Saturday, December 29, 2012

War on  Iraq —  Why, and Who Benefits From It?

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,

Way back in September 2002 the reason given for wanting to strike at Iraq was their stocks  of weapons of mass-destruction.   Iraq was given several weeks to show the world how much they had of these weapons. Iraq said she had nothing and proved so.   Then in the UN Security Council the US Secretary of State, Powell, claimed Iraq had movable laboratories capable of producing chemical and biological weapons.

Before we start looking into the dramatic events in Iraq let us look into the allegation that Iraq had movable production facilities capable of producing chemical and biological  weapons.

Movable factories for production of gas in a historical perspective
The allegation of movable gas factories for gassing of Jews was put forward by the Soviets  in Pravda, July 15 to 19, 1943. The movable gas factory stood on a truck and had a huge airtight box in which the Jews were gassed.
Then during the IMT, International Military Tribunal, the Americans produced written proof  of the existence of movable factories for gassing Jews, see  IMT XXVI, pp. 102 – 110, among many pages talking about movable gas factories used by the Third Reich for gassing Jews. After a few years the Jews stopped using the idiotic idea of gas factories on trucks. I trust I do not need to explain to you why such factories could never work.

Problems with chemical and biological factories on trucks
If, as Secretary Powell told the UN's Security Council, Iraq had gas-factories on trucks,  those trucks  would have been potential disasters for Iraq.  Just a small portion of any of the chemical or biological gasses Powell claimed Iraq produced in those trucks would have destroyed a large portion of Iraq as an agricultural country for decades. (During WW2 Winston Churchill wanted to bomb parts of Germany with anthrax.  He was told by his advisors that if he did he would destroy most of central Europe for production of agricultural products for over 50 years.  Churchill must have been sober at least one day during WW2: The day he said no to bombing Germany with anthrax.)
Please consider why all laboratories dealing with chemical and biological warfare have the  strictest of all security measures when it comes to leakage and accidents.

Just remember how much turmoil the finding of a few envelopes with a white powder  caused some weeks after 9/11. Nobody knew what powder was in those envelopes, but that powder rose hell. Would any sane person allow a factory for such a powder - if it were poisonous – to be on a truck?

Taking away Iraqi weapons - Changing the leadership in Iraq
Between November 2002 and March 15, 2003, UN-inspectors were in Iraq looking for  weapons of mass-destruction. They found no such weapons. They found a few missiles with a range longer than 150 km. The range of 150 km was the range any missiles Iraq was allowed to have. In response to the demand of the UN, Iraq started to destroy these missiles.

This – the demand that Iraq destroy all her defence - was a demand by the USA in order to  make it easier for them to take over Iraq in a military attack.
After the UN-inspectors had visited most Iraqi factories for ordinary weapons and after the  spies had reported back to their principals, the political leaders in the USA decided to change the objectives. Now they were not out to take away so-called weapons of mass-destruction, now they were after the political leaders of Iraq.
As the war on Iraq started, President George W Bush Jr came out of his sanctuary and said  openly that it was the Iraqi leader he was after. He wanted to kill Saddam Hussein, an elected political leader. To commit such an act is defiantly a breach of international laws.

Who wants a change of leadership in Iraq and why?
Way back in 1994 in a book called, "Israeli Religion - Israeli History", Israel Shahak said  Zionists had wanted to claim Eretz Yisra'el, Greater Israel, as the home of Jews in the Middle East. The area these Zionists claim as theirs contains part of Turkey, all of Sinai, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and part of Iran in addition to the north of Saudi Arabia. As the leaders in Washington all answer to Zionists, they must obey the wishes of their masters – voila, Saddam Hussein must leave the office he has been elected to.
Since Iraq has one of the world's largest deposits of oil and natural gas, both the Zionists and  the US oil companies have reasons for taking over the country. Not because of the vast amounts of oil and natural gas, but because Saddam Hussein - after 1995 - started to sell what oil he was allowed to sell with payment in EUROs and NOT in US dollars. That had hurt the US economy, and Jewish groups in the US wanted to teach any rebels in the world not to leave the "economy of God's Chosen."
After the leadership of Iraq has been taken out and before a new leadership has been put in  place, all state owned businesses will be taken over by Jews and some of their henchmen. You do not believe me? I got this information from listening to BBC-World on March 21. A reporter said the US had sold contracts to rebuild Iraq after the war to various US companies.  Further the reporter said "Iraq was bankrupt". I ask you: How could a country with the world's second largest oil reserves be bankrupt? The same reporter said most of the Iraqi-owned state companies will be sold. The reporter did not say which companies had gotten the contracts to rebuild Iraq, neither did he say which companies had bought up all Iraqi state-owned companies. When you consider who governs the  USA, you know who bought these companies. If you do not believe me, look at what happened in Russia in the years between Communism and the Russia of today. All state-owned businesses were taken over by Jews. Jews own almost all TV-stations, almost all newspapers, almost all oil companies, etc. Check it out and you will see I am right. Putin, Russia's Prime Minister, has been fighting those Jews for all his years as Russia's leader.    He even tried to have one of those Jews taken to trial, but this Jew was helped by his own kind and is now living in Israel.

On March 20, 2003, the Jew Jack Straw said in the British House of Commons that the  attack on Iraq was to free the Iraqi people from a leader they do not want. I am wondering how this Jew can know that the Iraqi people will exchange their leader, Saddam Hussein, for a Jewish henchman as their leader.

Stealing Iraqi assets
According to information on BBC, American authorities have confiscated all Iraqi assets,  approximately worth 2 billion US dollars, money which was frozen by the USA after the Iraqi war in 1991. The US claim they will use the money to rebuild Iraq after the war.  Referring to what I wrote above regarding selling contracts to rebuild Iraq and Iraqi oil-reserves, it is easy to understand why the assets were stolen and who got the money.

The European Union and the rebuilding of Iraq after the war
  Tony Blair UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said in a press conference on March 21 that the Union had  agreed to participate in the financing of the rebuilding. This while the spokesman for the Union said they had discussed the problem, and most countries had agreed that since the war on Iraq was according to international laws an illegal war, the USA and the UK should pay for the cost of rebuilding the country.
Knowing how bad the US and the UK economies are, the rebuilding will take a long time,  should those countries pay.
The Secretary of the UN has said that the money which the UN had frozen - money which  belongs to Iraq - should be used to pay for the rebuilding.   Why shall Iraq pay for the destruction done by the JSA (Jewish States of America) and JK (Jewish Kingdom)?
Knowing how money-grabbing the Zionists of the US and the UK are, it is unthinkable that  the money frozen by the UN will be used for the benefit of Iraq.

Who will be ruling Iraq after the war?
Bush has just announced plans to appoint a retired US General, Jay Garner, to be the ruler  of an occupied  Iraq. Garner, an arms manufacturer, is a Jew with a long career in the US military, and has always been closely connected with the US Zionist lobby, and is a close friend of Ariel Sharon. Online, enter the string jay garner governor Iraq and get: < =Sear>
If anyone doubts what I have said in this article, I hope you do believe me now!

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national  duty.
Heil og sael
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