Sunday, December 30, 2012

Why the JEWS are your worst enemy:

The JEWS are trying to enslave and ultimately, destroy you! It is they that are at the core of this international conspiracy and are responsible for the massive social and political changes that have gripped the world like a swarm of vampires, quietly sucking the life out of our societies. The Jews want complete control of the Earth under a World Government through the United Nations. The Jews and their non-jew puppets(mostly Freemasons and members of other secret orders) secretly control day to day existence on an International level. Don't be a slave to theself-appointed " chosen people of God"(Satan).

* The first thing you need to understand about Judaism is that they are not "just another religion".
Judaism is, in fact, a racial religion and an organized crime syndicate. Judaism is a "mafia of mafias" which is
against all non-jews! Jews have exibited extreme solidarity with each other even from ancient times, and they continue to do so today, more than ever!

* The next thing you need to understand about the jews is that they consider themselves to be "God's chosen people," and others believe that JEWS are "God", him/herself! They believe that god chose them to be masters of the Earth and over all the non-jews (called gentiles) on the Earth. This can be easily confirmed by reading the "Old Testament" of the Bible. Or better yet, by reading the "Talmud", the jews most sacred book. In it, you can read that jews believe that only jews are human and that non-jews are no better than animals in human form. You can read that jews may treat non-jews in any way they like because we(non-jews) do not follow their god's commandments. According to the Talmud, Jews may rob, rape, or even murder non-jews without even feeling guilt.
In fact, they are commanded to do so by order of their "God" Yahweh, himself!! In learning this information,  perhaps you can begin to understand why the jews have had problems in every country they have ever lived in!

See here. And also why, even upon recieving their own territory(Israel) through their secret political machinations, has not solved the problems of so-called "anti-semitism" around the world. We have taken some quotes from the Talmud to offer the evidence of our claims, please read it here.

* The third thing you need to understand about the Jews is that they have a secret agenda to dominate the world and to subdue, and ultimately annihilate(murder) all of the non-jews in the world under their power. This is by mandate of their "God". This may at first seem like an absurd and ridiculous claim, as it did to the author of this website . That is, until you do a little more reading and research. The "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", is a document from the late 1800´s from an earlyJewish "Zionist" meeting in Switzerland. It is a plan for secret World domination by "Elders" of the Jewish people. You may read the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"
The Jews claim that the document is a "forgery" but, the past century has shown that every article and every evil part of their agenda has indeed come to pass and that the Jew is indeed a dominant force in the world. But their evil  agenda is not finished and they are going for complete domination of the world and slavery for the rest of mankind.

* After you read and understand the "Protocols", then we can begin to present the evidence of Jewish domination in every field of importance and how they manage their secret conspiracy. For proof of Jewish media control,  ownership of the banking and finance industries, and Political influence, go here.

* Read about all of the expulsions of the Jews since 70 A.D.! NOT because of "Anti-semitism" but because of Jewish behavior!

* Read about the fake "Holocaust"of Jews and the Auschwitz_Fraud  which demonstrates the lies of this hoax and fake tragedy, which the jews have made Billions in profits from!

* Read about how the JEWS control America through ownership of the Banks and the money supply through the Federal Reserve Bank, which is NOT "Federal" and actually has NO "Reserves!": Jews that control the Federal Reserve Bank 

* Read about how the Jews created Freemasonry & other secret societies to control the world through deception &      secrecy.

* Read about the worldwide production and distribution of Child Pornography & "Snuff films" by JEWS!

* Read about JEWS & Israelis involved with the sex slave trade in Israel & around the world!

* Read about Jews controlling the International trade in human body parts for profits!

* Read about how Jews control America from top to bottom, at "Wake Up America" website. Or, Jews that run America from "Bible Believers" website.

* Learn about how Jews extract billions of Euros a year on their "Kosher Scam" of thousands of common products!

* Read about the Anti-Defamation League and The Southern Poverty Law Center & their true agenda

* Read from the largest database about Jews and Zionism on the net: Jew Watch at 

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