Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Roosevelt's map of the dividing up of America

Written by Dr. Rolf Kosiek
Translated by Dagmar Brenne

The American people, until the year 1941 after the start of World War 2, were generally against any participation in the conflict in Europe on part of the USA, as they had been in World War 1. Contrary to his public utterances, US President Roosevelt had been working towards a US intervention in a European conflict since at least  his Quarantine Speech in October 1937 when he deliberately provoked contradictions, using many intentional lies which were believed by  his fellow countrymen who had little historical knowledge.

In particular, he promoted fear in the naive Americans of a German invasion of the USA, which was in those times was a complete military-technical impossibility. The many economically successful and politically influential citizens of German background were therefore regarded as  the “fifth column” of the “Nazis” on the soil of the New World and had to be eliminated for this reason (1). South American nations were put under pressure to take action against the Germans living in their countries and more than 4,000 of them were delivered to the USA, where they were kept imprisoned  for the duration of the war.
US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Right: On the American side ways were being sought to stir up the American people and make an involvement in the war appear to be inevitable. (Caricature from the book from Uwe Lübken, P. 368)
“Secret German landing strips were supposed to have been discovered in Colombia, from where to launch attacks against the Panama Canal at any given time,”  President Roosevelt broadcast on radio in September 1941. “Hitler's scouts,” he continued, “waited at numerous beachheads in the south of the New World, in order to march from there against the United States.” (2)

A few weeks later he brought yet another lie to bear about Hitler's supposed plan of world domination, which even exceeded the previous unwarranted fabrications, when he said,  “On the 27th of October 1941 at the height of the battle of the Atlantic and well a month ahead of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt shocked his fellow country men with a revelation: He had received a secret map, so he declared in a speech, according to which, Hitler's program of no less than a New World Order was confirmed. The South American republics were to be transformed into five Nazi satellite states and the religions in existence in the area to be changed into a Nazi Cult”
 With yet another map, the supposed plan of a German aggression against the USA, the Roosevelt administration tried to mobilise the American public. This map appeared at the time in the American Life magazine .Printed among others in the FZ, “Die wahren Schuldigen am Zweiten Weltkrieg, München 1992)” (The true war mongers of World War 2, Munich 1992)
The  map nowadays is recognised as a forgery  by the British Secret Service and was deliberately employed by the American President, who no doubt was well informed about the true situation and aware of the ridiculous allegations, in order to silence his opponents in the  Senate and House of Representatives who wanted to stay isolated from the war and to bring about a willingness to enter the war in the American public.(4) This was obviously achieved in December 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
 Uwe Lübken, „Bedrohlich Nähe“, Stuttgart 2004
1 Max Paul Friedmann, „Nazis & Good Neighbours.  The United States Campaign against the Germans of Latin America in World War II;” Cambridge Universitz Press, Cambridge 2003
2 Klaus A. Lankheit, “Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel”, in „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“, 2. März 2004
3 Klaus Schwabe. „Roosevelts Karte“, in „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Newspaper)“, 8 November 2005
4 Uwe Lubken, “Bedrohliche Nähe. The USA and the National Socialist challenge in Latin America”. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2204, Book review  in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Nr 260, 8 January 2006, P 7

American lies for US soldiers of the occupation

En example of Western disinformation. 
“....Since the take-over of power by Hitler the German man was carefully and thoroughly indoctrinated for the conquest of the world, for killing and treachery (P.7)”

The Germans only heard that what the Nazis allowed them to hear and to read. Among other things they would believe in the following fairy tales with un-shakeable conviction that the German air force had bombarded New York and partly destroyed, it, that  Poland had attacked the Germans and that England and America had wanted a war in order to destroy Germany. (P. 10)

Germany once again had gone on one of their 'all-German' bloodthirsty conquests- and robbery-expeditions. With 'all-German', the Germans understand their dream of world domination.

.....But you, as an intelligent American should know for certain why you are to play the man in this war. For even history itself confirms the conviction of  the right and dignity of our endeavour.  History evidently witnesses to the fact that German aggression and the will to dominate are nothing new. Throughout the centuries the German desire to stir up strife affected only its close neighbours. But now, since modern inventions and because of the possibility to overcome the great distances of the Earth, the German has now the opportunity to realise his dream to enslave the whole world. From that moment on you and your country were in danger.

The Fascists of the whole world made a covenant against the believers of freedom and when the opportunity for conquest appeared  favourable, they overran a peaceable land (Poland?). Of course the Free World could not permit this to happen for ever, the Germans would have never ceased to push into other countries.”(P. 27F)

(From “Pocket Guide to Germany” quoted in: Hans Bernhardt, “Deutschland im Kreuzfeuer großer Mächte”, Schütz, Pr. Oldendorf 1988, P. 320) 
Please also read: Did the Germans intend to conquer South America in 1941?
Please read this
Roosevelt's 'Secret Map' Speech
Mark Weber – Institute for Historical Review

rightFranklin Roosevelt often lied to further his goals. In a radio address broadcast to the nation on October 23, 1940, for example, he gave "this most solemn assurance" that he had not given any "secret understanding in any shape or form, direct or indirect, with any government or any other nation in any part of the world, to involve this nation in any war or for any other purpose." ... This "most solemn assurance" was a bald-faced lie. Roosevelt had, in fact, made numerous secret arrangements to involve the U.S. in war. Of all his speeches, perhaps the best example of Roosevelt's readiness to lie is his 1941 Navy Day address broadcast over nationwide radio on October 27.

Did Kaiser, Wilhelm II, planned to invade USA between 1903 and 1910

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