Friday, January 4, 2013

Symbols of Power
Running America, controlling the  monetary system in the USA

Der Spiegel, 29/1998, page 95:
"New York is a Jewish City - and we are the Deutsche Bank", was the given reason of a Deutsche Bank board member, for the Bank's failure in the USA.

Robert Reich: "Mr. president [Greenspan], how can a shy Jew like you become the most powerful man in the United States ... you pimp of that robber band of yours." "Der Spiegel" (Germany), 18/1997, p. 163
Photo: Ex US-Labour Minister Robert Reich

"Greenspan: Ruler of the Free World ...Greenspan's will became law in Washington ... The top banker has got Clinton in his pocket."
"Der Spiegel" (Germany), 18/1997, p. 163
Photo: FED boss Alan Greespan, who is Jewish.
It is eminently clear that the Jewish lobby has taken control of the monetary system in the USA since 1913. Since then they have controlled the money-supply in the US. The most influential Jewish banker at that time was Paul Warburg. He convinced his Jewish banker-friends to have an "independent" Central-Bank, so the "Federal Reserve Act" was born, which created the "Federal Reserve Bank" which has controlled the US money supply ever since. From that moment American citizens had to pay income-tax, because the government of the "most powerful nation on earth" had relinquished its money control to a private Jewish banking consortium.
The Jewish banking-houses, owners and decision-makers of the American Federal Reserve Bank are:
Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers of New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
Goldman Sachs of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank (Rockefeller) of New York
Alan Greenspan, who is Jewish, is the president of the FED.
Please note: The number "13" is considered the bad luck number by all non-Jewish Americans and Europeans. However, the same number is considered the luckiest number by Judaism. Lets have a closer look at the 1-Dollar-note, the symbolic bill for American money:
On the one-dollar bill's flip side is the Jewish Masonry pyramid with the eye of Jaweh as a symbol of the control over the American monetary system - hence the control of the entire world!

The 13 steps of the Jewish pyramid with the eye of Jaweh and the motto "annuit coeptis" with 13 letters.

There are 13 stars above the eagle's head that shape the Star of David, 13 stripes on the shield, 13 war arrows in its left talon, an olive branch with 13 leaves in its right.
Why should the American people - if the Dollar currency belonged to them - decorate the American money-symbol, the 1-dollar bill, with symbols of bad luck? But since we know that the Amercian monetary system belongs to a private Jewish banking consortium, we understand why the number "13" is so triumphantly emblazoned on the U.S. $ 1 bill, for it is the Jewish lucky number - the signal of total dominance to the inner circle!
The following explains the power structure of the world today and reveals the forces behind the scenes:
Sharon to Peres: "I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs - WRMEA  10 Oct 2001)
1982, the Zionists planned the disintegration of Iraq and Syria. Look what has happened since: We have an accurate testimony from an article of the revue "Kivounim" (Orientations) published in Jerusalem by "The World Zionist Organization" on "the strategic plans of Israel for the 90's":
"As a centralized body, Egypt is already a corpse, especially if one takes account of the ever more violent confrontation between muslims and christians. Its division into distinct geographical provinces must be our political objective for the 90's, on the western front. Once Egypt has been thus dislocated and deprived of central power, countries like Libya, Sudan and others farther away will experience the same dissolution. The formation of a Coptic state in Upper Egypt, and of small regional entities of little size is the key to a historic development which has been slowed down by the peace agreement, but is inescapable in the long term.
In spite of appearances, the western front presents fewer problems than the one in the east. The partition of Lebanon into five provinces ... Will prefigure what will happen all over the Arab world.
The disintegration of Syria and Iraq into regions, based on ethnic or religious criteria, must be, in the long term, a primary goal for Israel, the first step being the destruction of the military power of these states.
The ethnic structures of Syria expose it to a dismantling which could lead to the creation of a Shiite state along the coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo region and another one in Damascus, and a Druze entity which might hope to constitute its own state - perhaps on our Golan - in any case with Houran and the north of Jordan... Such a state would be, in the long term, a guarantee of peace and security in the region. It is an objective which is already within our reach.
Oil-rich, and victim of internal strife, Iraq is in the Israeli firing line. Its dissolution would be, for us, more important than Syria's, because it is Iraq which, in the short term, represents the more serious threat for Israel."
The above stems from "Kivounim", Jerusalem, No. 14, February 1982, pp. 49 - 59
(The integral text, in its Hebrew original, is reproduced in my book: "Palestine, terre des messages divins", Pub. Albatros, Paris, 1986, pp. 137 to 387, and in its French translation starting on page 315.) - Roger Garaudy!
Are prominent Jews supporting Zionism? Yes, almost all Jewish leaders support Zionism. The following is a perfect example:
"It is not up to us Jews, whether we want to be Zionists or not, we must be Zionists."
This was said by †Ignatz Bubis (photo), who was one of the most powerful Jews in the world, leader of all Jews in Germany. [Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung, May 5, 1994, p. 13]
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