Thursday, January 3, 2013

Israel, Opium, & JFK -- NEW PERSPECTIVE

by Carol A. Valentine
Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes

April 18, 2002 -- So what if "they" own our TV stations, our  newspapers, our publishing companies, our Congress, our President,  our Joint Chiefs of Staff?

We have:

"Opium Lords -- Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy  Assassination," by Salvador Astucia.
It has been published on:

Yes, "Opium Lords" is well researched -- but it is more than simply a well-researched book.  This book changes your viewpoint, gives you a new perspective from which to view recent history and current events, including the present War of Jewish Supremacy.

For example, there is a high probability that President Lyndon
Johnson and Lady Bird were Jewish in background.  It seems to me that
a Jewish background would have made Lyndon sympathetic to Israel, and may have inspired him to commit treason during the USS Liberty  episode.  A Jewish background would also have made him sympathetic to  plans to assassinate JFK, for JFK stood in the way of Israel's expansion.

This book aligns much information that has been "out there" but never aligned before.   Read it, or buy a copy. 

Here is the author's synopsis:

*  After President John F. Kennedy was killed in 1963, America became deeply involved in the Vietnam War. Within a few short years, heroin addiction in America reached epidemic proportions. In the background, Israel expanded its borders by force and became a colonial empire ruling a nation of hostile Palestinian subjects. This book reveals  how Israel exploited the Western powers' long history of opium trafficking as a means of toppling the young American president. The
following points summarize the information presented:

*  Opium was the glue that held together the rivaling factions that  conspired to kill JFK.

* The main factions in the conspiracy were Zionist instigators, the American  Mafia (headed by Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky and his lieutenant, Santo  Trafficante), French-Corsican crime syndicates in Marseilles, France and Southeast Asia, and the US military.

* Heroin smuggling was first introduced in the United States in the 1920s by Jewish gangsters such as Meyer Lansky, "Legs" Diamond, and "Dutch" Schultz.

*  One of the reasons President Johnson escalated US involvement in Southeast Asia was because the American Mafia and French-Corsican heroin traffickers needed a new source of opium for their heroin factories. Turkey had been the main source, but its government was about to eradicate opium production.

*  Joseph Kennedy, Sr's three sons were viewed as a new American dynasty that threatened Israel's plans to expand its borders. The Kennedy Dynasty would last until 1985 if each son served two terms in the White House. It is widely known that Joseph Kennedy Sr. developed a strong loathing of Jews from his business dealings with them in finance, Hollywood, and politics.

*A decree was issued to kill JFK by Nahum Goldmann, founder of the World Jewish Congress and its president in 1963.

* Louis Bloomfield of Montreal was assigned to set up the coup d'état. He   was an influential international lawyer with an
extensive espionage background (e.g., British intelligence, Haganah, OSS, CIA).

* Martin Agronsky and other Jewish journalists and media moguls collaborated in the plot by pushing a false cover story that Lee Harvey Oswald alone killed JFK.

* Right-wing extremists joined the coup initially but broke ranks and declared a holy war against Jews immediately after JFK was killed.

*  The assassins were the lieutenants of French-Corsican heroin trafficker and convicted Nazi collaborator, Auguste Joseph Ricord. He was living in Argentina at the time of the assassination. Later he moved to Paraguay which became a major hub for smuggling heroin into the United States.

*  The assassins were Lucien Sarti, François Chiappe, and Jean-Paul Angeletti-all   French-Corsicans.

*  Nixon was driven from office because he destroyed Ricord's heroin cartel, established détente with the Soviet Union, withdrew forces from Vietnam, and ended the draft.

*  Under Nixon's orders, police in Mexico City tried to arrest Lucien Sarti-the man who fatally shot JFK in the head. When Sarti fled, Mexican police opened fire. He died in a hail of bullets on April 27, 1972.

*  JFK made enemies within the military establishment and Israel when he attempted to establish détente with the Soviet Union in the summer of 1963. He also wanted to prevent Israel from acquiring the Bomb.

*  JFK was viewed as a threat to Israel because of pro-Hitler  statements he wrote in his 1945 diary (later published) and two books: "Why England Slept" and "Profiles in Courage."

*  President Johnson aggressively supported Israel because he and his wife were secretly Jewish.

*  Texas-a former Spanish colony-became a haven for Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492.  Jewish migration continued from other countries in the 19th and 20th Centuries.


Make sure you read Chapter 13.

Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
See the handiwork of the world's leading terrorist organization, the FBI:
Visit the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum

911 Lies exposed at

*  Church Of The Nativity And Waco Paradigm
*  Flight Of The Bumble Planes
*  Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets
     Parts 1 & 2, "Inside Job" and 'Dumb Blondes"
*  Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
*  Tom Clancy Speaks About 9-11
*  Mike Rivero, Israeli Spies, and 9-11 Diversions
*  Show And Tell, Mike Rivero
*  The Taliban Home Video
*  Osamarina bin Laden
*  911 Terror:  Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
* Operation Northwoods:  The Counterfeit
*  Osama bin Surplus
*  Osama bin CIA Agent
*  Press Uses Actors In War On Islam
* Slyly Justifying War on Islam

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