Monday, September 27, 2010


Monday, August 3, 2009
Melee in Malaysia
I can't quite figure this out yet. Let's see how my lying, agenda-pushing media handles it.

"Malaysian police crush protest; 20,000 take to streets to defy detention law" by Julia Zappei, Associated Press | August 2, 2009

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Police broke up Malaysia’s biggest street protest in nearly two years yesterday, firing tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of opposition supporters demanding an end to a law that allows detention without trial.

Ooooh. Would that Americans were so aroused.

It will be TOO LATE once you are IN THERE, 'murkn.

Witnesses estimated that as many as 20,000 demonstrators took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur in defiance of government warnings for people to shun the rally against the Internal Security Act, which allows the indefinite imprisonment of people regarded as security threats....

And I DIDN'T HERE a PEEP from Obama. I guess Malaysia is not Iran, who already is trying people, but then again, I'm getting immune to the double-speaking one-sidedness of the AmeriKan MSM.

Police repeatedly fired volleys of tear gas and water laced with stinging chemicals to disperse the crowds after they began marching toward the national palace. The protesters chanted “Reformasi,’’ the opposition’s slogan for political change....

Human rights activists have held numerous smaller protests over the years against the security act, but yesterday’s event received a boost after opposition parties urged their supporters to come out in force....

Not in AmeriKa.

Human rights groups say at least 17 people are being held under the act, mainly for alleged links to militants and document forgery. Activists have long decried the act, saying it has been used to jail hundreds of government critics and dampen dissent....


I suspect the coverage won't last; Malaysia mad an appearance because alarms went of in the globalist halls of power on this one. Or is it another attempt at velvet regime change?

"Opposition leader held in Malaysia protest" by Reuters | August 3, 2009

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia’s opposition said yesterday that it was being targeted by police after a protest in which 600 people were arrested, including its third most senior official.

Malaysian police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse a crowd of around 10,000 protesters Saturday in the biggest demonstration in the country’s capital in almost two years.

Then WHY did you say 20,000 on Sunday, MSM?


The downplaying of the protest and the fact that this is a BRIEF!

Most of the protesters had been released by yesterday, but among the 31 still detained was Sivarasa Rasiah, an opposition Member of Parliament who is also the top defense lawyer for Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition leader who has been charged with sodomy....

I don't know if I want to read anymore.

Anwar was dismissed as deputy prime minister in 1998 and served six years in jail for sodomy and corruption.

So a PERVERTED CRIMINAL is head of the opposition?

Malaysia, a mainly Muslim nation of 27 million people in Southeast Asia, was thrown into political turmoil after the government that has ruled for 51 years lost its two-thirds parliamentary majority in elections last year.

Aaaaah! A people's revolution!


I would be surprised to see a report in my Tuesday globe.
Posted by Rocker at 7:30 PM
Labels: South Asia
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