"Deep Throat a fixture in Nixon files" by Calvin Woodward/Associated Press November 28, 2007
WASHINGTON -- The National Archives released more than 10,000 pages of documents from the Nixon presidency on Wednesday.
The documents shed light on foreign and national security policy from the Nixon years, showing an increasing urgency in U.S. attempts to pacify the Middle East, alarm over Israel's apparent progress in developing nuclear weapons and a wish to "manipulate relations with Saudis" to help broker peace. U.S. officials are also seen weighing whether to support a Kurdish rebellion in Iraq.
To combat the terrorist threat in the Mideast, the U.S. must focus on "political dialogue," said a March 1973 directive.
Also in the files:
--National security adviser Henry Kissinger is urged to respond to pleas from the shah of Iran to support Kurdish rebels in Iraq.
Harold Saunders, a deputy, told him in a June 1972 memo: "Even if we were to decide to help them, I would assume we would want our hand to be hidden."
--Vice President Dick Cheney's resume and application for an unspecified administration job in 1969, when he was 28. The ambitious Cheney listed a dozen jobs he'd had so far, including a university tutoring position for which he had been paid 75 cents an hour, and acknowledged two convictions for driving under the influence in his early 20s.
Dogshit Dick is STILL a DRUNK!
Otherwise, he wouldn't have shot his friend in the face!
--Memos about Elvis Presley's Dec. 21, 1970, visit with Nixon to offer his support for the administration's drug-fighting and other crime efforts. He presented Nixon with a commemorative World War II Colt 45 pistol, encased in a wooden chest.
Nixon wrote: "You were particularly kind to remember me with this impressive gift, as well as your family photographs, and I am delighted to have them for my collection of special mementos."
Isn't that terrible. The King was an informant, and he was a druggie!
But what about those concerns over Israeli nuke bombs?
Be prepared to be flattened (pun intended), reader.
The New York Times deserves credit on this one:
"Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Vexed Nixon" by DAVID STOUT
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 — In July 1969, as the world was spellbound by the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, President Richard M. Nixon and his close advisers were quietly fretting about a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Their main worry was not a potential enemy of the United States, but one of America’s closest friends.
Henry A. Kissinger, the national security adviser, warned Mr. Nixon in a memorandum dated July 19, 1969 — part of a newly released trove of documents:
“The Israelis, who are one of the few peoples whose survival is genuinely threatened, are probably more likely than almost any other country to actually use their nuclear weapons.”
What is freaking me out is those paranoid NaZionists running Israel are closer to doing that now than then!
In a preemptive strike on you-know-who, know what I mean?
Israel’s nuclear arms program, which Israel has never officially conceded exists, was believed to have begun at least several years before, but it was causing special problems for the young Nixon administration. For one thing, the president was preparing for a visit by its prime minister, Golda Meir, who was also in her first year in office and whose toughness was already legendary.
Yeah, Golda Meir is the racist Zionist who said that Arabs hate Jews more than they love their children!
I will never forgive her for that.
And if you NaZionists feel that way, you have brought it upon yourselves for the way you have acted!
Should Washington insist that Israel rein in its development of nuclear weapons? What would the United States do if Israel refused? Perhaps the solution lay in deliberate ambiguity, or simply pretending that America did not know what Israel was up to. These were some of the options that Mr. Kissinger laid out for Mr. Nixon on that day before men first walked on the moon.
The Nixon White House’s concerns over Israel’s weapons were detailed in documents from the Nixon Presidential Library that were released on Wednesday by the National Archives under an executive order that requires that classified documents be reviewed and possibly declassified after 25 years.
The documents provide insights into America’s close, but by no means problem-free, relationship with Israel. They also serve as a reminder that concerns over nuclear arms proliferation in the Middle East, now focused on Iran, are decades old.
The relationship is only problem-free for Israel, because they are the masters directing the policies!
There are also snippets about Washington’s desire to manipulate relations with Saudi Arabia, so that the Saudis might help to broker a Middle East peace deal; discussion of possibly supporting a Kurdish uprising in Iraq; and a 1970 clash in which four Israeli fighters shot down four Russian MIG-21s over eastern Egypt, even though the Israelis were outnumbered by two-to-one.
That was about the time that the world realized the Russians weren't going to be there against western imperialism.
That they would talk the talk, but not walk the walk when the rubber hit the road!
Learned that in history class!
But perhaps the most interesting material, and the most pertinent given the just-completed peace conference in Annapolis, Md., concerns Israel and its relations with its neighbors, as well as with the United States.
Can this be a coincidence, reader? Something is a stinkin'!
Mr. Kissinger noted in his long memorandum:
“There is circumstantial evidence that some fissionable material available for Israel’s weapons development was illegally obtained from the United States about 1965.”
That is AS EXPLOSIVE as an ATOM BOMB!!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
He also said that one problem with trying to persuade Israel to freeze its nuclear program was that inspections would be useless, conceding that “we could never cover all conceivable Israeli hiding places.”
But we have to bomb Iran with shoe on other foot!
Mr. Kissinger: “This is one program on which the Israelis have persistently deceived us, and may even have stolen from us.”
Wouldn't be the first time: Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals
Although Israel has never publicly acknowledged possessing nuclear weapons, scientists and arms experts have no doubt that it has them, and the United States’ reluctance to pressure Israel to disarm has made America vulnerable to accusations that it has a double standard when it comes to stopping the spread of weapons in the Middle East.
Look, the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THAT -- except for dumbfuck shit-chewing Amurkns!!!
Mr. Kissinger’s memo, written barely two years after the 1967 Middle East war and while memories of the Holocaust were still vivid among the first Israelis, implicitly acknowledged Israel’s right to defend itself, as subsequent American administrations have done.
Incredible how they drag that lie out time-after-time!
But Mr. Kissinger reflected at length on the quandary faced by the United States.
Kissinger, referring to a pending sale of Phantom fighter jets to Israel, wrote:
“Israel will not take us seriously on the nuclear issue unless they believe we are prepared to withhold something they very much need. On the other hand, if we withhold the Phantoms and they make this fact public in the United States, enormous political pressure will be mounted on us. We will be in an indefensible position if we cannot state why we are withholding the planes. Yet if we explain our position publicly, we will be the ones to make Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons public with all the international consequences this entails.”
Mr. Kissinger wrote at another point: "[One of those consequences might be to] spark a Soviet nuclear guarantee for the Arabs, tighten the Soviet hold on the Arabs and increase the danger of our involvement.”
Is this something or what, readers! Like I said EXPLOSIVE!!!!!!
Mr. Nixon, after he met with Mrs. Meir at the White House in late September 1969:
“The problems in the Mideast go back centuries. They are not susceptible to easy solution. We do not expect them to be susceptible to instant diplomacy.”
But Avner Cohen, the author of “Israel and the Bomb,” (Columbia University Press, 1998) who is a senior fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, said on Wednesday that there was enough historical evidence to indicate that the president and the prime minister had reached a secret understanding on at least one issue: Israel would keep its nuclear devices out of sight and not test them, and the United States would tolerate the situation and not press Israel to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty that has been embraced by scores of countries around the world."
Ka-BOOOOOOOOOOM, readers!!!!
Mr. Cohen: “That understanding remains to this day.”
Talk about your double-standards and hypocrisy!
This is CRIMINAL in MY BOOK!!!
Do you see why I rail at USraeli arrogance now, readers?
Posted by Rocker at 9:19 AM
Labels: Israel, U.S.
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FBI Framing Venezuela
I guess the FBI has nothing better to do than instigate plots that would likely never have occurred otherwise. "Couple charged in nuclear secrets case; Arrests follow FBI sting operation" by Pete Yost, Associated Press | September 18, ...
Posted by Rocker at September 22, 2010 1:58 AM
Ain't No Iranian Mountain Deep Enough For Israel
War within the month, readers -- as Israel contaminates the region with radiation. Related: Slow Saturday Special: Iran Goes Nuclear The only question now is whether we get an Israeli nuke taking out a US city before we go. ...
Posted by Rocker at August 19, 2010 11:00 AM
Israel's Russian Spy Stories
"American Zionists gave Russia nuclear technology This week, newspapers around the world received reports and signed documents from South Africa. The reports said that, in 1975, Israel agreed to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. ...
Posted by Rocker at July 8, 2010 2:05 PM
Obama's Nuclear Nonsense
Really, it is hard to believe and hard to digest. Why not some WEB CENSORSHIP for the WORLD, huh? THIS is what LEADS MY PRINTED PAPER'S WORLD SECTION, dear readers! "Obama: Al-Qaida would use nuke if it could" by Anne Gearan, ...
Posted by Rocker at April 12, 2010 11:00 AM
AmeriKan MSM Drumming Up an Attack on Iran
Please forgive me, readers. I have been through this already with Iraq and I'm just not up for the Zionist lies this time. Nevertheless, here is what we in New England are being spoon-fed to soup us up for the next USraeli onslaught. ...
Posted by Rocker at April 8, 2010 1:30 PM
Clinton's Circles: The First Lady and Fund-Raising
You will pardon me if I move quickly, readers. I don't want to get covered in crap and would like to get home. The trip has been longer than I expected. "US budget strikes grant program that saved historic treasures; Effort a favorite ...
Posted by Rocker at March 25, 2010 7:15 AM
Anything Israel Can Do Iran Can Do Better
Yes, they can! "IAEA fears Iran making a warhead; US report had said such work suspended in '03" by George Jahn, Associated Press | February 19, 2010. VIENNA - The UN nuclear agency yesterday said it was worried Iran may currently be ...
Posted by Rocker at March 10, 2010 2:35 AM
Turkish Military Works For Mossad
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Posted by Rocker at March 9, 2010 10:43 AM
Obama Goes Nuclear
Let's just hope he never uses his, huh? Let's give you an appetizer of URANIUM to start, 'eh? "EPA to rebuild tainted Navajo homes" by Associated Press | June 15, 2009. FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. - The federal government plans to spend as much as ...
Posted by Rocker at February 1, 2010 7:40 AM
Turkey Accepts Israel's Apology
Related: Israel Says Its Sorry "Israel, Turkey repair diplomatic ties" by Associated Press | January 18, 2010. ANKARA, Turkey - Israel and Turkey said they had smoothed over differences yesterday following a diplomatic spat and were ...
Posted by Rocker at January 24, 2010 2:49 AM
Iran on the Back Burner For Now
Related: Iran Gets an Israeli Reprieve More reasons why below. "Iran opposition figure survives brazen shooting; Car's windows were shattered during attack" by Nasser Karimi, Associated Press | January 9, 2010 ...
Posted by Rocker at January 12, 2010 6:33 PM
Chinese Cold War Coming
And not because of the temperatures you never read about. Hey, if you are lucky, it may even turn into a HOT ONE, America! You are looking forward to a third World War, right? "US, China head for strained relations, analysts say" by ...
Posted by Rocker at January 10, 2010 5:49 AM
War Crimes Reminders
You know, the ones NEVER BROUGHT to TRIAL before the UN! Yeah, you would start to think so, wouldn't you? Yeah, they will get back to us on these: "Brown to be quizzed on Iraq after election; British panel's ruling criticized" by ...
Posted by Rocker at December 29, 2009 9:04 AM
The Pinnacle of Propaganda
We call it an AmeriKan Breakfast around here! Related: Israel Writes The New York Times News Pages The New York Times: Israel's Mouthpiece. They DIDN'T LEARN AFTER IRAQ, huh? You have no idea how happy I am that I never buy, read, ...
Posted by Rocker at October 4, 2009 10:08 AM
Slow Saturday Special: Iran Complying With IAEA Inspections
And an UPDATED ONE at that! "US, allies say Tehran must 'come clean'" by David E. Sanger and William J. Broad, New York Times | September 26, 2009. PITTSBURGH - Iran, apparently learning that the site had been discovered by Western ...
Posted by Rocker at September 29, 2009 6:50 AM
Breaking News: Iran Has the Bomb
And judging by all the 'Al-CIA-Duh" propaganda flying around these days they must have handed it to bin Laden. "US: Iran nearing atom bomb ability, must negotiate Or else what? Related: Official: Russia, China scuttled bid to slap more ...
Posted by Rocker at September 9, 2009 4:49 PM
Breaking News: Iran Allows UN Inspection of Nuclear Power Plants
STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH for the US! "US raps Iran on inspections" by Reuters | August 22, 2009. WASHINGTON - Iran is still not fulfilling obligations related to its nuclear activities, despite allowing UN inspectors to visit a reactor and ...
Posted by Rocker at August 23, 2009 2:04 PM
Of Iranians, Arabs, and Barbarians
Guess which one YOU ARE, 'murka! Also see my Iran labels for recent coverage. Iranians. "Iran admits vote flaws, but insists result is valid; Security forces step up threats over protests" by Michael Slackman, New York Times | June 23, ...
Posted by Rocker at June 24, 2009 10:03 AM
Boston Globe Now Censoring Iranian Coup Attempt
Then it must NOT BE GOING SO WELL! Related: Breaking News: CNN to Cover Coup in Iran This Weekend The Coup Has Begun You Can't Trust Twitter Twitter Now a Tool of Government Iran Falling To US PSYOPS? "Iran's supreme leader demands end ...
Posted by Rocker at June 22, 2009 1:39 PM
Korean Wake-Up Call
Related: North Korea Telling the Truth About Missile Launch US Preparing War Against Korea Obama Lies About and Threatens North Korea "Blast by N. Korea tests US policy; Overtures brought no nuclear pause; Obama promises strong ...
Posted by Rocker at June 9, 2009 2:28 AM
US Asks Nuclear Outlaws to Join Club
Related: How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb "US wants Israel, India in nuclear pact" by Louis Charbonneau, Reuters | May 6, 2009. UNITED NATIONS - India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel should join the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, ...
Posted by Rocker at May 6, 2009 12:35 PM
Pakistan the Pick For Next US Occupation
Especially with Holbrooke making noises about needing more troops in the whack-a-mole FATA regions. "Pakistan repels militant attack; 16 insurgents are killed near Afghan border" by Munir Ahmad, Associated Press | May 3, 2009 ...
Posted by Rocker at May 6, 2009 12:51 AM
A Tale of Two Trips: Part II
The MSM spin and propaganda version: "Ahead of NATO summit, Obama reaches out to allies; Says Europe and US must act together" by Helene Cooper, New York Times | April 4, 2009. STRASBOURG, France - President Obama, appearing on the eve ...
Posted by Rocker at April 17, 2009 10:02 AM
Israel's State Sock-Puppet
"Clinton told reporters yesterday: "There's nothing more important than trying to convince Iran to cease its efforts to obtain a nuclear weapon." Even though they aren't building one. Related: Chosen People's Choices ...
Posted by Rocker at April 13, 2009 10:36 AM
Obama's Offensive Quotes
"I think that it is important for Europe to understand that even though I'm now president and George Bush is no longer president, Al Qaeda is still a threat. We cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as ...
Posted by Rocker at April 7, 2009 2:51 AM
Boston Globe Readers Are Idiots
At least, SO the BOSTON GLOBE REPORTS, anyway! Pfffft! Of course, most of them would be reading that shit sheet day after day. Why some of us are immune I'll never know. "Long-time Globe readers shocked at paper's woes" by Maria ...
Posted by Rocker at April 5, 2009 12:26 PM
Obama and Russia Now Partners in Arms
Yeah, right, they are going to reduce weapons. See: The Globe's Garbage Gates $296 Billion in Overruns in US Weapons Programs I'm posting this; however, I don't believe any of it. It's all talk and photo-op prop for the agenda-pushing ...
Posted by Rocker at April 3, 2009 5:45 AM
Israel Indicates Next Attack on Iran
"In his speech, Netanyahu singled out Iran as Israel's biggest threat and.... "the greatest danger to humanity" "OKay, so for all the dire warnings about the "threat" from Iran (who hasn't actually invaded anyone in the last 200 years) ...
Posted by Rocker at April 2, 2009 9:15 AM
US Goes Through the Motions For Israel
"The increasing likelihood of an opening arises as US officials have spoken harshly about the Islamic regime.... While US officials are laying plans for possible talks, there are signs that they are also braced for rejection" ...
Posted by Rocker at March 6, 2009 11:48 PM
Israel's Puppets Dance to the Tune
As an American, I am embarrassed and ashamed by the "performance" of our "diplomats." As many blogs have accurately commented, they are GETTING THEIR MARCHING ORDERS from the MASTERS!!!! I'm tired of writing about it, tired of typing ...
Posted by Rocker at March 5, 2009 10:41 AM
Another Irritating Headline About Iran
You really get sick of it, especially when the ENTIRE ARTICLE CONTRADICTS the IT!!!! The MSM KNOWS that MANY PEOPLE JUST LOOK at the HEADLINE and THAT''S IT! They don't really think you are going to READ IT like I DO!!!! Now, observe: ...
Posted by Rocker at February 23, 2009 1:10 AM
Obama Gives Iran Lip Service
Here is what you really only need know: "Clinton stressed that just because Obama intended to adopt a new approach, there would still be consequences if Iran did not comply with Security Council resolutions. ...
Posted by Rocker at February 11, 2009 1:21 PM
China's Towering Inferno Still Standing
Related: amerikan MSM Throws Tower Fire In Your Face "Beijing tries to contain news of luxury hotel fire" by Andrew Jacobs, New York Times | February 11, 2009. Fire damage was visible on the side of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in ...
Posted by Rocker at February 11, 2009 1:15 PM
Obama's Axis of Evil
"US sanctions firms in China, Iran, N. Korea. WASHINGTON - The Obama administration said yesterday it has imposed sanctions on companies in North Korea, China, and Iran for violating US law aimed at stopping the spread of missiles and ...
Posted by Rocker at February 3, 2009 10:27 PM
Israeli Spies Steal US Nuclear Secrets
Yeah, but the government has to spy on you and me.... "Lost equipment no breach, lab asserts. ALBUQUERQUE, NM - Three Los Alamos National Laboratory computers were taken from a scientist's home and a Blackberry belonging to another ...
Posted by Rocker at February 1, 2009 1:37 PM
Obama Won't Apologize
Well, when you think you don't need to.... little it of arrogance, wouldn't you say? "Iranian leader says US should apologize" by Nazila Fathi and Alan Cowell, New York Times | January 29, 2009. TEHRAN - A day after President Obama ...
Posted by Rocker at January 29, 2009 11:31 AM
Dining in Gaza
Maybe it is just me, but I had the same reaction to this allegedly sympathetic piece as this blogger did: The New York Times and the Gaza crisis: Israeli war propaganda in the guise of news. Also see: Israel Writes The New York Times ...
Posted by Rocker at January 14, 2009 12:55 PM
amerikan MSM Covering Up Israeli Atrocities
Once again the article is CENSORED, I mean REWRITTEN, I mean, REEDITED, I mean UPDATED, yeah, that's right. You know, because of the censorship and blatant bias in favor of the Zionist monsters, I think today will do it for purchasing ...
Posted by Rocker at January 4, 2009 9:38 AM
Israel's Gaza Coup
Well, seeing as Israel has already confirmed they are going to occupy Gaza.... " Israeli Troops Advance, Bisecting Gaza " by TAGHREED EL-KHODARY and ISABEL KERSHNER. GAZA — Israeli troops advanced into Gaza on Sunday under cover of ...
Posted by Rocker at January 4, 2009 9:35 AM
US Wants Answers
I got one for you!! Also see: The Truth About War With Iran "US seeks answers from Russia on missile sales to Iranians; Possible threat to troops a concern" by Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press | December 23, 2008 ...
Posted by Rocker at December 23, 2008 10:18 AM
The Truth About War With Iran
And since I'm working from a Zionist-controlled, agenda-promoting, war-pushing, piece of propaganda, the truth is VERY SMALL! "Iran election raises hope for change; Mayor of Tehran gearing for run" by Farah Stockman, ...
Posted by Rocker at December 22, 2008 8:23 AM
Zionist amerikan MSM Admits it Has NO PROOF Iran is Building Bomb
On a SATURDAY, when no one is reading -- after blaring propaganda earlier this week! "Western powers believe Iran's declared program to refine uranium to the low level required for civilian nuclear energy is a front" ...
Posted by Truth Rocker at November 22, 2008 9:12 PM
More MSM Lies About Iran
"specialists question the conclusion by those providing the intelligence... They note that the spent fuel at issue is not enough to yield the approximately 65 pounds of weapons-grade material needed for a bomb. ...
Posted by Rocker at October 31, 2008 3:15 AM
John mccain Hates Israel
Zionist, pro-mccain amerikan Boston Globe makes it the LAST PARAGRAPH! "An organization headed by mccain gave at least $448000 to a group that Khalidi helped start" Also see: John mccain Supports Terrorists Need I say more? ...
Posted by Rocker at October 30, 2008 11:33 AM
New York Times Continues to Collapse
Like a WTC tower on 9/11? This is still not going to make me visit them. I haven't been there today, and I will NEVER purchase a copy of that shit rag ever again!!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!! "nytimes.com to absorb Herald Tribune website ...
Posted by Rocker at October 9, 2008 1:11 PM
US Seeks New Nukes
But Iran can't have NUCLEAR POWER, huh? What CHUTZPAH!!! What ARROGANCE!!!! Also see: Spy Satellite Shit and Rods From God FUCK YOU, amerikan government!!!! "US document calls to update nuclear arms; Deterrence is at stake, ...
Posted by Rocker at October 7, 2008 9:11 AM
Israeli Bullshitters at IAEA
Of course, it is OK for the US to let Korean weapons go to Ethiopia so they can kill Somalis. "N. Korea accused of supplying arms; Israel says nuclear technology given to Mideast nations" by George Jahn, Associated Press | October 5, ...
Posted by Rocker at October 5, 2008 10:05 AM
Senate Surreptitiously Sanctions Indian Nukes
Also see: House Hypocrisy on Indian Nukes "Senate ratifies India nuclear deal. The United States opened a new chapter of cooperation with India last night as Congress gave final approval to a breakthrough agreement permitting civilian ...
Posted by Rocker at October 2, 2008 9:20 AM
House Hypocrisy on Indian Nukes
Then they will turn around and condemn Iran (per the orders of their Zionist paymasters and puppeteers)!!!! Can ya SMELL the STENCH, readers? "House oks nuclear pact with India WASHINGTON - The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to ...
Posted by Rocker at September 28, 2008 10:11 AM
The Boston Globe is a War-Mongering, Zionist Mouthpiece
They are the ones bringing it to you -- which explains the lying, divisive, agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Muslim-hating, biased, Zionist propaganda posing as "news" in its pages. Looks like there may not be a purchase of the Zionist ...
Posted by Rocker at September 26, 2008 12:15 PM
New England's Newspaper
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