Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, September 24, 2007
Story Iraq: Blackwater Bullshit
And why I really didn't report on the "controversy" because NOTHING HAS CHANGED and NOTHING WILL!

"An Iraqi security official said the government was compelled to allow Blackwater to remain in operation in Iraq in spite of deep misgivings about the company’s role here. Tahseen al-Sheikhly, a spokesman for the Iraqi security forces, said that immediately removing Blackwater’s hundreds of armed guards could create a security vacuum in the capital, forcing American commanders to redeploy troops from elsewhere in the country. That could leave other volatile areas thinly patrolled.

“If Blackwater left at this moment, it might leave a security gap because most of the embassies and most of the foreign organizations that are working in Iraq” rely on Blackwater, Mr. Sheikhly said at a news conference with a spokesman for the American military in Baghdad. “This will create a security imbalance.”

“That’s why the Iraqi government preferred to be patient on activating this decision to stop them,” he said. “But the government is still serious in finding certain rules” to govern private security contractors. “We would like to have some laws,” he said.

A sovereign nation, huh?

In a signal that violence remains the norm here, 10 bodies were found in Baghdad on Sunday (New York Times September 24)."

And instead of the victims of an active war, the Times gives us the money we are pissing away in this war on the front page.

even though about 35 people are being killed every day -- on the rise over the summer -- and the number of Iraqis killed by the surge is around 300 per day, 10,000 per month!

And who the fuck knows how many BLACKWATER KILLS?

Of course, the Zionist-controlled shit Times couldn't care less about Muslim deaths.
Posted by Rocker at 6:06 AM
Labels: Iraq, War Profiteering
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