Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Alleged victim of Toynbee Hall Olympic pimp who appears to have used virtual war room from Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates to trigger 7/7 bombs

“On 9 July, the Bank of England, HM Treasury and the Financial Services Authority [as allegedly authorized by Juliet Wheldon, the former Treasury Solicitor and Star Chamber boss through 9/11 and 7/7], revealed that they had instigated contingency plans immediately after the attacks to ensure that the UK financial markets could keep trading. This involved the activation of a "secret chatroom" [allegedly associated with a ‘virtual war room’ designed by Toynbee Hall pedophile pimps and Bullingdon Club alumni] on the British government's Financial Sector Continuity website [allegeldy operated with MindBox debt recovery by the CAI ‘Pig Farm’ Private Equity Group and Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates], which allowed the institutions to communicate with the country's banks and market dealers”

Bullingdon Club’s Profumo allegedly pimped Toynbee Hall children to leaders of HMG

Sam Cam's husband and the Big Society Olympic (Greek Life) poverty pimp at Toynbee Hall

Whimps and pimps?

Former VPD Chairman Gordon Campbell allegedly hired Pickton as pig farm pimp to extort sponsors for 2010 Winter Olympic Games

Nancy Campbell’s pension fund bcIMC invested in a secret chat room set up by Treasury Solicitor Juliet Wheldon to automate MERS/MindBox debt recovery by triggering fraudulent cat-bond and bordereau insurance claims on 9/11 and 7/7

“It began with one naked girl .. Her name was Christine Keeler, and when war minister John Profumo glimpsed her by a pool, a sex-and-spies scandal erupted. Here leading historian Dominic Sandbrook looks at the Sixties' defining moment Dominic Sandbrook

The Observer, Sunday 12 March 2006 Article history The scandal that shook the British establishment began in implausibly sun-drenched circumstances. Late on the evening of Saturday, 8 July, 1961, in a sweltering minor heatwave, Viscount Astor took a stroll through the grounds of his sumptuous Buckinghamshire mansion, Cliveden, accompanied by a gaggle of friends who had been dining with him that evening. As they meandered down towards the swimming pool, gossiping over their brandy and cigars, they heard the sound of splashing and laughter. Then, as Astor and his nearest guest turned the corner, they saw a naked girl rushing from the pool to fetch her towel from the bushes. It was the first time John Profumo, the Secretary of State for War, set eyes on Christine Keeler, a meeting that was to change the course of history. Even today Profumo's affair with Christine Keeler is widely misunderstood. His monastic silence about the case means that, unusually for a retired politician, he took his secrets to the grave, and we might never know what he really made of the woman with whom he will be forever associated.

A former showgirl from the gravel pits of Wraysbury in Berkshire, Keeler was just 19 and was staying on the estate with her friend, patron and (some said) pimp, the society osteopath Stephen Ward. Her lovers included a Soviet naval attaché, Eugene Ivanov, who also visited Cliveden that weekend and even had a swimming race with Profumo on the Sunday afternoon .. Ivanov was actually a Soviet spy under MI5 surveillance and the security service had been hoping to use Stephen Ward to persuade him to defect. In August 1961, therefore, the Cabinet Secretary called Profumo in and gently suggested that he back away from the entire business. Since the affair was merely a casual diversion, Profumo immediately scribbled an affectionate note - the infamous 'Darling' letter that later returned to haunt him - to cancel their next meeting. His affair with Keeler had lasted exactly a month and a day, and there the whole matter, apparently so inconsequential, might well have ended .. As the head of MI5 told Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, Ward was 'a pimp, not a spy'. Profumo and Ivanov did not share Keeler, as was often reported, since she had stopped seeing the Russian before the affair began. And it was ridiculous to imagine Keeler as an intermediary or informer; she was basically a glorified call-girl, hardly likely to remember details of nuclear technology or Profumo's Nato responsibilities .. One of the few papers that did not lose its head, in fact, was this one, yet there was more to The Observer's decorum than met the eye. When rumours of Profumo's affair leaked out in the first months of 1963, The Observer, like most papers, hesitated to print them. In part this was because David Astor, the newspaper's legendary campaigning editor, was working in a more tactful age, when politicians' private lives rarely made it into the press. But it surely also owed something to his family connections with the case. Bill Astor, who had introduced the two lovers at the poolside party at the family seat, had a raffish reputation of his own - and he was David's elder brother.

Bill and David Astor had grown up during the days of the 'Cliveden Set', an irregular gathering of politicians and partygoers who in the 1930s fervently backed appeasement of the Nazis. David's controversial politics, which encompassed opposition to apartheid and the death penalty, were very different from his brother's Toryism. But it was hardly surprising that, when memories of the Cliveden Set were still raw, he never approached his brother for an exclusive. Instead, the story was left to Private Eye and the tabloids, with sensational results. .. Just like the sleaze scandals of the John Major years, the affair seemed to sum up everything that was wrong with the Tory hegemony of the day .. The significance of the Profumo affair, therefore, was that it brought to a head existing anxieties that had been simmering away for years beneath the apparently untroubled surface of the affluent society. Instead of marking a radical break with the past, as is often claimed, it gorged parasitically on the discontents of the Macmillan era. The bestselling authors of the day - Ian Fleming, Len Deighton and John le Carré - could not have dreamt up a story more likely to strike a chord with the general public. The involvement of Ivanov gave the story a nice twist of Cold War paranoia, which went down perfectly in the year Bondmania reached its peak, while Keeler's involvement with a string of West Indian crooks played into the hands of those people alarmed by rising immigration. Another member of her circle, the rapacious slum landlord Peter Rachman, had himself become a symbol of the greed and materialism of the affluent society, adding more spice to the mix .. There were no happy endings. Ivanov was recalled to Moscow, where his wife abandoned him and he turned to drink. Ward, on trial for living off the earnings of prostitutes, killed himself with an overdose of barbiturates. Bill Astor, accused of consorting with teenagers himself, was shunned by polite society. And Keeler drifted from one broken marriage to the next, ending up living alone in a council flat under an assumed name. Only John Profumo, the elusive character at the centre of the drama, emerged with any credit, devoting himself to charity work in East London for the remainder of his life [allegedly serving the Astor Family and Samantha Cameron as a Toynbee Olympic pimp to conceal ] Dominic Sandbrook's Never Had It So Good, published by Little, Brown (£20 hardback), will appear in paperback in May”

“The City and Guilds of London Institute (City & Guilds) is a leading United Kingdom vocational education organisation. City & Guilds offers more than 500 qualifications over the whole range of industry sectors through 8500 colleges and training providers in 81 countries worldwide. Two million people every year start City & Guilds qualifications, which span all levels from basic skills to the highest standards of professional achievement (Honours, Master and Doctorate levels equivalent).

Founded in 1878 by the City of London and 16 livery companies – the traditional guardians of work-based training – to develop a national system of technical education, City & Guilds has been operating under Royal Charter (RC117), granted by Queen Victoria, since 1900. .... NOW THEREFORE know Ye that We by virtue of Our Royal Prerogative in that behalf and of other powers thereunto Us enabling of Our special Grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion by these presents do for Us Our Heirs and Successors give grant will direct ordain and declare as follows:- There shall from henceforth for ever be a Corporation aggregate by the name and style of "The City and Guilds of London Institute" and such Corporation is hereby instituted exclusively for the purpose of all such branches of Science and the Fine Arts and for the advancement dissemination propagation promotion culture and application of all such branches of Science and the Fine Arts as benefit or are of use to or may benefit or be of use to productive and technical industries especially and to commerce and industry generally or any branch thereof and for the utilisation of such means as will promote the several exclusive purposes aforesaid. City & Guilds is a registered charity (no. 312832). The Institute's president is now HRH The Princess Royal who accepted this role in June 2011 (following her father HRH The Duke of Edinburgh who held the position for nearly 60 years) [also the 1953 – 2003 Grand Master of Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators which designed al-Qaeda decoy and drone maneuvers for the 9/11 attacks], and the current Chairman of Council is Michael Howell.”

“Gordon Campbell not in conflict of interest on missing women inquiry, Libby Davies says ... By Matthew Burrows, August 24, 2010 NDP MP Libby Davies doesn’t think Premier Gordon Campbell’s former role as chair of the Vancouver police board puts him in a conflict of interest on the issue of whether to hold a public inquiry on the missing women. Davies sat on Vancouver city council during Campbell’s stint as mayor and police board chair from 1986 to 1993, around the time that women began disappearing from the Downtown Eastside. “It doesn’t put him in a conflict of interest,” the Vancouver East MP told the Straight by phone. “He’s the premier. He’s in a different role. A lot more information has come forward since when he was mayor. Back in those days, originally the call was for a special task force, and that was turned down many, many times when I was on council and such. But no, I don’t think he’s in a conflict. He’s the premier and he’s got to uphold the public interest.” Davies is urging her long-time political opponent to call a public inquiry to probe the actions of the Vancouver Police Department and the RCMP in response to the disappearances and murders of the women. (She has asked that Prime Minister Stephen Harper do the same.) On July 30, Mike Farnworth, the B.C. NDP’s critic for the solicitor general and public safety, also told the Straight he is not concerned that Campbell’s previous role as chair may pose a problem now. Davies said, “He [Campbell] has got to recognize the incredible trauma that has happened in this province and in Canada due to the missing women. He has to make that decision as the premier, and whatever he may have thought as mayor and chief of the police board, he is now in a different role, and he has got to make that decision as premier, and he must make it.” Campbell has yet to issue a statement on whether or not there will be a public inquiry. This disgusts Davies, who has long claimed that it is only because the women were sex workers and predominantly aboriginal that justice has been denied and delayed. “Everybody in society has failed these women,” Davies said.”

Abel Danger suggests that governments with jurisdiction empanel Runaway Grand Juries to check the pig-farm alibis of Samantha Cameron, Viscountess Astor and their alleged Toynbee Hall Olympic pimps for the use of a "secret chatroom” in 7/7 insurance frauds.

Open Demand for a [Runaway] Grand Jury Investigation - Apparent Spoliation of Evidence - Destruction of Boeing 757–222 Aircraft - UA Flt 93 - 9/11

See again #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

1 comment:


power was dirty, like the rest of this crew.

watch ripple effect 7-7.

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