Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wesley Nemerovsky Kanne Clark

A Little Boy From Arkansas

His Famous Battle - "The Siege Of Waco"

Wesley Clarke Was At for Hood

Wesley Clark
Born December 23, 1944, he spent most of his childhood in Little Rock, raised by his mother Veneta, and stepfather, Victor. He attends Hall High School in Little Rock. Suddenly, this nobody kid gets into West Point, and then onto Oxford on a scholarship. He spends 30 years in the army, and now has presidential ambitions.


The Start Of The Dynasty
In 1890's, Jacob Nemerovsky, Wesley's grandfather, is fleeing Russia, one step in front of 'John Law'. Nemerovsky goes to Switzerland, changes his name to Kanne, and arrives the USA in 1895. He marries a woman named Ida Goldman.


Clark's Father
His father was a Benjamin Kanne, an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Chicago. Bennie supposedly dies of a heart attack at age 51 when Wesley was five, and the mother moves to Arkansas.


Changed Their Name To Clark
The mother changes her name and doesn't tell Wesley he is Jewish, because she fears the Klu Klux Klan.

Wesley Goes To West Point
Somehow a nobody from Arkansas gets in West Point.

Clark's Wife
Wesley married Gertrude Kingston of Brooklyn, New York. Clark receives a Rhodes  scholarship to Oxford University. He only returned to his wife a short time before he had to leave once again, this time to serve in the Vietnam War.


Clark Goes To Vietnam

In June of 1969, Clark arrives in Vietnam. One month later he claims he was in a horrific ambush, where he was shot four times by an AK-47. He was ordered back to the US and had a miraculous recovery.
He now becomes a teacher at the War College



Haig Sees Clark As Someone Special
Somehow, General Alexander Haig discovers Clark and makes him his special assistant from 1978 to 1979. After ten years, he is made a Lieutenant Colonel by Haig.

From 1980-1982 Clark was at Fort Carson, and was considered such an incompetent, that he was passed over twice (a career ender). His Zionist connections got him into the National War College. He returned to Fort Carson, and became a General in 1989.

Clark Goes To Fort Hood
He was named Commander of Fort Hood, southwest of Waco, Texas. In 1993, the Zionists were on a campaign against militias, and they considered Waco just that. The Zionist Governor of Texas, Ann Richards calls Clark, who defies the Posse Comitatus Act, and gives her the tanks.
It is assumed that Clark planned the massacre, and may have even been there.

Another General Refuses Clark's Promotion
He was a scholastic until 1995.  In 1996, General Dennis Reimer refused to promote him though "no specific reason was given"


Clark Has Another Heroic Story
In 1995, Clark is sent to Bosnia as a diplomatic advisor team, and somehow he winds up on a remote mountain road. His small convoy comes under sniper attack, and an escort vehicle goes off a cliff. Clark, under heavy sniper fire, rappels down a cliff to get two bodies, then he flies to Washington D.C. for services.


His Odd Reputation
Much like Mark Clark, General Wesley is known as an "Ultimate Perfumed Prince". His specialty is photo ops in his pressed fatigues. His headquarters always has a private bathroom, with a 'Bidet'.
Clark’s nickname among soldiers under his command was “the Supreme Being.” 


Clark Bombs Kosovo
In 1997, President Clinton appointed him Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, and puts him in charge of the Kosovo campaign. In 1992, President Slobodan Milosevic united the Serbs and wanted to toss out the Stalinists The Zionists in turn started a civil war between the Serbs and Albanians. Albright, Berger, Holbrook and Clinton sent in the US military to get rid of Milosevic.

Clark bombed the Serbs back to the stone age.

Clark Leaves The Military
Clark goes to Little Rock and works for the Stephens Group, an investment firm. He took several other board positions at defense-related firms, and in March of 2003, he amicably left the Stephens Group to found Wesley K. Clark & Associates.


Your Next President?
Wesley Clark is a pompous, arrogant, lying, brutal Zionist. What kind of animal uses tanks to attack a compound full of children and babies, and incinerates 32 of them?
I especially like the story of getting shot four times with an AK-47, and living? Or how a 55 year-old three-star General rappels down a cliff, under sniper fire, to get a Army driver's body? This is the same clown that travels with his own chef.
He was such an arrogant incompetent that he got passed over twice, once as a Major, and then as a General, only to be rescued by the Zionist network.


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