Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Monday, July 20, 2009
The Taliban Tool to Keep AmeriKa in Afghanistan
Please see: Sunday Globe Censorship: Abducted American Video a False-Flag Fake

"Pentagon ID’s soldier in Taliban video" by Associated Press | July 20, 2009

HAILEY, Idaho - A soldier from Idaho who disappeared from his base in Afghanistan has been captured, the Pentagon confirmed yesterday, a day after he was seen in a Taliban video posted online. He said in the video he was lagging behind a patrol when he was captured, which conflicts earlier military accounts that indicated he left the base with three Afghans. The Pentagon gave no details of the kidnapping.

Yeah, I KNOW!!

So CHOOSE which LIE you want to BELIEVE, 'murkn newspaper reader!

It wasn’t clear who initially captured Bergdahl, but the US command in Afghanistan said he was being held by the Taliban and condemned the video as a violation of international law.

As if WE had SOME STANDING in that regard!!!

Tell it to the AFGHANS MURDERED and MAIMED by OUR MISSILES and BOMBS and by those who are being TORTURED at BAGRAM!!!!

“I’m glad to see he appears unharmed, but again, this is a Taliban propaganda video,’’ spokeswoman Lieutenant Commander Christine Sidenstricker said. “They are exploiting the soldier in violation of international law.’’

Yup, STRAIGHT from LANGLEY, Virginia, USA!!!!!

Posted by Rocker at 5:57 AM
Labels: Afghanistan, MSM, Prop
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