Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What Was Really Behind The Geoghan Vendetta?

Father John Geoghan
Touched a boy's buttocks in a swimming pool.

Sandra Leah Hamlin
A Jewish Judge who gave an unheard of sentence.

Souza-Baranowski Correctional Was Goeghan's Prison
A Super-Max Class Five Prison for the most violent offenders.

There Was Always Something Odd To The Geoghan Case.
The entire case hinged on one 20 year-old event, where a priest touched a boy in a swimming pool. The papers, the prosecutors, and the judge went out of their way to paint a 70 year-old priest as a monster.
The Judge gave Father Geoghan a 10-year sentence in one of the most dangerous prisons in America.

Michel Garabedian
The attorney, who instigated the case against the church, said it wasn't about money, but closure. He received $3,300.000 as his fee for the settlement.


Dragged Some Old Cardinal
Garabedian dragged Cardinal Law up to the stand. He questioned him about 133 instances and Law knew nothing.


Prosecutor David Deakin
This ambitious prosecutor ran with 15 year-old charges. They are based on specific allegations that were made in 1989, well within the current 15-year limit, which he said should apply.


Father Geoghan's Shrink
Dr. Messener, Rev. John J. Geoghan's psychiatrist, gave damaging testimony.
Dr Messener

Court Psychiatrist
Jay Feierman, (left) testified about the Catholic Church's indifference to sexual abuse matters.


The Trial And Sentence
The trial was a media frenzy, that included a prejudiced judge and an ambitious prosecutor. The Federal guidelines are 3 years maximum, considering this was a 68 year-old priest, and the witness was a 33 year-old drug addict.
The Judge sentenced him to 10 years at a super-max prison.


The Murder
Joe Druce followed Geoghan into his cell at lockdown, where he strangled and beat him to death. Prisoners screamed but the guards did nothing for ten minutes.

Hauled Out Like The Trash
If the church didn't demand a funeral he would have been thrown in an unmarked grave.


It Appears The Guards Were Complicit
Druce was standing outside Geoghan's cell door just before it was to be closed after Saturday's lunch break — a violation of prison regulations.
Jim Pingeon, director of litigation for Massachusetts Correctional Legal Services, a prisoners' rights group said: ~ "What isn't clear is whether there was any complicity by the guards."

Worcester County District Attorney John Conte
The investigation will investigate procedures, and whether there is enough staffing at the prison.

Katy Nantel
Denies there was any pressure to transfer Geoghan from Concord FCI to Souza-Baranowski.


Catherine Geoghan
The priest's sister testified that guards were harassing her brother. She protested the move from Concord FCI to Souza-Baranowski Correctional, saying it was a death sentence.

Rabbi Neulander - A Contrast
He killed his wife, and he now sits in NJ Trenton prison, which is a comfortable medical facility.


What's It All About?
You have a furious movement underway by Episcopalian and Protestant churches, using the pulpit to criticize Israel, and divest their pension funds. Zionist groups have warned the various churches to drop the matter.
Now the whisper campaign mentions retribution, and the pedophile charge is the only thing Israel can pull.
Imagine if this was a 70 year-old Rabbi. The repercussions would extend to the White House.

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