Sunday, December 9, 2012

Where Are The Airport Videos?

There Are Cameras At The Ticket Counter.

Cameras At Checkpoints

Cameras At Boarding Gates

Today’s Airports Have Cameras Everywhere

So where is the video footage of the hijackers?

To date, there has only been two video clips released – One of Mohammed Atta in Portland airport and another private showing to the survivors family of flight 77. At a time when most convenience stores across the country had security cameras, we are told that Logan, Dulles and Newark didn't have cameras.

Michael Taylor, president of American International Security Corp, says Newark and Dulles had cameras and the FBI confiscated them. FBI spokesmen know nothing about this.

Video Systems Have Been Around 40 Years And Are Cheap

This System Costs $800

There Are Cameras That Do Not Look Like Cameras

The Truth

 All the airports involved had cameras and the FBI confiscated them. The simple truth is that the hijackers weren't Arabs. 9/11 was an Israeli orchestrated operation all the way.
Read about a Capt in the Sayret Matkal, and what he was doing on Fl 77.


The US invaded Iraq so oil would flow, via the Mosul-Haifi pipeline, to Israel. Iraq didn't have Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), but it does have $3 trillion in oil reserves. 

American Gullibility Is The Key

The Pentagon fable is in a class with Little Red Riding Hood. You are told that a 757 out-ran four hundred supersonic fighter jets for 62 minutes and hit the Pentagon. And to top it off, there wasn’t a single picture of the event.



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