Thursday, January 7, 2010
Israel Jilted By Yemen's Jews
It is getting to the point where I can not believe any article I see in my Zionist AmeriKan newspaper.
"Yemeni Jews refuse to leave for Israel
That's not what I was told.
Jews in Yemen prefer to stay in the impoverished Arab nation rather than relocate to Israel amid mounting speculations that the US might launch a new war in the country.
An official at the World's Jewish Congress Foundation, Moshe Nahum, said they have tried in vain in the past three decades to convince Yemeni Jews to move to Israel.
He said the foundation has even dispatched teams from New York and London and promised money and benefit to lure the tiny community to migrate.
"But they are afraid of losing what they have," Nahum said in an interview with the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, published on Tuesday.
Yemen has a small community of two to three hundred Jews who mostly reside in the capital Sana'a, while dozens of them have chosen to convert to Islam....
"For Jews, Yemen no longer a place to call home" by Sudarsan Raghavan, Washington Post | December 20, 2009
Kind of RESTING MY CASE with the WaPo, folks!!!!!
SANA, Yemen - The last remaining Jews in Yemen are vanishing, driven out by politics, war, and hatred.
So HOW DOES the ZIONIST SHOE feel on YOUR FOOT, *ew!!!!?!!!!
Once numbering 60,000, one of the oldest Jewish populations in the Arab world now has fewer than 350 members.
I really NO LONGER give a f*** about *ews and THEIR PROBLEMS, 'kay?!!!
In recent months, persecution by Islamist extremists has intensified, accelerating Jews’ flight from Yemen.
Maybe they are on to something.
Many are heading to the United States.
What, not to that blighted stain of NaZionism, because I DON'T WANT THEM HERE!
With the help of the US government and US-based Jewish organizations, 57 Yemeni Jews have been resettled in New York since July.
At least 38 are expected to arrive soon and many more are eligible, American officials said. Others are seeking refuge in Israel and Europe.
I stand corrected!
In the capital, Sana, 65 Jews who fled their northern villages are living in a government compound under heavy security. Recently, police arrested two men suspected of planning to assassinate the community’s rabbi, according to Yemeni news reports. The exodus of Yemen’s Jews - who survived the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula and for centuries coexisted, if tenuously, with Muslims - is a sign of this nation’s social fragmentation.
Maybe if that stinking s*** hole Israel wasn't such a war criminal belligerent the Jews wouldn't have a problem.
But it's more than that. Given all the propaganda, false flags and such, I'm not buying a word of this slop.
Have you noticed HOW OFTEN the ZIONIST AmeriKan MSM promotes the idea of the POOR, PERSECUTED JEW? I have and I AM TIRED (yawn) OF IT!
Yemen’s weak central government is struggling with a civil war in the north, a secessionist movement in the south, and a growing Al Qaeda presence. Large swaths of the nation, the Middle East’s poorest, are controlled by tribes, which resent any interference from the government.
Rabbi Yahya Yehuda, like so many in his shrinking congregation, is faced with a dilemma as he waits for a visa to the United States or Israel....
Yeah, the rabbi's dilemma!
How about the Houthis dilemma!?
How about the FAMILIES of the SLAIN and THEIR DILEMMA, huh, MSM?
Ah, what's the use!?
The first Jews who came to Yemen were merchants, sent by King Solomon, it is believed, to prospect for silver and gold.
I see where the "STEREOTYPE" started!!!
They survived persecution for nearly a millennium under the rule of Zaydi imams.
Then WHY would they have a PROBLEM with SHIITES, huh?
And THERE IT IS AGAIN, isn't it?
With the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, Arabs rioted in the port city of Aden, killing scores of Jews and destroying their homes and shops.
Well, the JEWS must have TAKEN NOTES considering what they have DONE in PALESTINE with their ZETTLERS!!!!
Over the next two years, about 50,000 Jews were airlifted to Israel in what was dubbed Operation Magic Carpet.
I think I'm going to be sick. Too bad no one shot that magic carpet down.
More trickled out of Yemen until 1962, when the Zaydi imamate was overthrown in a coup and civil war broke out. After the first Persian Gulf War, with the help of the United States, about 1,200 Jews departed, mostly for Israel.
So why are they spying on us, America?
The few hundred who stayed behind.... lived quietly under the radar of zealots, practicing Orthodox Jewish traditions. They attended synagogue, studied the Torah in religious schools, and spoke Hebrew. In 2004, a Shi’ite rebellion broke out in Saada. The rebels, known as Hawthis, were an offshoot of the Zaydis. That December, they targeted al-Salem. They threw rocks at Jewish homes and damaged cars.
For the next three years, Jews faced harassment. They never traveled alone. Many stopped going to work, leaving their homes only for food and emergencies....
Oh, that is PRICELESS!!
Of course, JEWS should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES for the way they have treated Palestinians ALL THESE YEARS!!!
Posted by Rocker at 12:01 AM
Labels: MSM, Religion, Yemen
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