Friday, February 1, 2013

Obviously a 757 didn't go through seven concrete walls, leave a perfect circle, and no engines, or landing gear

 Flight 77 Is What Really Ties Zakheim To 9/11

Of all the events of 9/11, nothing ties Dov Zakheim to the whole thing more than Flight 77.
Flight 77 involved classified material with regards to 'Vigilant Guardian', access to threat response policy and the ability to replace a missing Flight 77 with another plane. And information on naval movements.

This Jet Never Hit the Pentagon
To get to the Pentagon, this 757 would have had to elude 400 fighters for 62 minutes

The Pentagon
A real terrorist would have targeted the White House. It's an easy target to find and hit.
NORAD's story that Hani Hanjour flew a 757 doing 600 MPH at 7000' and went into a 270 degree decending turn and hit the Pentagon, is absurd.
And there wasn't one single photo of the event.

What Did Hit The Pentagon?
The most likely scenario is a robotically-controlled North American T-39 Sabreliner or a bunker buster type missile.


Where Is Flight 77?
Flight 77 was sent out over the Atlantic to attack the CVN USS Washington naval group that was partaking in exercises. NORAD shot it down. That's why there is no wreckage.


NORAD scrambled a squadron of F-15's and sent them 150 miles east of New York.



The 9/11 commission report states .."A squadron of NORAD fighter planes that was scrambled was sent east over the Atlantic Ocean and was 150 miles from Washington, D.C., when the third plane struck the Pentagon " 5

Full 9/11 commission report ... Page 45

The USS Washington
The Washington was off NY on exercises.
George Washington was winding up a routine four-day under way training period in the Atlantic Ocean.

Suddenly … unexpectedly … it was ordered to station. The carrier steamed at flank speed for New York City to protect the shores and defend the skies of America’s eastern seaboard against further attacks.

The next morning, as the sun came up and the carrier steamed within sight of New York City. On
Sept 20, the USS Washington was sent to gulf.

NORAD was doing it's annual exercise preparing for a simulated attack.


Why Does Everything Point To Zakheim?
The attack was planned during Vigilant Guardian when NORAD had all it's assets at alert. This allowed the Zionists to predict the outcome. The Zionist strategy on Flight 77's was to force a shoot down which would inflame Arab hatred by the military (similar to Beruit). 
Who would have had the necessary info on the carrier group?
Who could predict NORAD's reaction and have Bush's ear?
Who would have a plan in place to use a remote control jet on the Pentagon ?
Zakheim's company specialized in remote control aircraft.
Zakheim wrote a paper calling for a new Pearl Harbor.


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