very long time as the planes crashed into the WTC.
Why did the WTC have to go?
Because the Taliban had almost eradicated the opium crop in Afghanistan. Which means the Taliban had stopped the income of a great number of Jews living in the USA. Now with the Taliban gone - opium is once more being grown in Afghanistan, heroin is flowing into Europe and the USA, and money into the pockets of the bloody Jews.
What is almost as important to the Jews is that now the oil companies - owned partly by Jews - can lay pipelines through Afghanistan, something the Taliban did not allow. These are the reasons why the moron president Bush declared war on Afghanistan.
These are the reasons why the USA and Britain forced the rest of the western world into following them in the slaughter of young Moslims. This and the fact that the Jews wanted some of their lemmings to be political leaders in this mountainous country. Do you remember the lunatic US President saying: "You are either with us or......" It had nothing to do with democracy - which by the way is a word which to the Jews means a country ruled according to the wishes of the Jews.
Why do they want a war with Iraq?
It is not because they are afraid of any weapons the Iraqis might have. The name of the game is once again oil. Iraq has huge reserves of oil - oil Israel needs and wants to lay its greedy hands on.
For help to get to the oil resources of Iraq, the Jews have found the right ally in the moron son of George Bush, the former US-President, George W Bush Jr. The moron whose vocabulary is that of an idiot, has threatened a whole people with bombs and weapons of mass- destruction if Iraq does not give in to the demands of the moron.
There is one more reason why the Jews want a war on Iraq. Iraq is part of what the Jews call Eretz Israel - Greater Israel. The leading rabbis want to govern over Iraq and the only way they can come to power over this rich land is by slaughtering the Iraqi people. This job, Bush, Jr, has said, young Americans can and will do.
You and I know international laws do not count when it comes to the Jews. They are only accountable to the Oberjuden (top Jews) and their only goal is to get world power over all gentiles.
Stupidity leading Western countries into war for the Jews.
Yes, the Jews know how to pick their allies. They always pick a moron as helper. So they did during WW1 as Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd and Georges Clemenceau were their willing idiots. These three men were, as you may know, freemasons. Jews had used the freemasons as their allies many times before, and the freemasons were always the willing executioners for the Jews.
As WW2 started, the Jews had one of their own as leader of the Soviets, Josef Stalin; they had one of their own sitting in Washington, F. D Roosevelt; in France a freemason, Daladier, sat, and in England a Jew, Winston Churchill - his mother was a Jewess, sat ready to take over after Chamberlain. Chamberlain had shown himself unwilling to start a war on Germany, but with the power of the freemasons and Jews in the city of London and with the Jew Churchill standing ready, Chamberlain was forced to lead England into a war with Germany.
Now the Jews once again feel the urge for a war, and this time they have found the right man to take the USA on the warpath, the skull and bone freemason and moron, George W Bush, Jr. Mr Stupid has shown himself a willing goat for the Jews and his bloodthirst is almost as huge as that of the Jews.
Why do the US hold the Black man's card??
If you look at international law you will see it is against such laws to start a war with the intention to remove a country's political system. German leaders were sentenced to death some 56 years ago because the Jews claimed that was what Germany did. The USA has become the protector of the terrorist state of Israel.
The USA have bullied every country on the face of the earth for the benefit of the world's foremost terrorist state - Israel, the state of the Oberjuden.
Not one state has ignored as many UN resolutions as ISRAEL. Between 1955 and 1992 the Jewish state ignored 65 resolutions all related to the Jewish state¹s relations to its Arab neighbours. Between 1972 and 1990 the US has vetoed 30 resolutions in the UN to protect Israel from being declared a terrorist state.
This is the reaction of Israel when it is confronted with all the UN resolutions it has refused to conform to: When Israeli War Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer was told that Israel had to stop its terror machine, "including the destruction of Palestinian civilian and security infrastructure," Ben-Eliezer responded: "No resolution and no person can take from us our exclusive right to defend our homes, our people."
And only because the USA stands behind the Jews and Israel, can the Jews act like this. Do you now understand why the USA holds the Black man's card???
These are some of the reasons why most European countries look on the US as a chicken when it comes to its relationship with the world's foremost terrorist state, ISRAEL.
During a recent meeting of the UN, the moron President of the USA listed a few UN resolutions which Iraq has not followed. The number of UN resolutions which Iraq had not followed were fewer than ten. Every intelligent person knows that those ten resolutions have been fabricated by the puppets of the Zionists, the USA and Britain.
If the USA wants to get rid of the Black man's card she must say NO to the demands of Jewish groups in the USA.
Can the USA neglect Jewish pressure groups?
Every intelligent person in the US as well as every other country in the world knows that the corrupt - and all of them are - politicians in the US House and Senate do not have the guts to refuse to follow Jewish policies against the rest of the world.
Every person in any decent country in Europe looks on US politicians as corrupt and Jewish puppets.
I really feel sorry for all decent citizens in the US who are frustrated because their politicians are chickens when it comes to stopping Israel¹s killing of children in Palestine and bullying all countries in the Middle East. What these decent citizen should do is to vote for an independent candidate next time. And - this is very important - demonstrate against the Jewish puppets.
Until the citizens of the USA take action, the USA will be holding the Black man's card.
Jewish audacity and swindle, Chutzpah, are facts of life, and resistance is a national duty.
Heil og sael

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