Wednesday, August 4, 2010
China Challenges U.S. Superpower Status
And AmeriKa's MSM isn't happy about it:
"China poised to unseat Japan as second-largest economy; Resurgence is having major global impact" by Joe McDonald, Associated Press | August 1, 2010
BEIJING — China is set to overtake Japan as the world’s second-largest economy in a resurgence that is changing everything from the global balance of military and financial power to how cars are designed.
Yeah, the Jew World Order wasn't devised for them.
That's what happens when you are a supremacist and racist.
They just thought the idiot Chinese would accept their slave status, not knowing or caring about their proud history.
By some measures it has already moved to second place after the United States in total economic output — a milestone that would underline a preeminence not seen since the 18th century, when the Middle Kingdom last served as Asia’s military, technological, and cultural power.
Rising again -- and they are in a much better economic position than our declining and bankrupt empire.
China is already the biggest exporter, auto buyer, and steel producer and its worldwide influence is growing. The fortunes of companies from Detroit automakers to Brazilian iron miners depend on spending by China’s consumers and corporations. And rising wealth brings political presence: Chinese pressure helped to win developing countries a bigger voice in the World Bank and International Monetary Fund....
And that can not be making the masters happy!
China’s rise has produced glaring contradictions. The wealth gap between an elite that profited most from three decades of reform and its poor majority is so extreme that China has dozens of billionaires, while average income for the rest of its 1.3 billion people is among the world’s lowest.
Seems to be a product of the economic system.
Beijing has launched two manned space missions and is talking about exporting high-speed trains to California and Europe while families in remote areas live in cave houses cut into hillsides....
We fight wars for Israel while foreclosed-upon Americans put up tent cites.
China’s explosive growth has driven conflicting shifts in Asia and beyond, triggering a scramble for commercial opportunity but fueling unease that the wealth is helping to finance a military buildup to press the communist government’s claims in the region.
AmeriKa spends more on war than the rest of the world combined and invades people to steal their stuff.
Exactly when China passes Japan formally will be unclear until after this year ends. It depends on shifting exchange rates and data reported in different forms by the two governments....
Beijing appears to take it for granted that it already has overtaken Japan....
Australia has been one of the biggest beneficiaries as China’s voracious appetite for iron ore, coal, and other commodities drove a mining boom that kept its economy growing through the global crisis.
Related: Mining Chinese Corruption
That booming trade prompted Australia to reconsider its stance toward China, previously seen as a communist aggressor. In 2008, then-prime minister Kevin Rudd, who speaks Mandarin and was a diplomat in Beijing, called for closer political, economic and academic engagement with the Chinese government.
But Rudd also displayed Australia’s independence from Beijing by talking about human rights, Tibet, and China’s Muslim minorities — issues Chinese leaders want other countries to keep quiet about. And Australia affirmed its longtime security alliance with Washington. Rudd’s successor, Julia Gillard, has given no sign of a major change of direction.
Related: Australia's New Ma'am
For most of the past 2,000 years, China’s was the biggest economy, with its workshops and textile mills accounting for up to one-third of global manufacturing. But it went into steep decline in the 19th century as its rulers resisted mimicking Japan’s embrace of Western technology. By the 1930s, China produced just a small percentage of global factory output.
After a civil war, communist takeover, and political upheaval, free-enterprise reforms pioneered by leader Deng Xiaoping opened the door for hundreds of millions of Chinese to work their way out of poverty.
Since those reforms began in 1979, China has grown into the world’s low-cost factory, its biggest exporter and producer of half its steel. It wants to evolve beyond cheap manufacturing and is trying to build up technology industries but has had little success so far....
Related: China's Economy Collapsing
See what happens when you demand higher wages?
Also see: Running to Indonesia
Don't worry, AmeriKa, some day the jobs will get back here -- when you are paying pennies an hour.
Yet already, China’s consumers are so avidly courted by global companies that products from autos to home appliances destined for sale worldwide are designed with their tastes in mind. This year, French luxury goods maker Hermes Group unveiled a brand, Shang Xia, to be designed for Chinese customers.
China’s demand for oil, iron ore, and other raw materials is pumping money into developing economies as far-flung as Angola and Kazakhstan that supply them.
And THAT is the PROBLEM!
Also see: China Cutting Deals in Africa
Looks a lot more cost-effective than invasions and wars, doesn't it, America?
Posted by Rocker at 6:00 AM
Labels: China, Japan, Neo-Con Plan, U.S.
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