Monday, February 18, 2013

Newtown: The 9-11 of Gun Control

December 15, 2012
 Obama brushes away a tear, reminding us that he is a criminal, traitor and a fraud who uses the massacre of children to advance his masters' totalitarian political agenda. It's either our children or our guns, he tells Newtown audience.

Two Shooters Were Captured Alive!

Proof the US government and media are lying. They are complicit in the mass murder of US children. No mention of two men arrested in any of the coverage. Similarly news media collaborated in 9-11 false flag. 

Latest Updates are being posted here "Is this the Deceased Emilie Parker?"

---------------More Evidence of a False Flag ( Jan 15) 

----------------Sandy Hook Hoax. com    (jan 8)

---------------Grieving Parents are Crisis Actors?   (Jan 8) 

--------------Nick Kollerstrom - Thorough Analysis of this State Terror   (Jan 4) 

--------------Is this man the real killer? (Dec. 27)

----------Clear Inconsistencies Regarding Guns Found and Rifle Wounds  (No assault rifle used.)
---------    Is this Emilie Parker or her Sister? 

Two shooters caught. 

One seen running from building, chased by police. Seen on this aerial video starting at 7.30 min   --       More  Confirmation from news report.

Another apprehended outside school, "proned out." (Can be heard on Police radio, heard on above video) 

More eyewitness evidence man in camouflage pants arrested. 
Early references to other shooters disappearing. 

--See UPDATE from George Freund immediately below article.

Who's Really to Blame for School Shooting? (Updated)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The aftermath of the Newtown school massacre is beginning to resemble the 9-11 false flag. Indeed, this is becoming the 9-11 of gun control, probably perpetrated by the same crowd. It's their MO.  How long are Americans going to tolerate these pogroms? 

 The local police dispatch tape carries a report that a teacher saw two shooters running from the scene. (3.25) 

According to George Freund, "First officers in the school report the patsy dead. He may very well have been killed by the two fleeing men who were probably the whack team.
"Police also report finding a shotgun. How do you carry a rifle, a shotgun, two pistols, and all sorts of ammo with two hands and kill so many people. You are obviously NOT alone.

"There were two escaping persons. The police appear to confront them. There is someone taken into custody. The alleged shooter is found dead. The police supervisor says the 'DRILL' word corresponding to the princpal's tweet of a drill. "

The presence of other shooters may explain why the killer, Adam Lanza, 20, was wearing a mask, flack jacket and military fatigues. This is so he couldn't be distinguished from the other shooters. If he had intended to kill himself, he wouldn't have needed a disguise.  

As with 9-11, when Osama Bin Laden was blamed immediately, the culprit this time was guns. A chorus of calls for gun control went up from Barack Obama and his Illuminati Jewish handlers like Mayor Bloomberg of NY  and Dianne Feinstein. lluminati Jewish mouthpieces like Huffpost are going ballistic. 

(left. Christmas present from Illuminati bankers)

Like 9-11, we can forget about discovering who really executed this attack.

The killer's brother Ryan Lanza, 24, said Adam was mentally disturbed. He had Asperger Syndrome.  Neighbours called him "autistic."  Why didn't the cry go out to know what medication Adam was taking? 

Why isn't there a chorus of demands for a ban on psychological medications?    For greater monitoring of people with Asperger?   Any doubt Adam played videogames? Do we hear calls for a ban on them? 
Adam was the product of a broken family. His parents divorced in 2009.  His father moved away and remarried. His older brother hadn't seen him for two years. Why not demands for support for marriage and family?

friend described  Adam as a "Goth" and Satanist who possibly would revel in such massacres. Why not demands for a ban on satanist music and behavior? 

How about a media ban on over-reporting massacres, because of the copycat effect?  

Do you think that if 27 soldiers were ambushed and killed in Helmand province yesterday, you would know about it? 

(Since 2001 there have been 1,827 such flag draped caskets  sent back from Afghanistan to the U.S. Wounded in action numbers total 15,460.)

From 1991 - 2009, there was a ban on photographing flag draped coffins. 

Why? Because reports of military setbacks and photos of coffins are bad for morale. 

School massacres are also bad for morale too. The national morale.   

But that's just the point. The Illuminati want to degrade and demoralize. They want to render us defenceless. They want TSA-style checkstops  everywhere and more federal control.

So they blame guns, instead of blaming the real shooters, the multi-billion dollar drug industry, Goth satanism or mass media feeding-frenzies. 

If teachers were armed, they could have defended the children. In Israel everyone is armed and ready. 

Since our leaders love Israel so much, why don' t they call for more guns, not less?

 Americans need protection - from their own Illuminati subverted government. 

The cancer is called Cabalism (Freemasonry & organized Jewry) and it has invaded all of society's vital organs. Prognosis: Fatal.



I posted another video on my site. The guy has the aerial footage. They caught [the shooters.] The rifle was found in the vehicle's trunk. The coroner said all were shot with a .223. Lanza only had two 9m/m pistols with him then. [Official story:"Lanza used two semi-automatic pistols, a Glock and Sig Sauer, and reportedly wiped out an entire classroom of young children, then shot several in a second class before taking his own life.")

His Dad's boss works for Obama. The media said he walked silently through the school. Now they're saying he was banging on a closet door shouting, "Let me in." What if the other shooters were turning on him? He would say let me in. As an armed murderer I wouldn't think he would say open the door. He could have fired through the door. It was only a closet.  "Let me in," could imply a request for sanctuary. Then there's the shotgun. The police clearly state they recovered one on their radios. 

All the comments are attached to archived version of this article. 

First Comment from Christian Soderberg: 

I think your "Sandy hook" article has few HUGE mistakes

First: One seen running from building, chased by police. Seen on this aerial video starting at 7.30 min -- More Confirmation from news report."

I think this is actually wrong. I think all people seen running on the aerial-footage into the woods are cops! Here's a better video of the same footage:

You can see "yellow" police patches one the sleeves of the people running, and one cop appears to be running out of the building without a jacket on. They are all cops aren't they? "shooters" running out of the building on the footage, if you ask me.

"Perpetrator number two ..perpetrator number three" ..says the video "analyzer"
But the boy being interviewed does not talk about "another shooter", he only mentions seeing a guy in hand cuffs ..two very different things.
The boy also tells that they were running, and that a car was blocking some of the view, and so they didn't get a good look at him. it is abit questionable by the "analyzer" to claim this guy in hand cuffs was another shooter
And one of the persons handcuffed by the cops was actually a father of a student, maybe it was the same guy the boy saw:
This father of a student was also at first reported to be the actual shooter, so maybe this is why the confusion about "other shooters" besides Adam Lanza

Gunman kills 20 kids, 6 adults at Connecticut elementary school

A man shoots and kills 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

December 14, 2012
Chris Manfredonia, whose 6-year-old daughter attends the school, was heading there Friday morning to help make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur.

He ran around the school trying to reach his daughter and was briefly handcuffed by police. He later found his child, who had been locked in a small room with a teacher.

"The whole reason we moved here a year ago is because when you drive down the subdivision, it's a happy place," said his wife, Georgeann Manfredonia. "There's a ton of children here and the families are very kind and supportive."

The guy arrested in the woods: What if he just happened to be on a walk in the woods when the shooting started?  Here's a video of an interview, where the guy tells that the "guy from the woods" is..

"...sitting in the front of a police car over there now".

It appears the guy is right in front of them, and if it would be a FACT that he was another shooter, you would i imagine they would have taken him away from the scene alot faster.
"The local police dispatch tape carries a report that a teacher saw two shooters running from the scene. (3.25)"
I think the radio message talks about "teacher seeing two SHADOWS running past the building" ..SHADOWS not SHOOTERS
Those "shadows" could have been anybody ..maybe some of the people living near by who came to rescue children.

One more thing:
Adam Lanza apparently was a person suffering from  the 'Asperger syndrome', and i actually have been an school-assistant to a 4-5 grader boy with Asperger's, so i know quite well that they can behave in very peculiar ways, and can have huge anger/rage fits.
Autistic/Asperger's people can, and many times do, "pre-model" certain events and if things don't fit that model, they can either "shut down" or go into huge rage/anger fits.  These people also can be very, very sensitive about some things.
What i have read about Adam Lanza, and i have read quite a bit, his behaviour fits my experience with the boy who i was helping.

Although the Aurora shooting might have involved other persons, i think Adam Lanza really could have acted alone.


Makow reply: Thanks for bringing this video to my attention. The police radio indicates a cop confronted a perpetrator. There was panic in his voice. The cops ran into the forest and then stood around a man in handcuffs. They stopped running because they apprehended someone running away. The man in police car was wearing camouflage pants. 

You can always explain away facts. It makes sense that the officials would come up with cover stories. Shooters would be portrayed as parents. Ginger bread cookies? Why aren't these incidents mentioned in mainstream media? 

Most police are Freemasons. The culprits would be arrested and protected. Then, how do we explain why there were no injured? Everyone was shot many times to prevent witnesses. Not the way Lanza would think. 

Did you read Carolyn Hamlett on my site today? She says they planned these events years ago. Do you really think this rash of shootings is random? Do you really think the coordinated call for gun control from Zionist media and politicians is accidental? Have you forgotten 9-11 when the same traitor establishment murdered and hoodwinked Americans?

Kevin Barrett  - 

Juri Lina -  Under the Shadow of Hermes -- Must See - So you understand just how evil these people are. 

Comments for "Newtown: The 9-11 of Gun Control "

Peter said (December 18, 2012):
One thing that all these shocking false flag events share is that they were all made for television.
It is a sign of your immaturity and an indicator of your ongoing
programmability that even when you know that you are being lied to you carry on watching the television relentlessly sucking on the tit of the Whore of Babylon.
I am quite proud of the fact that i didnt know what on earth people were banging on about when they kept mentioning "sandy hills" until it niggled me enough to look it up thats how tuned my bs sensors are these days.
People BREAK THE SPELL stop watching the box.
Re-Acquire your discernment in all things - Namaste

FI said (December 17, 2012):
My sis could not post her comment on the Washington Post...She and I attempted many times but the moderator WILL NOT POST IT:
It's been investigated and reported in Maclean Magazine that all of the shooters involved in the mass massacres of the past were children that were being treated for autism and/or ADHA with Ritalin which is a hallucinogen. The shooters are not coherent during the shootings and believe that they may be playing a shooting video game. With certainty we could state that these inhumane massacres are anti-psychotic, anti-depressant drug related. These medication may be causing more problems than good in children. We need to be proactive and get to the root of the problem. Do the research by starting here:

Hans said (December 17, 2012):
Would monsters, who start wars, murdering millions, as in Iraq, hesitate to stage a false-flag in order to get their agenda through? The "sacrifice" of 20 (goyim)-children included?
Gun control does not work: In Germany (82 million people) you need a license to own a gun, yet there are some estimated 20 million illegal guns in circulation, meaning only crooks and a corrupt, underfunded police force have guns, the law-abiding citizen is expected to rely on the mercy of both.
The moral question is not, whether to own a gun or not, but for which purpose to use it.
Murder is always wrong: but a criminal will always get a gun, legally or not.

Richard said (December 17, 2012):
Michael Hoffman said somewhere in Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare that any event that holds the minds of millions is used for mass programming.
I say when a spectacle is a repetition of a familiar process of acts and responses that everybody repeats anyway, then on some level that spectacle is a RITUAL. There are people that know how to take advantage of mass ritual. One was Hitler.
The bad joke is that people continue to believe that anything the media builds up into a spectacle is unplanned and unauthorized just because people are killed.
The truth is, news of unplanned and unauthorized actions by unknowns is suppressed, not advertised. TV time is far too valuable. When there's a spectacle on TV, we may be sure that somebody's getting their money's worth for the time.

Elm said (December 17, 2012):
Regrettably, I suspect your analysis & revelations about the Newtown school massacre are more correct than even close to error. However, rather than a 9/11 false flag attack in which thousands of innocents were sacrificed, this appears to be more of a Reichstag Mechanism. The style of the event is always tailored to fit the agenda for maximum psychological impact, so as to provide the sought after pretext & elicit the necessary trauma based response.

On February 27, 1933, George Town History Professor Carroll Quigley author of Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World In Our Time, writes that it was a homosexist arson squad who were tasked with the torching of the Reichstag -- an arson for which they then framed a Dutch Communist by the name of Van der Lubbe. Whereas other Communists who had been arrested that night were shortly released, Van der Lubbe was executed. So too in the following year were the SA Officers involved in setting the fire also executed on June 30th, July 1st, 1934, in what has since been remembered as The Blood Purge or Night of The Long Knives. As with Oswald & McVey, patsies too are often set up and eliminated to silence witnesses who could taint or even refute the official version of events.

The Illuminati of all racial vintage, are by nature committed to a destruction of the enlightenment & control. To be "illuminated" to the simple or single dimension eye, means to appear enlightened or "luminous" to the uninitiated, but in substance, to contain darkness.
As with the movie Lincoln-Vampire Killer, these are the walking dead that can only be killed by the living -- the "enlightened." Other than as political objects, they could care less for the children. Maybe it's time they were sent back "home" to their coffins. Silver comes to mind. They're really not happy to be dead in a normal enlightened human world anyway.

A said (December 17, 2012):
What affects me about this event is it's predictability. All the 'lone gunmen' of the last 40 years since this 'phenomenon' started, they're all the same and therefore forgettable. Brian Eno once said that 'art' is whatever 'does it for you', that is, whatever stimulates what's called 'aesthetic awe'. One stares at a painting mesmerized, one plays a tune over and over mesmerized. Eno said "a Medieval cathedral did it for nine hundred years. A pop song on the charts - six weeks". When the awe goes, the thing is forgotten about. Just like Shakespeare said "signifying nothing".
Everybody's asking "how can it be stopped?" like they always do, and media is hosting various 'experts' to talk it to death - like they always do.
When an event puts the crowd in awe, they can't look away, that is called a spectacle. The original definition was ""specially prepared or arranged display"
If we are to stop it from being arranged, we must eliminate the payoff - what the arrangers derive from the staging the mass murder spectacles. I don't mean the 'shooter'. He's no more the arranger of the event than a puppet on a string is at a puppet show.
Don't look at the puppet or look for the answer in the plot of the puppet play, look to the result of the thing. What's the bottom line?
The experts will say what they always say, "we need more gun control".
The ratings show that it's one of those things that GUARANTEE people's minds will be stalled in "awe". Wanting answers is a mind stalled with a question mark. It is available for manipulation. That's why the shooting scenario will never, ever be the last. Those who use the event for psychological mass programming never give up a method that works so predictably well.
Until Americans demand that the possibility that this was a Black Op be completely dispelled, they are accomplices in their own enslavement.

Robert said (December 17, 2012):
For your readers' interest, I have lately been encountering a very disturbing generalized obstruction of my ability to post to blogs on the Internet. For example, today I commented thus on an article in the National Post:
"The reporting on this crime is completely irresponsible. Another article in the NP today says 'Lanza blasted into the building using a high-powered rifle' and that this weapon was used to kill all the victims, all of whom were shot multiple times, one 11 times. Yet here the item 'Weapons used in killling' says the Bushmaster rifle 'was found outside the building in the shooter's car'. What can any rational person make of such flagrant inconsistencies?"
I hardly think this comment deserved censorship, but I got the message: "You must be authenticated to perform this action". I get this message every time I attempt to post. Effectively, I have been shut out of contributing to debate in this forum. I have written to the NP asking what their admonition means and how I can get (re-)authenticated(?), but in about three weeks have received no response.
One site might be an aberration, but I find I can no longer post on others, as well. On Youtube, at "Morris108", I am told that my posts are being held back "subject to approval", and then they disappear. The same has happened at "Activepost", where I had commented without a problem previously (I have discovered that Libertarians and Communists have a common disdain for open debate), and at the site where "Charlie" delivers his spiels about the end of the world. On Infowars I am told that my posts cannot go up either because I am "posting too quickly" (my one brief post!) or the site is down.
All this apparent censorship is new, and concerning because it seems to cover a number of unconnected sites.

John said (December 16, 2012):
Henry - I think you're correct in describing the Newtown shooting as a false flag. Folks who have studied 9-11 will not be surprised. In 2004, the Beslan school hostage crisis in Russia (380 people dead, including 186 children) was also considered a false flag operation. There were many irregularities pointed out by eyewitnesses.

In Newtown, we are already starting to hear about accomplices and other possible shooters. We may never know who the real killers were, but the perpetrators who engineered this crime (probably Illuminati or other secret society perverts) clearly have a discernible modus operandi.

These manipulators of humanity are using the collective outrage created by their crimes as lever to achieve geopolitical goals. I'm not sure what happened in 2004 as a result of the Beslan school crisis, but in Newtown it's obvious: the disarmament of US citizens through gun control legislation. One corollary to this is that our treasonous leaders fear some degree of armed resistance to their systematic dismantling of the country.

Educating people about what really happened, or at least pointing out irregularities in the official story, will expose the threat that exists behind the curtain of deception draped over these crimes. Once people's eyes are opened, you'd better believe there will be resistance.

RR said (December 16, 2012):
Well, if there's one thing we can bank on it's we can't trust the major media around the corner on pretty much anything, these days. Various admissions by elitists, over the years, confirms they have a major stake in what their mouthpieces actually relate to us.
This is simply the same old tried and true method of stirring the pot and then placing the blame upon some stiff that can't defend himself, or more importantly, implicate them. Famous patsies of other eras come to mind, like Booth, Oswald, McVeigh... the list is long. I guess one goes with what works... shame on the sheeple for not picking up on this modus operandi, by now.
The best thing we can do is to relate the truth as often as we can, to as many as we can, while we can, then do what we know we must do in the face of totalitarianism - which is exactly what we please, regardless of that which they force upon us. This is the stuff of resistance movements, so critical in times of occupation and tyranny. Also, knowing that there is an angry God that will not tolerate these murderers for very much longer, is to know that one is on the winning side. Good article!

Steven said (December 16, 2012):
"A friend described Adam as a "Goth." Goths are Satanists who possibly would revel in such massacres. Why no demands for a ban on Goth music and behavior? "

The correct answer is that Goth music and culture is not a threat to government, banks and politically correct special interest groups. Privately owned fire arms on the other hand are deemed to be a clear and present danger to government, banks and politically correct special interest groups. Guns are a danger to those that would obey the first commandment on the Georgia guide stones and kill 13 out of 14 people on this planet. When ever the powers that be try to protect and promote vice and genocide they need to disarm the public first. Therefore they need justification for legislation and confiscation and it really is that simple.

Kristine said (December 16, 2012):
Hi Henry. I´m not so sure this massacre, and it´s "meaning", should be taken at face value.
There are some who are calling the Sheik-murders, the Batman bloodbath, the Oregon mall shooting, the Sandy Hook catastrophe, the Brandon Raub kidnapping … – not only government-military black psy-ops - but drills, fakes, dramatizations to add to our trauma. If you really look into it and dig deeper there is some evidence that this drill analysis is, admittedly, crazy-seeming, but correct. They are using "live coverage" on the NEWS to horrify us without shedding a drop of blood. How ingenious.
Think about the Gabriele Giffords case: there was no blood at the scene. There are various you tube videos documenting this staged act - up close.
Some have asserted that the same "actors" are used again and again in these murder mock–ups. Evidence concludes that perhaps they are right. There is extensive coverage of this very topic on you tube. (See: adam3176 for some profound insights).
Never having consciously thought too much about it at the time, I was always subconsciously troubled by the fact that Giffords made herself so rare after the alleged disaster. I mean, they talked about her incessantly, but you never actually saw her taking steps toward that "miraculous recovery". If indeed she was shot in the head, it is certainly tragic for her. If not, it is tragic for us, the duped, the dazed and the disoriented. I think it´s time for us to get – dis-enchanted.
Someone pointed out the apparent fact that the Sandy Hook "lone gunman" (it´s always a "lone, masked gunman") shot himself. How convenient. Evidently the bodies of "the dead" were left in the classroom for more than half a day. There are various inconsistencies in the stories of "eye witnesses".
Suddenly, there was a church service for all of them, which seems to have been used as a platform to foment rage against – you guessed it – gun ownership in the United States. And all of this widely publicized. It just seems all too perfectly planned, premeditated. Especially when Christmas is right around the corner.
Look at the Bat Man case, too – James Holmes looks nothing like the man with the goggle-eyes and orange hair, who bears a striking resemblance to Brandon Raub. It´s no coincidence either that there is a media black-out on this story, which is indubitably a cover-up for the much larger scandal of Libor, unearthed by Holmes´ father.
It is staggering to think about the lengths the tyrannical US government goes to cover up it´s own criminal tracks. What a show! No Hollywood scene and treachery, played out on TV as actual historical fact, is too cruel and base for them. No, that´s what they do, that´s what they´ve done – because that is what they adore. And if we believe and trust in them, we are all going to be goners. This is what they are reckoning with. We must resist that temptation, if we are tempted at all..
More and more, we are confronted with Hollywood. Not only at the movies, but in "real life". It´s getting difficult to separate truth from fabrication. It´s getting more and more ugly and grotesque. It could be that we are meant to get so confused that we rely ever more on a communications system that is rotten to the core and lying through their teeth like the thieves and butchers that they are. That is why it is all the more important to turn off your TV and open your own mind to apprehend the truth of these matters. Shut off your brain, open your heart and turn on your instinct.
I urge you to look more deeply into these issues. Think about this: Sandusky, Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook. What does that mean? Something big is building up here, and it does not look good.

Joe said (December 16, 2012):
Henry -- just to let you know you sounded as crazy as the anit-gunners in your call to put people with ADD/ASBERGERS
under scrutiny, and that you pissed a lot of people off.
Joe (an ADD/ASBERGERS vitim)

A lot deserves scrutiny -- the vaccines that might cause it for example.
I was just making a point about "why guns?" I didn't mean to offend. I don't think Aspergers was the main factor. I think this heinous act was a Black Op perpetrated by the Illuminati.

Joe said (December 16, 2012):
Great video explaining how psychotropic drugs have more to do with violence than the means to commit violence.

Then there's the knife attack at a school in China:
Will Chinese officials regulate edged weapons?

Something from David Icke's site:
Take notice of the graphic by "".
Every statement President Obama made concerning the disaster in Newtown could be applied to children in Pakistan, Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan. If the perpetrator had built an armed, radio-controlled airplane and done the same damage, one has to wonder how that would be scrutinized.
One has to wonder how it is a perpetrator's weapons used in any heinous crime can be reported about while any medication being taken at the time of the incident is considered confidential and not open to reporting.

One more link about timeline of mass shootings since Columbine:
Does anyone know how many of these perpetrators were taking psychotropic drugs or under a psychiatrist's care at the time of their crimes?

All of this is just too conveniently happening given how the UN is attempting to ban private ownership of firearms recently.

One last item, were there any men employed at the elementary school as teachers, staff or maintenance workers? Elementary schools have systematically eliminated male teachers over the past ten years. Would the perp in this case have reconsidered committing his heinous act were there any male teachers or a male principal working there? Is it possible having all female staff along with small children is making an easy target for people intent on committing such acts?

ER said (December 16, 2012):
Possible to open this thing up from the Inside..
Libor transcripts release after Conn. shooting.
Peter Lanza Tax Director and Vice President – Taxes at GE Energy Financial Services
Set to testify....
James Holmes Father also involved with LIbor Investigation and other bank issues....
Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system. Robert Holmes, whose “blueblood” family links go back to the Mayflower, is known throughout the global banking community as being the creator of one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed and is credited with developing predictive models for financial services; credit and fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models.
Educated at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University, Robert Holmes is currently the senior lead scientist with the American credit score company FICO, which was formally known as Fair, Isaac and Company, and which every American citizen is beholden to should they need to borrow money."
CNBC executive children killed after breaking 43 Trillion New York State filed lawsuit story involving bank fraud...
Beyond my limited access scope and want to Limit Exposure, but many of the other shootings are tied into a Web that will become obvious if explored by sites like yours, The Truther Seeker, etc.
Kill Teams are on Good To Go status in other states.
How are they prepared to target relatives or immediate family - Check the Bush relationship with Pres. Regan assassination attempt patsy's father that worked with government in and out of America. They hold these people Mental hostage by employing or recruiting the sons and in cases daughters and many times without the knowledge of the involved party.
What courage would they have to now testify even if government offered Protection. Even if they resign their post - they know to much. Soon, we may all Know to much.

Rich S said (December 16, 2012):
Great article, and straight to the point.
More guns are the answer, NOT less
Innocents Betrayed - The True Story of Gun Control - (Graphic Images) by JPFO.ORG
naturalnews. tv/v.asp?v=5D929F4D85DA1BF1A476BE8901E30F2C
Watch what happens when Guns are banned in Australia!
John Lott: More Guns, Less Crime 1/2
John Stossel - Gun Control Reduces Crime MYTH?

How to stop a massacre

D said (December 16, 2012):
I liked your article, then got this, a petition from Staci Sarkin, a Jew, at MoveOn. When I looked at the petition, they almost had 125,000 signatures:
Dear MoveOn member,
On December 14, 2012, a gunman entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and opened fire, killing what is currently being reported as a minimum of 27 people, 20 of whom were children. Completely innocent unarmed victims.
Columbine. Red Lake, Minnesota. Essex, Vermont. Lancaster, Ohio. Virginia Tech. To name a few.
How many more innocents must die at the hands of an antiquated and oft-misinterpreted amendment? Enough.
It's time to stop the violence. That's why I created a petition on to Congress and President Obama, which says:
Our Second Amendment rights are long overdue a reevaluation. How many more senseless and entirely PREVENTABLE shootings have to occur before we do something about gun control?
As a citizen and constituent of this great country, I am asking that you take a firm stand and make a positive change by restricting access to guns and saving lives.
I don't have a gun. I don't want a gun. I don't need a gun. But somehow the guns always wind up in the hands of people crazy enough to use them irresponsibly and dangerously. THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
Thank you for your support.
–Staci Sarkin

Richard said (December 15, 2012):
It's all so predictable.
There's a media boiler plate that's slapped on these events all the way back to 1963. Shots ring in public place; the gunman killed or hauled off in custody. Immediately the shooter or patsy's face and name saturate the media for a week.
If media really wanted to break the pattern they should quit repeating their role in the pattern. They shouldn't run any photos of the shooter or give him any fame. In fact police should withhold the name and judges should slap a gag order on media regarding the suspects "back story" biography.
Since neither media, police, or judges will deny the perpetrators the fame that's the motive in the first place, they're promoting such events.
Instead, the New York Times editors get a hard-on when there's a mass murder. The photo ops! The chance to climb up on their moral high horse and blame the shooter's dead mother - because she was a "big, big gun enthusiast".
Hypocrisy! New York Times and Huffington Post have had no problem praising air strikes. It's all a matter of location. Schools, hospitals, busy markets and civilian neighborhoods aren't even given the dignity of being statistics so long as NATO, the US Air Force, or IDF pulls the triggers. Imagine the media applying the "Lone gunman" boilerplate to government false flag operations: 'Who's really to blame for 911?" or "Who's really to blame for ten year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?"

Tony B said (December 15, 2012):
Henry, the first article I saw on this shooting the guy was described as autistic. And it said he killed both his parents. That means he was destroyed for life by those damned "childhood shots" that his "responsible" parents made sure were used to poison him by never bothering to question the "authorities" (especially school personnel who demand a history of the shots by each student) on their efficacy, or even on their safety. Did he know about the shots? Was he also upset by all those kids who do not react the same disastrous way to them? (But still have their physical and mental capabilities impaired to some extent.)
Leave the guns alone, outlaw the damned life destroying shots.
It's time for government schools to take responsibility for their destruction of the nation's children, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
This current slaughter is one more excellent reason for parents to take their God given responsibilities seriously and home school their kids.
All government schools, even those in "nice towns" like this one, are totally unnatural hell holes where kids, jammed together with many others of their own age group and ordered around by strangers all day, are purposely turned against their parents and their parents' beliefs in God and moral lives.
Tony - His father is still alive.

Christine said (December 15, 2012):
We just had at least 25 children die here in Virginia Beach, Virginia on Friday.

That they were slaughtered at area abortion mills does not make their deaths less tragic. At least, it shouldn't.

G said (December 15, 2012):
Good analysis. This falls into the pattern of the Port Arthur Massacre, the Aurora Batman shooting, etc. The mask and matching clothing are a giveaway. The game is impossible without local law enforcement help. The incident has to be planned where there is a compromised police chief.

Joe said (December 15, 2012):
Suzanne Collins (bloodline illuminati family) is the author of ‘The Hunger Games’ and she lives where this mass murder went down. If that does not smack of a false flag blood sacrifice of innocents for the Luciferian Illuminati Shitheads...
Let the real Hunger Games begin with a huge, horrific blood sacrifice of innocent children. This is pure evil manifesting itself on Earth for these people. This was an Illuminati Blood Sacrifice of innocents. Think about the symbolism here. She writes a book about the killing of kids for sport and entertainment. The time of the year. These scum are sending their satanic low vibration energy into the human psyche, front running the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. They are attempting to hijack the spirit of the season with this tragedy.
Coincidence? I think not. Did it have something to do with the naming of hurricane Sandy? Maybe. You may 'feel' there is no significance but the evidence is staring you in the face.
Also related, the Colorado shootings were depicted on the Illuminati card game from 1995:

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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