Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Toleration Ends for American Orthodox Jewish Child Molesters

Death to the American Empire

Handsome Jewish Social Worker Andrew Goodman
used his Jewish Broadway / Movie Star appearance to lure kids to his apartment.
He filmed sex acts with youngsters on a Web cam
according to a 144-count indictment.
Andrew Goodman, 27, who worked for Jewish social-service agencies,
is charged with sexually abusing two Orthodox boys for years in Flatbush
 — one from age 11 to 15, the other from age 13 to 16.
Parents of Molested Boys and Girls Fear Retribution from the American Jewish Community if They Complain
New York Post, "Fight Against Intimidation Must Rage On," by Michael Lesher, Dec. 11, 2011
URL: Parents of abused Jewish children shun the police not because they’re indifferent to their children’s needs. When they hesitate to report a sex crime, it’s generally because they’re afraid of retaliation from community leaders. The DA must address that fear — and the very real problems of rabbinic and institutional intimidation that lie behind it. Read more
Brooklyn D.A. Investigation Leads to 85 Sexual Predators Arrested in Orthodox Jewish Community
NEW YORK MAGAZINE, Dec. 11, 2011, by Andre Tartar
URL: Earlier this summer, the Hasidic community in Borough Park was ripped asunder by one of the most gruesome murders imaginable — a young Jewish boy smothered and disemboweled. The murderer may have been a troubled outcast, as Matthew Shaer describes in last week's New York, but he was still one of their own — a chilling reality check. Now, the Brooklyn District Attorney's office has revealed the results of a three-year investigation into sexual abuse in the borough's Orthodox Jewish community that is downright seismic: 85 sexual predators arrested and 117 victims identified, according to the Post. Read more
Hasidic "Therapist" Suspected of Molesting 100 Young Boy Protected in Israel Since 1985
New York Post, "Fight against intimidation must rage on," by Michael Lesher, Dec. 11, 2011
URL: In 1985, Avrohom Mondrowitz — a Hasidic “therapist” working in Brooklyn — was indicted for abusing five young boys. Police suspected he abused well over 100 more. Mondrowitz fled to Israel, where he remains a free man to this day. Although nearly all of his alleged victims were children from ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn, not one of them joined his few non-Jewish alleged victims in testifying before the grand jury that indicted him. Efforts to extradite Mondrowitz to face his accusers in a Brooklyn court have been unsuccessful. Read more
Prosecutor Wants an End to Jewish Community Tradition of Hiding Molestation from Authorities
NYC Addresses Pedophile Concerns,, Dec. 11, 2011
NEW YORK, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- A New York prosecutor says he wants Orthodox Jews to report pedophiles despite a tradition of keeping some criminal matters within the close-knit community. Agudath Israel of America, a prominent body of Torah sages, mandates anyone with knowledge of sex abuse at the hand of a fellow observant Jew to first report it to rabbis, who then decide whether the case should go to secular authorities. Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes' Project Kol Tzedek, Hebrew for "voice of justice," is trying to alter the paradigm. Read more
Andrew Goodman, 27, is a Jew who looks like a movie star, but many members of Brooklyn’s Jewish community believe he is a monster.
New York Post, Dec. 11, 2011, Orthodox Sex Abuse Scandal, 117 Kid Victims and 85 Arrests in Jewish Enclave
Andrew Goodman, 27, who worked for Jewish social-service agencies, is charged with sexually abusing two Orthodox boys for years in Flatbush — one from age 11 to 15, the other from age 13 to 16. Goodman filmed sex acts with the youngsters on a Web cam, according to the 144-count indictment, which alleges numerous violations since 2006. He has pleaded not guilty. The handsome Goodman, who held parties in his home with liquor and child porn, also “threatened the life” of a boy who reported him to authorities, court papers and sources say. Andrew Goodman (above), one of 85 sex-abuse suspects arrested over the last three years by Project Kol Tzedek, has been accused of preying on the boys of Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community and — even after his arrest on sex-assault charges — was caught on video ushering teens into his Flatbush home (below). He is being held on Rikers Island in lieu of a $1 million cash bail. He’s one of an astounding 85 accused Orthodox child molester... Read more




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