Monday, February 18, 2013

"Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation."
-- Protocols of Zion, 20

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Stock markets have been in free fall since last Wednesday when Ben Bernanke indicated the Fed would not trigger more "quantitative easing."

He would not inject more currency (credit) into the US economy.
Credit is the oxygen that makes the economy sizzle or fizzle.

Oil and other commodities are cratering while gold is treading water, trying to make up its mind.

Had Bernanke said he was injecting another $500 billion into the economy, the market would have soared and everyone would be partying instead of ripping their garments.  

It's hard to feel sorry for people who forfeit control over their monetary policy to a foreign private cartel of satanist families.

All our so-called leaders are agents of this cartel. Our mass media and cultural leaders are owned by them.
Acquiescence in their fraud is a prerequisite for professional advancement.

This fraud has spawned all the others: the two world wars, the Great Depression, the Cold war etc. The people have been easily duped and played their roles.  

We have forfeited our freedom for a good feed. Now we're discovering that we're the dinner.

There should be no such thing as "sovereign debt."  Currency (credit) is just a medium of exchange like a coupon. Governments can create as much as they need debt-free to make the economy hum. Markets will determine their value relative to other currencies.

But the Illuminati bankers have created all currency in the form of a debt to them. Our society is wholly complicit in this fraud. 

It is not Greek or German or French or Spanish banks that are getting the bailouts. They all got the virtual "money" from the Illuminati families. The banks are just a front for these families.
debtslaves.jpgThese families don't need the "money" back. It was created out of thin air. This is just a mechanism for plundering what's left.
The taxpayers of these countries are being saddled with this fictional debt and becoming debt slaves.
By accepting this fraud, they are enslaving themselves. The Illuminati bankers instigated 9-11 as a pretext to erect the prison walls.


As we have seen, the Cabalist Jewish bankers (the Illuminati) have a long-range plan for the ascendance of their "Messiah."  Actually the anti-Christ, he will be "the King of the Jews" to be selected from the House of Rothschild. Most Jews are not privy to this plan. 

The Illuminati Jews realized it will not happen by itself. The first step was the re-establishment of the State of Israel. The Rothschilds did this by colonizing Palestine and engineering the Dreyfus Affair and Nazism.

Now, the Rothschilds will bend the nations to their will by means of debt. Moses relates the basic principle in Deuteronomy 15:6: "Thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shalt not reign over thee."

The book, Elijah, Rothschilds & the Ark of the Covenant continues: "Note that this is not a suggestion given in the Scriptures. It is a command from the God of Israel. Lending upon usury is how to possess the land." (175)

"Lending on interest for consumer and emergency needs became a virtual Jewish monopoly in Western Europe between the 12th and 15th centuries...As security, real estate was most preferred. In this way Jews acquired in pledge houses, vineyards, farms, villages, castles, towns, and even provinces. " (177)

 "The rise of absolute monarchies in Central Europe brought numbers of Jews into the influential position of negotiating loans for the various royal courts. The phenomenon of court Jews now continued into Europe. The nost famous included Lehmann, Oppenheimer and Goldschmidt in Germany and Austria." (180)

"Jean Izolulet, a member of the Jewish Alliance Israelite Universeile wrote in 1932: 'The meaning of history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all masters of lodges, rule the world." (183)

"Vatican City came under Rothschild influence in the early 19th century...Pope John Paul II admitted the Roman Catholic Church is still tied to the Rothschilds...In Sept 1979, the Pope revealed the Church had $50 billion invested in various Rothschild banks..." (191)
The Economist, cover.gifCONCLUSION

We have the dubious honor of witnessing the consummation of a centuries-old plan for world tyranny based on satanic megalomania and
demented Biblical prophesies.

The Illuminati could not succeed without our determined self-deception and collaboration.
Humanity is infected by a death wish. 

Our would-be masters are proving that we are too venal, craven and stupid to be prosperous and free. They have ensured humanity will miss its Divine Rendezvous. However, there is still hope for some individuals.


First Comment: (From D & R)

This article together with the recent one on Messianic Jews are your best. They should both go viral to everyone on the planet since they clearly and correctly explain what is coming. Most Christians AND Jews are greatly deceived - perhaps this is the "great deception" that the bible predicts in the last days. I cannot add to your excellent overview other than an amplification, namely that the mark of the beast (666) will be a mark of triumph for the Jewish New World rulers who by their wars and/or infiltration of all countries will have "restored" the Jewish hegemony over the world, a hegemony they last enjoyed under Solomon. 

14 The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.  1 Kings 10: 14-15

The Jewish New World Order will then enforce subjection to what they genuinely believe is "righteousness" by requiring everyone on the planet to worship their concept of God and abide by the demonic Talmud. Such subjection to their religion will be demonstrated by a mark (666) to be displayed on the foreheads and wrists of all prepared to worship at their altar, bothy Jew and "righteous" Gentile.  

6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Deuteronomy 6: 6-8

Many Christians have privately wondered how the NWO will persuade people to wear such a mark since many have heard of it and are wary... but it will be sold to the world as a mark of righteousness! That is why the Masons, Eastern Star and other cabalist inspired societies for the Gentiles CONSIDERED THEMSELVES denied Christ but  revered the Jewish teachings. They were setting a precedent for a new world religion that will be comfortable with the mark because they believe they serve the God of the Old Testament OR HIS HEAVENLY HOST.

Now their spiritual heirs are the many new churches who encourage a similar "Jewification" of Christianity. Many of these new so-called Christian preachers now wear Jewish robes, display Jewish symbols on their walls, wave flags steeped in Old Testament symbolism, blow the shofar and extoll observance of various Jewish religious rites and dates. And these new churches are growing rapidly, fast-fueled by a feel-good false baptism in the spirit, false tongues, demonic giggling etc.

Ultimately those persons not willing to subject themselves to "God" as defined by the Jews (and therefore not willing to display their "mark of righteousness") will be exterminated - and those doing the exterminating will believe they are doing God a service by killing the unrighteous! 

2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. John 16:2

The reality is that the puppet masters pulling the strings behind these genuinely deceived Jews and Christians are the Jewish Cabalists who spawned the Masons and the satanists by encouraging worship of the "heavenly host" - namely fallen angels whose head is Lucifer. And when the NWO is fully in place the satanists/cabalists will reveal themselves to a captive and conquored world. Then Christ will come again (doubt this not) and He will defeat them. No-one else is able to.  A Jewish remnant will wake up at some point and see the deception, repent and recognize their true Messiah (Jesus) and the true enemy (Lucifer).

Absolutely nothing is more feared by the enemy than the dissemination of these truths. Every Christian should forward your two recent seminal articles on this subject to at least 10 friends - and then check to see that the emails arrived! If that is their sole contribution to the struggle, it is a good contribution.


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