Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Muslim PR
You won't win over people by dropping bombs on their heads, killing them, imprisoning them, torturing them, and all the other "wonderful" things "liberation" has given the Iraqis.

This Hughes lady is just spewing HOT FART MIST, folks!!!

"Diplomacy effort reaches out to Muslim youths; Strives to create positive views of United States" by Farah Stockman/Boston Globe August 18, 2007

[Whadda ya mean you don't like the cruise missile for breakfast?

Listen to 'em! Complaining that their families are being killed!

Damn ungrateful Muslims! Here, have another air strike for lunch!]

WASHINGTON -- The State Department is launching what it says will be the first comprehensive public diplomacy effort targeting children, hoping to shape the views of Muslim youths ages 8 to 14 with a series of summer camps and enrichment programs designed to counter negative images of the United States.

[Bush youth?]

The new initiative is the brainchild of Karen Hughes, a confidante of President Bush who has become the most powerful public-diplomacy czar in decades. Hughes has argued forcefully that the US government must reach out to children younger than age 14, a population the State Department has largely neglected because they are too young for traditional exchange programs.

Hughes, in an interview Monday:

"By the time kids get to high school, their impressions are already pretty well shaped."

She said she began to plan the initiative last year when she realized that the US government's programs for young people "weren't reaching down really young enough."

As a test of her idea, Hughes asked embassies in 14 Islamic countries this summer to come up with pilot programs for that age bracket, and spent nearly $1 million on projects that involved about 6,000 youths and hundreds of local partnering organizations.

[That's a million YOU and I DIDN'T NEED HERE.

Not like we need health care or bridges built, or anything worthwhile over here.

Rather, let's WASTE MORE MONEY with a FUCKING P.R. STUNT!]

Participants included more than 2,000 girls in Turkey who attended a basketball camp and 80 children from rural schools in Malaysia who learned about Thomas Jefferson and other US heroes on an American-style camping trip with embassy staff and families.

[While our public education system and the buildings it is housed in rot!

Nice, huh, Amurka?

How much longer you gonna EAT SHIT, Amurka?!


41 Iraqi students learned about baseball and the English language for three days this summer in Baghdad. A photo of the group meeting with US Ambassador Ryan Crocker hangs on the door of Hughes's office at the State Department -- but it cannot be publicly released for fear that the children may be harmed by terrorists because of their connection with the United States.

Patricia Kushlis, a retired State Department foreign service officer who now runs a public diplomacy blog called WhirledView:

"There's always a risk, whatever you do, in a country where they really don't like you, particularly if you are talking to the kids."

[Yeah, and if your Army and air bombs were responsible for killing their mom and dad, too!

That doesn't help, either!]

Nonetheless, some foreign policy specialists praised the notion of targeting public diplomacy efforts at average people, rather than elites and opinion-makers, and said children often develop their world view during ages 8 to 14.

Joshua Fouts, director of the University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy, a Los Angeles-based think tank:

"There is a generation, in the Middle East in particular, of 15 to 22 year olds, that during the most formative years of their lives has only seen the US as an imperialist nation. If kids aged 8 to 14 are all that's left, then it is important that we engage them."

[Plus, we have already propagandized and anesthetized OUR YOUTH, so let's propagandize the Muslims head with garbage.

Well, you know what?


More money WASTED!]

Nidal Ibrahim, executive director of the Arab American Institute, a Washington-based advocacy group, said... the programs would not significantly improve the United States' image abroad unless accompanied by a change in US policies:

"These types of efforts should be embraced, but we also shouldn't delude ourselves. You can't Band-Aid our way out of this situation."

[That's right! Can't Band-Aid AIR BOMBS!!!!!]

The success of the new initiative will probably define the legacy of Hughes, whose initial efforts to reach out to average people in the Arab world were widely criticized as naive.

[She still is. This is nothing but HOT FART MIST PROPAGANDA!]

Hughes modeled her program for children in the Muslim world on American summer camps and intended to use the term "Camp Friendship." But after critics said people abroad might associate "camp" with reeducation camps or even the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, the State Department switched to calling them "youth enrichment programs."

[They had it right the first time.

Yeah, the Muslims are coming to summer camp!

This is fucking ill!

Probably trying to recruit new "Al-CIA-Duhs" like the bin Ladens, who were all chummy with Georgie and his family!

These people running this country are INSANE, folks!!!]

Hughes said she hopes to greatly expand this summer's pilot project with $8.5 million she received from Congress this year. State Department officials will plan the expansion of the project after seeing exit interviews with the children."

[That's $8 million dollars more that YOU DO NOT NEED, Amurka!

Not like they could use that to, oh, I don't know, test poisoned food imported from China?


So, CHEW UP, Amurka, and SMILE!!!]
Posted by Rocker at 2:48 PM
Labels: Politics, Prop, War Profiteering
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