Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It matter on the type of bomb. A bomb has 5 main parts to it.
Container, Trigger, Power Source, Detonator, main charge.
And this is how they are related...

[The power source] supplies electricity to the trigger or switch and to the detonator.
[The trigger] activates the detonator and initiates the explosion sequence. The trigger may sense the target, be activated by the target, be a timed trigger or be operated remotely.
[The detonator] explodes, thereby providing energy for the main explosive.
[The main charge] explodes, producing a high-pressure shock wave or blast wave, and may propel shrapnel, toxic chemicals or fire-starting chemicals.
[Container] To hold it all in.

Now your asking can a random cellphone be the trigger. There are 3 types of triggers. Victim Operated (booby trap), Timed, remote operated.

Remote operated can be either through radio waves (a cellphone) or through a physical wire (like what you think of with TNT/Dnyamite.
If it is activated through radio waves, then a cellphone (which sends and recieves using atleast 2 radios) can set it off, but only if the cellphone operated at the same frequency as the trigger that is sensing it. So if the trigger is set to scan for radio signals, and a cellphone sends or recieves one nearby, or any radio does, then yes it could potentially set off the device. But for the purpose of a school threat it is unlikely. But it can happen. Also any hand held radio/landline coordless phone/laptops/netbooks also operate using radios and could set off a potential bomb.


Also I am military and have been hit with an IED/know how they work and operate, we train with them and how to defeat them.

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