Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Friday, August 10, 2007
9/11 Truth Lost?
I don't think so, and I don't think the Alex Jones crowd precludes the Zionist charges.

I feel the Globalists and Zionists work together, as it is mutually advantageous to both.

That might explain the difficulty of finding the truth; however, it does NOT EXCUSE the DO-NOTHING CITIZENS!

I often feel like this blogger, however, reader!

"Is 9/11 truth a lost cause?

After finding the video of the collapse of WTC7 in late 2005, then Loose Change and then well everything else, I find myself now wondering is 9/11 truth a lost cause?

From my experience I feel I have only reached so many people, and not much more. I have convinced a few close friends that the official story is a fraud, but that's about it, they don't care to look into things in their spare time, perhaps for a week or two and then they are burnt out on it, they have all gone back to their comfortable little lives and hardly mention it, of course if I bring it up, they still agree with me, but far be it for them to take any action themselves.

Some friends still deny it, although they know about the Federal Reserve scam, and the Income Tax scam. To me the most complexing people are those who know about the deceit and yet still continue to watch mainstream news and still continue to support mainstream candidates like Obama, one close friend has also tried to reassure me that a tactical strike on Iran would not cause a wider war in the region. Now I think that it may go without stating that getting any of them to look into a much broader conspiracy has been absolutely fruitless, well at least my wife is on my side.

Recently one of my friends found a radio program in my car called "the French Connection" and put it on, he did not say much about it at the time, but later on my myspace account left a very rude message saying that he couldn't respect me believing in a Zionist conspiracy, and of having what was a called a "veiled anti-semitism". This message hurt me very much at the time, as this was a very close friend, and although we had diverged a bit, I did not think it had reached this point where, if he was concerned about my beliefs would not ask me privately instead of posting it public for all to say in a very confrontational tone.

Yes I was looking into a Zionist conspiracy, at the same time he was thinking of converting to Judaism, and is minoring in Jewish studies. Since then I have looked even deeper into the evidence and well it has brought me here, I cannot be another silent supporter.

I wonder now if it is too late to do much about 9/11. We're coming up on six years since the event, and the best time to make a difference is immediately after an event.

The evidence has long since been destroyed, and the war on terror myth, has been swallowed up by even some who know that the official story is a lie. Perhaps the problem is the 9/11 truth movement itself, although it has many supporters, it is spilt into too many camps to be effective, and spends too much time fighting itself.

It is easy for newbies to be confused entering into the 9/11 truth mess. Simple denial of the official conspiracy theory and call for a true investigation should be enough to bring together these diverse camps, but sadly it is not.

I would say that the first division is between those who say it was Bush Cheney, and those who say that it is part of something much larger, then that group is split up between Alex Jones types who talk about the New World Order and what not and then those that talk about Zionists. For newcomers it is all overwhelming, talk of Zionism will have them thinking anti-semitism.

Lately I have noticed a lot of the "no-planers" muddying the waters, they make the pod people look legit. I know that a lot of the stuff out there is probably the work of dis-info agents, but I also think that a lot of people promote and pass this stuff along willingly, and its making everyone look bad.

Although I have had some luck with my friends, I have had no luck convincing anybody of anything on the internet, people don't listen and are rude, and when you present good evidence you are ignored.

I set up a few ground rules for myself when arguing online, never insult another person even when I was being insulted (taking the "high road"), always used reasoned arguments backed up with documentation that I made available, and go about it one issue at a time, starting with the most obvious stuff first, and saving debate about the collapse for last (seeing that although this is a good piece of evidence it won't convince many now, because they have heard this story before and have found some way to deal with it).

Although I don't think I convinced anyone directly, I think I affected many indirectly as my calm demeanor, and insistince on being cordial to those who would call me dumb, and only bring up the best stuff first, and I think there were others on the sidelines that appreciated my style. But I got burnt out on that, trying to stick it to them is a tough job, especially when all you are up against is blatant ignorance, with an occasional link to a debunking site.

I suppose I am a little discouraged by all of these experiences, I will still try to fight the good fight. But for 9/11 it seems like many have already made up their minds, or they rely on someone else to make it for them. Like how Thom Yorke links to the Monbiot article, how many smart people let others do their thinking for them on this issue.

It seems as though the main aim of debunkers is not to debunk but to get those curious about 9/11 conspiracies away from any real information. This was my problem back in 2005 and 2006 I was looking for an answer to the questions posed by the "conspiracy theorists" all I found was name calling, and distortion of the true views of people in that movement.

Perhaps in the end, perhaps we have shaken enough people from their slumber to go after the next false flag attack as quickly as possible, perhaps it will awaken those that found the truth about 9/11 and have hit the snooze button.

Perhaps it will cause those who do nothing but read Monbiot and others to do their own investigating. But then again, the willingness of people to deny the obvious astonishes me, and by the time of the next attack it may be too late, well until then, au revoir!"

I guess I must be in the "rude" category, but I DON'T CARE!

Posted by Rocker at 8:50 AM
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