Monday, September 10, 2007
Osama bin Townsend
If what Fat Franny is saying is true, then why all the media hub-bub?
"Bin Laden not a threat, US aide says" by Ben Feller/Associated Press September 9, 2007
WASHINGTON - Seemingly taunting Osama bin Laden, President Bush's homeland security adviser said Sunday the fugitive al-Qaida leader is "virtually impotent'' beyond his ability to hide away and spread anti-American propaganda
[Yeah, dead guys usually have a flaccid pud! Franny's expertise?]
The provocative characterization came just days after bin Laden attracted international attention with the release of a video in which he ridicules President Bush about the Iraq war and reminds the world that he not been captured.
[About that video!]
White House aide Frances Fragos Townsend made a clear attempt to diminish the influence - or the perception - of the man who masterminded those attacks.
Townsend said of bin Laden: "This is about the best he can do. This is a man on a run, from a cave, who's virtually impotent other than these tapes.''
In appearance on two Sunday talk shows, she used the "virtually impotent'' reference both times, suggesting the language was chosen with careful purpose.
[Like EVERYTHING this administration and its boot-licking press corp throw out there!]
Townsend: "We know that al-Qaida is still determined to attack, and we take it seriously, but this tape appears to be nothing more than threats. It's propaganda on their part.''
[Then there had better NEVER be another FALSE-FLAG, INSIDE-JOB, BLACK-OP EVER AGAIN, Franny!]
Townsend was considerably more direct than even Bush in rebuking bin Laden. The president responded to bin Laden's tape last week by saying it was a reminder that the world is dangerous and that Iraq is part of the war against extremists.
Thomas Sanderson, an authority on terrorism at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, in an interview Sunday:
"While he may be physically contained, his influence is not bounded by any physical barriers. Obviously, in a sense, it does not matter that we've got him trapped in a cave. He has sent forth enough messages to incite violence worldwide against us.''
[Then Osama really is Jesus!]
Townsend said experts are doing a technical analysis, looking for clues about bin Laden's health and whereabouts:
"There's nothing overtly obvious in the tape that would suggest this is a trigger for an attack. We ought to remember, six years since the tragedy of the September 11th, we haven't seen another attack."
Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, wrote the chairmen of the independent Sept. 11 commission, wrote in Sunday's Washington Post:
"Six years later, we are safer in a narrow sense: We have not been attacked, and our defenses are better. But we have become distracted and complacent.''
[So we NEED ANOTHER ONE, don't we, you cover-up agents?]
Townsend disputed that assessment. She said the government has made considerable progress in protecting the country:
"We are safer than we were in 2001."
[Even though we are NOT SAFE AT ALL!
Not from the MURDERING, NEO-CON CABAL that resides in Washington D.C. -- the home of the Third Anti-Christ, George W. Bush!
Be ON GUARD, America!
The U.S. Air Command STAND DOWN is in place, and a state of MARTIAL LAW is being readied!
May God Preserve Us!!
Posted by Rocker at 6:59 AM
Labels: 9/11, Prop
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