Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Somalia's Al-Shabab IS "Al-CIA-Duh"
Which is where it ALL eventually TRACES BACK!

I may have to start skipping some articles again, folks. I am so sick of lie after lie after lie after misrepresentation after misrepresentation after representation by the Zionist War Dailies in their unquenchable agenda-pushing war promotion.

Related: The AmeriKan MSM's Somali Whoppers

"Insurgents attack Somali palace

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Islamic insurgents attacked Somalia's presidential palace and five civilians were killed yesterday, underscoring fears the country could collapse into further chaos only a day after Ethiopian troops handed over security duties to a Somali force.

I wonder who killed them: U.S. Warlords Working Wonders in Somalia

The extremist group at the center of the fighting, which wants to establish an Islamic state in Somalia, said it now would focus its attacks on the thousands of African Union peacekeepers in the country.

"You used to hear Ethiopian bases were attacked daily, but from now you will hear the African Union bases were attacked," said Sheik Muktar Robow, spokesman of the Islamic insurgency group, al-Shabab, which the US State Department considers a terrorist organization with links to Al Qaeda.

Oh yeah? Not in my Zionist War Daily!

As for the "terrorists":

Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI

Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits

Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business

Prop 102: Iraq and Government Lies


Who Invented "Al-CIA-Duh?"

New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation

Prop 201 tutorial


That enough for ya?

"We ask them to leave our country. If not, we will force them to leave," Robow said of the peacekeepers at a news conference in the Somali capital.

Just as any indigenous person would about a FOREIGN OCCUPATION!

There are currently about 2,400 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers in Mogadishu whose mandate is restricted to guarding key government installations such as the port and airport. To date, they have rarely been the target of insurgent attacks.

Expect that to change, and CUI BONO? Who wants in to Somalia, huh?

Neighboring Ethiopia handed over security duties Tuesday following a two-year deployment. Somalia's weak UN-backed government had called in the Ethiopian troops in December 2006 to oust an umbrella Islamic group - which included the al-Shabab extremists - that had controlled southern Somalia and the capital for six months.

Please see: Memory Hole: Somali Slander

Memory Hole: More on Somalia

Somalia: Worse Than Darfur

I'm so sick of the shit journalism, folks!

The Ethiopian Army, one of Africa's largest, was viewed by many Somalis as abusive and heavy-handed.

I can't imagine why:

Ethiopian Atrocities in Somalia

Ethiopia's Invisible War Crimes

But few expect the Somali government now can ensure security. It controls only pockets of the capital, Mogadishu, and Baidoa, where parliament sits - and has tried to rule without a president for weeks. Thousands of civilians have been killed in fighting in the past year, and hundreds of thousands have fled the violence.

Btw, how many have been SACRIFICED over a crock full of lies?

"Sharif back in Mogadishu as death toll hits 16,210

MOGADISHU, Dec 10 (Reuters) - Somalia's moderate Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed returned to Mogadishu for the first time in two years on Wednesday and a local rights group said fighting had killed 16,210 civilians since then....


GOOD LORD, NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Rocker at 10:35 AM
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