Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What Will the Next Domestic Terrorist Look Like?
Wears a suit and works in Washington or on Wall Street.

Watch: If I Were A Terrorist

That's them, all right.

Of course, the agenda-pushing media that works for them warns you of these:

"The threat of homegrown terrorism" by Lydia Khalil | October 27, 2009

Lydia Khalil, a former counterterrorism analyst for the New York Police Depatment, is a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

About all you need to know.

THE APPREHENSION last week of Sudbury native Tarek Mehanna is the fifth terrorism-related arrest in the United States in as many months, putting homegrown radicalism back on the radar screen. But many question whether individuals like Mehanna are the “real deal.’’ Do they really pose a significant terrorist threat or are they acting out but lack the capability to inflict any real damage? How dangerous are homegrown radicals? Will the United States, like Europe, become more susceptible to native radicals rather than terrorist plots hatched abroad from organized groups like Al Qaeda?

Related: FBI Case File: The Truth About Tariq Mehanna

FBI Case File: The New Informant

Oh, so the FBI THREATENS YOU if you don't "go along," huh?

The pattern of terrorism arrests since 9/11 seems to support the argument that homegrown radicalism is the greatest threat the United States faces and that Al Qaeda has lost its capability to carry out direct attacks outside of its Afghanistan-Pakistan operating base.

Only if 'Al-CIA-Duh" wants to lose its capability, sigh.

But just because homegrown plots constitute the majority of those uncovered doesn’t mean that homegrown terrorism is the greatest threat. Many of the homegrown plots have been all talk and little action.

That's because the whole thing is the biggest con since... oh, what's the use?

Even if the plots were executed, they would have been limited in scope - small explosive and ambush attacks or targeted killings -- nowhere near the scale of 9/11 or the Mumbai attacks.

In addition, there is a significant difference between self-taught would-be terrorists and stealth operators who have had training and contacts overseas like the sophisticated Mumbai attackers, Ramzi Yousef, or Mohamed Atta. Homegrown radicals aren’t able to carry out the sophisticated, coordinated attacks that pose the greatest danger.

There is a limitation on what homegrown plotters can achieve without training and access to networks abroad. Though much has been made of instructional video and propaganda and bomb-making instructions on the Internet, would-be homegrown terrorists without proper explosives training are more likely to blow off their hands as they are to build a proper bomb....


Even though Al Qaeda is no longer the top-down organization it once was, it and its affiliate organizations remain the greatest terrorism threat to the United States.

So which "Al-CIA-Duh" is that?

The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?

The most significant danger is likely to come from individuals who have been able to network with Al Qaeda operatives or affiliates to develop and carry out a plot.The reason why the terrorism plot associated with Najibullah Zazi, who was also recently arrested, is being called the biggest plot since 9/11 is because Zazi trained at a camp in Pakistan and reportedly had high-level contacts with Al Qaeda militants....

See: The Zionist MSM's Zigs and Zags in the Zazi Case

Enough to make you want to puke, isn't it?

Homegrown radicals only become a significant threat when they are able to connect with militant radical groups with significant experience. Anyone can become influenced by militant ideology and change from a middle-class college student to a would-be terrorist. But unless these individuals have access to organized terrorist networks, they are limited to what they can do.

In other words, unless the CIA or FBI approaches you....


See who they are framing, kiddo?

"Most homegrown terror suspects are young men, US report says" by Rachel Zoll, Associated Press | January 7, 2010

A study released yesterday of American Muslims and homegrown terrorism found that most of the publicly known cases since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks involved young men who were US-born or naturalized citizens....

Okay, I'm out! I'm just an old white man who is very, very sad.

Not violent; sad.

Although Arabs formed the largest group of suspects, their numbers were only slightly higher than African-Americans, South Asians, Somalis, and whites. About one-third were converts to Islam.

Dang, missed out again.

I'm nominally from a pervert parish (Catholic, readers).

I guess our priest didn't love us; I never got a pooper-pumping.

The statistics were part of a report, “Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim-Americans,’’ that aimed to learn why American Muslims seem less prone to extremism than Muslims in Europe and elsewhere. The researchers concluded that American Muslim self-policing has helped stem radicalization.

Translation: THEY RECOGNIZE the FALSE FLAG NATURE of all this!

Like protesters hollering "Agent Provocateur" at those advocating violence!

WE SEE YOU, FBI instigators!

Using a broad definition of homegrown terrorism, the report identified 139 American Muslims who were accused in the last eight years of planning or carrying out violent attacks motivated by extremism.

The cases include Army Major Nidal Hasan, charged with the Fort Hood mass shooting last November, and the five young men from Virginia who were recently arrested in Pakistan, allegedly on their way to get terrorist training and join the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Also see: A Hooded Cover Story

Pakistan Court Concealing Terrorist CIA Assets

Yeah, you gotta go get the right "training."

The 2009 increase is partly due to the cases of young Somali-Americans in Minneapolis believed to have joined Somalia’s al-Shabab jihadist, or holy war, movement, the report’s authors said.

And we know who is training those guys, sigh!

US Muslims accused of sending money to overseas terrorist groups were not part of the study.

Even with the common threads among the cases, researchers said they found no definitive pattern of how the accused were radicalized and no geographic center of extremism in the United States....

The study found that the planned targets of most of the violent plots were overseas. Seventy percent of the conspiracies were preempted by law enforcement before anyone was hurt.

Yeah, because THEIR AGENTS are the ones DRIVING ALL THIS S*** to JUSTIFY their budgets and sell the "War on Terror!"

All but one of the suspects were male and most were younger than 30. Most were US-born, naturalized citizens or legal residents of the country. The report urges civil authorities to increase their support for American Muslims who are starting youth groups, building Islamic schools and starting other projects that reinforce the message that extremism is contrary to Islam. The study was funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the Justice Department.

Oh, this is all from a GOVERNMENT STUDY, huh?

Yeah, that flushing sound was right where it belonged.


And what did they do, lower the color-coded alert?

"Smaller terrorism plots may pose new threat in US; Militant groups shifting strategy" by David Johnston and Eric Schmitt, New York Times | November 1, 2009

WASHINGTON - After disrupting two recent terrorism plots, American intelligence officials are increasingly concerned that extremist groups in Pakistan linked to Al Qaeda are planning smaller operations in the United States that are harder to detect but more likely to succeed than the spectacular attacks they once emphasized, senior counterterrorism officials say.

What this tells you is the GOVERNMENT KNOWS WE KNOW!

Called a backpedal.

Related: Obama's Nuclear Nonsense

Puh-leeeeeze, sir!!!

The two cases - one involving two Chicago men accused last week of planning an attack on a Danish newspaper that published cartoons of prophet Mohammed, the other a 24-year-old Denver shuttle bus driver indicted in a plot to use improvised explosives - are among the most serious in years, the officials said.

Related: FBI Case File: Heading to Chicago

Mumbai Cover-Up Complete

And you already know about Zazi.

In both, the officials said, the main defendants are long-term residents of the United States with substantial community ties who traveled to Pakistan’s tribal areas, where they apparently trained with extremist groups affiliated with Al Qaeda. The officials, from American military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, spoke on the condition that they not be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the cases.

According to FBI documents, David Coleman Headley, 49, the principal defendant in the Chicago case, met with Ilyas Kashmiri, who is regarded by Western authorities as one of the most dangerous Islamic militants operating in Pakistan’s restive tribal areas.

Oh, the same Headley that works for the CIA, DEA, and who knows who else?

Kashmiri turned to terrorism after serving as a Pakistani special operations commando, and has drawn renewed focus from US officials after surviving a drone strike in September. “He’s a consummate opportunist and a master strategist who has both intimate local knowledge and a vicious global agenda,’’ said Jarret Brachman, author of “Global Jihadism’’ and a consultant to the US government about terrorism.

Yeah, ONCE AGAIN a GOVERNMENT AGENT is SMACK DAB in the middle of "terrorism."

The authorities have been struck in the two plots by the central roles played by men who seem to have been more security-conscious and better organized and trained than many of those involved in terrorism cases brought since 2001, including a surge of arrests in recent weeks. A number of those arrested were young men inflamed with militant zeal but few skills to carry out an attack.


Some officials said that while the Chicago and Denver cases stood out from lower-level terrorism prosecutions in the United States, it was not new for would-be terrorists to travel to Pakistan and other training grounds and return home to engage in militant activity. They said the activities of Najibullah Zazi, the Denver man, closely resembled the methodology of the Madrid train bombings in 2004 and the London subway bombings in 2005.

Really, have you had enough propaganda yet?

A case last year suggests that young men from the United States are also finding their way to Pakistan to fight American forces. Bryant Neal Vinas, 26, grew up on Long Island, N.Y., and worked as a truck driver for the Long Island Rail Road before going to Pakistan. He made contact with a Qaeda group and took part in a rocket attack on a US base in Afghanistan before being captured in Pakistan and brought back to the United States in November 2008.

Yes, and that is very interesting because:

" the Bush administration gave Vinas all the rights of American criminal suspects"

Sure SMELLS like CIA to me!!!

Since then, Vinas has cooperated with the authorities, helping to identify other extremists who trained for operations in the West.

Also see: Propaganda Against Pakistan Reaches Fever Pitch

War on "Terror" Turns Inward: AmeriKa Welcomes Back Al-CIA-Duh Agent

Pakistan's Taliban Towel

So WHO is TRAINING THOSE "terrorists" again, NYT?

The model of young men who have lived for years in the United States before traveling and connecting with militant groups is not confined to Pakistan.

In October 2008, for example, a Somali-American teenager from Minneapolis carried out a suicide bombing in northern Somalia. The teenager, Shirwa Ahmed, had come to the United States in the 1990s and became a citizen. In the months before the attack, he had traveled to the Horn of Africa and apparently joined up a militant Muslim group fighting the Ethiopians.

Government counterterrorism analysts said it was significant that the Chicago and Denver cases involved plots that seemed less ambitious than the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks or suspected plots of the past, like those aimed at Los Angeles International Airport.


Western officials believed that Al Qaeda’s leadership concentrated on spectacular, mass-casualty attacks to build its credibility in the Islamic world.


American analysts said the difficulty of carrying out such grandiose plots offered a measure of protection to the United States.

They sure do keep you hoping while playing the false-flag of fear card, 'eh?

J. Patrick Rowan, a former top lawyer in the Justice Department’s national security division, said the recent cases could mean shifting away from large-scale plots. “The hypothesis has been that they have focused their resources on carrying out a spectacular attack and decided not to pursue lesser plots,’’ he said.


Thanks for lying us into Iraq and ruining the "game."


Yeah, there are SMALLER PLOTS and MORE OF 'EM, ha-ha-ha!!


"Number of terror suspects spikes in past year; Internet recruits, new tactics cited" by Devlin Barrett, Associated Press | January 18, 2010

Oh, look at this, the INTERNET did it, ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

WASHINGTON - The number of suspects facing federal terrorism charges dramatically increased in 2009, providing evidence of what analysts call a rise in plots spurred by Internet recruitment, the spread of Al Qaeda overseas, and ever-shifting tactics of terror chiefs....

Yeah, the GOVERNMENT CHARGED MORE PEOPLE so that is "evidence" of more plots!



2009 had more defendants charged with terrorism than any year since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.... Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism analyst at Georgetown University, called it “an extraordinary year, across the board,’’ adding that the wide range of cases show Al Qaeda “is in it for the long haul and we need to be as well.’’

Actually, I herd we just delivered them a crippling blow.


As hectic as 2009 was, counterterrorism officials will only be busier this year....


Patrick Rowan, who was President George W. Bush’s top Justice Department counterterrorism official and now works at the private law firm McGuire Woods, said the terrorists have also adapted, using the Internet to recruit or in some cases just motivate lone attackers who take action on their own.

As opposed to mass hysteria whipped up by lying, war-mongering MSM leading to mass-murder by a government?


Okay, so who is acting out their impulses because they were inspired by the Internet?

"Jordanian denies alleged bomb plot" by Associated Press | October 27, 2009

DALLAS - A Jordanian man accused of trying to blow up a Dallas skyscraper with what he thought was a car bomb pleaded not guilty at his arraignment yesterday....

During the hearing, a court interpreter stood next to 19-year-old Hosam Maher Smadi, speaking softly in Arabic. The teenager told the judge he studied English while attending a Baptist school in Jordan and understood some of what was said in court. Smadi also said he had an 11th-grade education.

Just the kind of kid the paper said would be the one to....

Authorities arrested Smadi on Sept. 24 after he allegedly parked a truck in a garage beneath the 60-story Fountain Place office building in downtown Dallas. Once he was at a safe distance, Smadi dialed a cellphone he thought would ignite a bomb in the vehicle - but the device was actually a decoy provided by FBI agents posing as Al Qaeda operatives, according to the FBI.

Need I even type it, dear readers?

The FBI says it had been keeping tabs on Smadi after discovering him on an extremist website earlier this year. Investigators have said the teenager acted alone and was not affiliated with any terrorist organizations....

Except for his dealing with the FBI, of course.
So what else is out there lurking in the shadows?

"Seattle shooting suspect called ‘domestic terrorist’" by Associated Press | November 9, 2009

SEATTLE - Police described a suspect in the shooting death of a Seattle police officer as a “lone domestic terrorist’’ and said he was also suspected of firebombing four police vehicles.

At a news conference, Seattle Assistant Police Chief Jim Pugel identified Christopher Monfort, 41, as the man shot by police on Friday as he was sought in connection with the Halloween killing of Officer Timothy Brenton. Pugel also said investigators found improvised explosive devices at Monfort’s apartment. “This man, from everything we can tell is a lone domestic terrorist,’’ Pugel said....

Could be YOUR NEIGHBOR, America!

Could be YOUR FRIEND!!

Could be YOU, you "lone domestic terrorist!"


It could EVEN BE YOUR DOCTOR, America!!!

Related: Ark. doctor charged with revenge bombing


"US still without way to track foreign visitors; No fix found for security loophole" by James C. McKinley Jr. and Julia Preston, New York Times | October 12, 2009

DALLAS - Eight years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and despite repeated mandates from Congress, the United States still has no reliable system for determining whether millions of foreign visitors leave the country after their visas expire.

New concern was focused on that security loophole last week, when Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a 19-year-old Jordanian who had overstayed his tourist visa, was accused in court of plotting to blow up a Dallas skyscraper. Last year alone, 2.9 million foreign visitors on temporary visas like Smadi’s checked in to the country but never officially checked out, immigration officials said. While officials say they have no way to confirm it, they suspect that several hundred thousand of them overstayed their visas.

And then what, the FBI contacts them and asks them if they want to do a terror operation to stay in country?

Yeah, somehow this government has to be up your ass in triplicate, America, but they can't even keep track of the terrorists visiting our nation.

Overall, the officials said, about 40 percent of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States came on legal visas and overstayed.

Obviously the government is NOT THAT CONCERNED because the borders remain wide open -- which tells you THEY KNOW that "terrorism" is a GOVERNMENT CREATED, FUNDED, and DIRECTED FRAUD!

Smadi’s case has brought renewed calls from both parties in Congress for Department of Homeland Security officials to complete a universal electronic exit monitoring system.

Yup, ONCE AGAIN "terrorism" is being used to support the advancement of global government and the global control grid!

Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, the senior Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said the Smadi case “points to a real need for an entry and exit system if we are serious about reducing illegal immigration.’’

Senator Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat who chairs the Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on immigration, said he would try to steer money from the economic stimulus program to build an exit monitoring system.

Is that what you went into debt to stimulate, America?

Related: Stimulating the IRS

Also see: Illegal Amnesty Next On Obama's Agenda

Better not be if Repugs want control of Congress (maybe they don't; who wants to be the captain of the Titanic at 1 a.m. on April 15?).

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, immigration authorities, with more than $1 billion from Congress, have greatly improved and expanded their systems to monitor foreigners when they arrive. But there are no biometric inspections or systematic follow-up to confirm that foreign visitors have departed.

Security officials caution that universal exit monitoring would be daunting and costly, mainly because of the nation’s long and busy land borders, with more than 1 million crossings every day. The wrong exit plan, they said, could clog trade, disrupt border cities, and overwhelm immigration agencies with information they could not use.

And as we can see, the volcano delays are already pissing people off.

So you airlines finally going to blow the whistle on the tyranny built upon lies?

Not even to save your industry?

Since 2004, Homeland Security officials have put systems in place to check all foreigners as they arrive, whether by air, sea, or land. Customs officers now take fingerprints and digital photos of visitors from most countries, instantly comparing them against law enforcement watch-list databases. Canadians and Mexicans with special border-crossing cards are exempt from those checks.

Meet your New World Order (even if the MSM is not calling it that, that is what it is).

But Homeland Security officials said that a series of pilot programs since 2004 had failed to yield an exit-monitoring system that would work for the whole nation. They have not yet found technology to support speedy exit inspections at land borders.

Sick of the EXCUSES when we are told what a great threat the "terrorists" are?

And airlines balked at an effort last year by the Bush administration to make them responsible for taking fingerprints and photographs of departing foreigners.

I guess the airlines did take a stand.

Last year, official figures showed, 39 million foreign travelers were admitted on temporary visas like Smadi’s.

Yeah, I think the underwear bomber had one.

Homeland Security officials said they confirmed the departure of 92.5 percent of them. Most of the remaining visitors did depart, officials said, but failed to check out because they did not know how to do so. But more than 200,000 of them are believed to have overstayed intentionally. Immigration authorities have put in a place a separate system for keeping track of foreigners who, unlike Smadi, come on student visas. That system has proved effective, officials say.

They can do it for the college kids but can't.... SIGH!!!

Immigration analysts said that given the difficulties of enforcing the United States’ vast borders, it remained primarily up to law enforcement officials to thwart suspected terrorists who did not have records that would draw scrutiny before they entered the United States.

“You can’t ask the immigration system to do everything,’’ said Doris Meissner, a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute, a research center in Washington, and a former commissioner of the immigration service.

Especially their job!

Smadi caught the attention of the FBI by posting on Jihadist websites incendiary remarks about wanting to kill Americans. Over the summer, he met with agents posing as members of Al Qaeda and planned to bomb the Fountain Place office building in downtown Dallas, according to an indictment unsealed on Thursday. His arrest on terrorism charges on Sept. 24 came after he parked a truck he had been told was carrying explosives in the building’s underground garage, according to court documents.

Reminds me of the first WTC attack.


How about that, readers?


And how can they get lost when the FBI has so many lists and is checking them twice?

"FBI illegally collected records; Cited terror threat to get phone data" by John Solomon and Carrie Johnson, Washington Post | January 19, 2010

WASHINGTON - The FBI illegally collected more than 2,000 US telephone call records between 2002 and 2006 by invoking terrorism emergencies that did not exist or simply persuading phone companies to provide records, according to internal bureau memos and interviews. FBI officials issued approvals after the fact to justify their actions.

But TRUST YOUR FBI, right, Americans?

E-mails obtained by the Washington Post detail how counterterrorism officials inside FBI headquarters did not follow their own procedures that were put in place to protect civil liberties.

But don't worry about those, we were told!

The stream of urgent requests for phone records also overwhelmed the FBI communications analysis unit with work that ultimately was not connected to imminent threats. A Justice Department inspector general’s report due out this month is expected to conclude that the FBI frequently violated the law with its emergency requests, bureau officials confirmed....

The latest revelations show that the improper requests were much more numerous under the procedures approved by the top level of the FBI....


And YOU KNOW who is STILL OUT THERE, patiently waiting, right, America?

"Al Qaeda intent on US attack, report warns" by Washington Post | January 26, 2010

WASHINGTON - A report warns that Al Qaeda has not abandoned its goal of attacking the United States with a chemical, biological, or nuclear weapon.

So WHICH American CITY has been SELECTED for INCINERATION, government?

The report, by a former senior CIA official who led the agency’s hunt for terrorists’ weapons of mass destruction, was released yesterday by Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. It portrays Al Qaeda’s leaders as determined and patient, willing to wait for years to acquire the kinds of weapons that could inflict widespread casualties.

I'm not as willing to cut the government and MSM a pass, sorry.

I am SO SICK of this SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rolf Mowatt-Larssen draws on his knowledge of classified case files to argue that Al Qaeda has been far more sophisticated in its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction than is commonly believed, pursuing parallel paths to acquire weapons and forge alliances with groups that can offer resources and expertise. “If Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants had been interested in . . . small-scale attacks, there is little doubt they could have done so now,’’ Mowatt-Larssen wrote.

So what was that NYT PoS propaganda piece above about then?

And how does a dead man direct an attack from the grave?

A congressional panel on weapons of mass destruction is preparing to release a new assessment of the federal government’s preparedness for an attack. The review is particularly critical of the Obama administration’s actions in hardening the country’s defenses against bioterrorism, according to two former government officials who have seen drafts. The commission’s initial report in December 2008 warned that a terrorist attack using weapons of mass destruction was likely by 2013.

Or sooner. Government really, really needs a false flag right now.

People are awake and angry and they no longer believe or trust their government.

Related: The Terrorists Are Coming! The Terrorists Are Coming!

And let the CRACKDOWN BEGIN, right?

Mowatt-Larssen led the CIA’s internal task force on Al Qaeda and weapons of mass destruction after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Yeah, the "Al-CIA-Duh" expert telling you when "Al-CIA-Duh" is going to hit us again! At least I WON'T BE FOOLED THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


Gee, I thought the next terrorists where going to be domestics.

"15 years later, grief lingers in Oklahoma City; 2,000 gather to honor fallen | 1995 bombing left 168 dead" by Tim Talley, Associated Press | April 20, 2010

OKLAHOMA CITY — It has been 15 years since a terrorist’s bomb destroyed the Oklahoma City federal building, killing 168 people and injuring more than 600 others....

About 2,000 people gathered at the memorial yesterday to honor those killed and injured in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. At the time, it was the deadliest terrorist attack on US soil.

During the ceremony, US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the city’s spirit in the wake of the tragedy served as an example to the nation. Napolitano also said the bombing anniversary was a reminder of “the continued need for vigilance against the violent ideologies that led to this attack, so that we can recognize their signs in our communities and stand together to defeat them.’’

“We cannot put a glass dome over our country. We cannot guarantee there will not be another attack. No one can,’’ Napolitano said. “But we are a strong and resilient country. And we can resolve that even a successful attack will not defeat our way of life.’’

“What defines us as a nation, as a people, and as communities is not what we have suffered, but how we have risen above it, how we’ve overcome,’’ Napolitano said.

She makes one ill, readers!


You realize that will mean the END of YOUR AGENCY because you will have FAILED!!!!

For many in attendance, a visit to the memorial is an annual rite, a way to pause and remember a loved one, former colleague, friend, or neighbor who died in the attack....

But not ask questions about what happened there.

Prosecutors said McVeigh’s plot was an attempt to avenge the deaths of nearly 80 people in the government siege at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, exactly two years earlier.

Related: Waco and the Bipartisan Police State

More government lies covering up government murder!

McVeigh was convicted on federal murder charges and executed in 2001. McVeigh’s Army buddy, Terry Nichols, was convicted on federal and state bombing-related charges and is serving multiple life sentences at a federal prison in Colorado.

April 19 is a significant date for many antigovernment and gun rights groups because it marks the Revolutionary War battles of Lexington and Concord. Several such groups held demonstrations yesterday.

Yes, it is always fun to play war.

Actually defending your rights, however, is a threat.


Also watch: Oklahoma City (about 16 minutes in, run time 30 mins)

Government memorials for government murder, 'eh?
Posted by Rocker at 1:20 PM
Labels: American Tyranny, I.E.P., MSM, Prop
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