Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The 9/11 Script
And the Media Liars who brought it to us that fateful day in 2001:
"Camp David "Crash" More Evidence Of 9/11 Media Scripting?; CBS News reported that United Airlines Flight 93 had crashed at Camp David - 90 miles away from its alleged resting place in Somerset County, PA" by Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet July 31, 2007
Uncovered archive video showing CBS News reporting that United Airlines Flight 93 had crashed at Camp David, 90 miles away from its supposed final resting place at Somerset County PA, has led to more charges that the media were reading off a de facto script as the events of 9/11 unfolded.
According to a CBS News report on 9/11, an FBI official in Washington was informed by the FAA that United Airlines Flight 93 had crashed "into the vicinity of or at Camp David," the presidential retreat.
The Secret Service are later cited as the source for confirming a crash near Camp David and that Camp David itself was not damaged, but that it was the intended target.
As the video clip below points out, Camp David Maryland is around 90 miles away from the alleged crash site of Flight 93 in Somerset Country Penslyvania.
Watch the Video.
Many in the 9/11 truth community are now charging that this represents another example of foreknowledge or media scripting of the events that were unfolding on the morning of September 11.
Quite how a commerical airliner that crashed 90 miles away could be confused for having crashed at Camp David is certainly bizarre - one could entertain the notion that officials were simply mistaken amidst the chaos of the day if the crash sites had been a few miles apart - but 90 miles?
Were high level officials feeding a script to the media about the intended targets of hijacked airliners on 9/11 before they had crashed? If so, how did they have foreknowledge of what the targets would be? Was Flight 93 intended to be crashed in the Camp David area before it was either shot down or crashed into a field by brave passengers?
The news anchor subsequently noted that the date marked the anniversary of the signing of the Camp David Accords on September 11, 1978 and tied the coincidence to the fact that the Accords are still disputed in the Arab world. However, the Camp David Accords were actually signed on September 17, 1978 - so why such an obvious error would be made is unclear.
The video is strewn with examples of how the media were aggressively pushing the "Bin Laden did it" explanation from the very first minutes of the attack and before any evidence had surfaced.
As we previously reported, BBC News seemingly also had access to some kind of script or were being told what was about to happen in advance when they reported that WTC Building 7 had collapsed when in fact it still stood in the live shot behind the reporter's head.
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Further information is contained in a prison planet viewer post:
"More On The 9/11 Camp David "Crash" Wednesday Aug 1, 2007
Related: Camp David "Crash" More Evidence Of 9/11 Media Scripting?
Poster jbrid1138 on the Prisonplanet comments boards writes...
I live within 10 miles of Camp David. On the day of 9/11 we were watching the attacks at the WTC unfold on TV like most people across the world. We have relatives in New Jersey who got word (their tv) that an airplane was on its way to Camp David and expressed concern for your well being, knowing where we live in relation to the same. It was the first we had heard of it.
Long story short, we kept in touch with those relatives and soon learned that the airplane had gone down // I didn't hear anything out the door so I assumed SOUND might be taking a bit longer than usual that day to reach us. It never came -- Because the airplane down was later reported to be many miles away from the Camp David location. There was talk (tv again) that the path was taking the airplane 'towards' Camp David on its way to Washington, DC // which is located @ 100 miles away. I questioned at the time how they picked Camp David out of the air but just assumed because of what it represents -- seemed a stupid target in a way (to me) because it sits in the woods, with little population WHILE on the other hand there are quite a few military bases near (along) that same imaginary path that the airplane never completed. Example (and this is not all of them, certainly no national guard or reserve locations listed but they do exist also along the way -- )
Letter Kenney Army Depot, PA
Fort Ritchie, MD
Fort Detrict, MD
Fort George G. Meade, MD
Fort Myer, VA
Much more going on at any one of those locations, far more target for your buck so to speak, than a location out in the woods, or so it seemed to me at the time. But I figured the terrorist were just too damn dumb to realize that fact. That's what I figured back then.
Now I know that 9/11 was an inside job and the folks pulling the strings knew exactly what they were doing.
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Posted by Rocker at 9:09 AM
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