Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Why I'm Done Blogging
This is the 333th post on the new version (the same as the impeach Cheney resolution), and it will be the last. I simply can not suffer these indignities, these soul-destroying lies, and constant drumbeat of falsehoods. Everything we were ever told about this society and our values, rules, whatever, is a lie. Everywhere you turn, AmeriKa is now about death, not life. This is going to ramble, so I don't care about neatness.
I had 7 or so drafts left from Sunday, and honestly, bought the Zionist-controlled War Dailies the last three days. I just can't take it anymore. It is lie after repeated lie after repeated lie, and with no context. One of my last posts was how condescending the Times' public editor was about the Iran coverage. Times' considers its readers idiots unless its Paris Hilton.
Anyhow, I am so tired of the obfuscating, lying, war-mongering, dictator-enabling piece of shit, I just haven't wanted to buy in to any "select" coverage they spew while ignoring so much. Just run down the blogs on the shit-stinking fucking war-criminal state of Israel sometime. I can't even keep up with that, and you won't find the truth in the AmeriKan papers either.
So what? I'm done. I've said it before, but this time I mean it, and here's why: I even watch the bullshit tele because I thought it was important. You know, hear what they are saying and planning, what shit they will be feeding us; however, the "news" is now totally surreal and selective. I sometimes feel I'm the only one reading the end of these articles sometimes. Patreaus dumping unregistered guns out the back of a chopper? No commenting in MSM!
No, it is just SURGE WORKING, which is what I woke up to this morning. Actually, it was 14 killed in U.S. chopper crash, but that wasn't Morning Joe's point. That's why I'm done. It is ok to be a ranting, rabid, false-Christian, bloodthirsty, lying neo-con who promotes MSM bullshit, big mike, big show, big lies. The girl on their said she looked in Rove's eyes Sunday and that even if you disagree with him, Karl believed what he was saying. Translation: Karl wasn't lying (or he was believing his lie). Anyway, Joe had Ron Paul on later, and the crowds in Alabama (where Ron won the straw poll, did ya hear? Thought not) were immense for him, Joe said. Yeah, we know, Joe. That is why I came on here in tears.
I switched over to C-Span hoping to get the American people's voice, and I got it good. The whole ball of wax rigged now, as the first half-hour were ALL CALLS LINKING 9/11 to IRAQ!!!! I couldn't take it anymore when a grandma called up, said she lost two on 9/11 and had three in Iraq, and WAS CRYING saying "People don't know, what are we gonna do, if we leave, they will follow us here, they'll wanna kill us. What do you say to a grandma?"
Well, I WAS CRYING, too, and not because of her. The whole half-hour was like this with the nice, dumb, brunette, new neo-con whore that C-Span puts on. So whatever, here is what I say, grandma.
I am all for LEAVING U.S. troops in Iraq now. I hope one of your grandkids was on that chopper so you know how an Iraqi feels after ONE MILLION of them have been killed BY US!!! I have had it with the American people and this war, their lazy ass willingness to know nothing and accept lies. They willingness to forget all that came before, and accept the pail of Zionist-controlled shit they are fed every day. So FUCK the AMERICAN PEOPLE!! FUCK THEM!!!
This is what I want now. Since the surge has been so successful, I want MORE TROOPS in Iraq!! And then I want a DRAFT of ALL 18-24-year olds in this country (for grandma), ALL of them, BOYS, GIRLS, MEN, WOMEN, and I want them put on a SIX-WEEK CRASH COURSE in training, and then INTO the BREACH by SPRING when WE NEED YA!!
Then I want grandma and all the soldiers there to die!!! If our Army and youth are wiped out, then George has no choice to nuke, and I want him to do that to! Go ahead and take your place in history, you Anti-Christ bastard!!! Take your seat next to Napoleon and Hitler, you mas-murdering, lying, cockshit sucking bastard! Hey, the blood won't be one my hands!! I have been against ALL THESE WARS -- even Afghanistan -- from the start!!
And that's where the lies started. Raised us on "honesty" and "telling the truth," then you become an adult and find out IT'S ALL LIES!!! EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ISSUE!!! Nothing but LIE after LIE after LIE after LIE, all the way through childhood, through adolescence, right into adulthood and old age.
Hey, I have worked for FIVE YEARS on trying to stop this madness. I TOLD the TRUTH about Iraq and WAS SHUNNED and made to feel like an OUTCAST! When I turned out right, oh, no apology now, just shut up with the I told-you-sos. Did they even bother to ask WHAT NEXT, since you were right? NOPE! And it is still, shut up, our lying leaders are right now 'cause they got a new report. Whatever! GORGE YOURSELF on the pile of SHIT and EAT, EAT, EAT, Amurka!!
And the AmeriKan people DON'T CARE!! They either ACCEPT or LIKE being fed buckets and buckets of soft-serve, side-winding, Zionist-controlled, MSM shit spew! So I'm done, just like this country. I don't care. I have no dog in this hunt. I am just an old man whose best years are behind him. I am just going to sit back and hope that as many Americans die in Iraq as possible. I want the American public to FEAST upon the corpses of their sons and daughters, DRINK their blood to wash it down, and then DROWNED in the THEIR BLOOD! Since America is so willing to accept the continued lies of this law-breaking, mass-murdering war criminal and his cabinet, I want America to suffer. I want them to suffer until they can't stand it anymore.
You want to believe the surge is working after having been LIED TO FROM THE START? When the same shit media who BROUGHT YOU THIS WAR now say STAY after EXCORIATING BUSH in the editorials for this? See the STINK GAME the Zionists can play? They own BOTH SIDES of the debate.
So, fine, pony up your young. But I don't want to hear any bitching and complaining about this war-mongering madman! Nope, I'm all done feeling sympathy for America, Americans, its soldiers, or anything else. Just die in Iraq already, soldier. Don't want any of them back.
Sorry, Amurka, for being filled with hurtful bitterness. YOU have done this to me by NEVER LISTENING TO US! So I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU NOW. I did once, but no more. So, DIE SOLDIER!! DIE in the sands of Iraq because of a PACK of LIES to sell a plan of WORLD DOMINATION like what the Nazis wanted!!!
Sig Heil, Amurka, and worship your beloved, mass-murdering, war-criminal Fuhrer. Be PROUD to give up your babies for a HIS LIES!!!!!! And then FEAST, Amurka, FEAST on the corpses of your dead children!!!!!!!
This will make it clear as well.
"Most US adults in the dark about world politics" by AFP Wednesday, August 22, 2007
"Two-thirds of US adults admit to being in the dark about political issues outside the United States, and only a third are well-versed in US politics, the results of a poll published Tuesday showed.
Candidates in the US presidential primaries "may have their work cut out for them as they work to get people interested in the election," wrote the Harris Poll group, which surveyed 2,225 adults between July 6 and 13 for the poll.
A separate survey gave New York Senator Hillary Clinton a healthy lead over her main rival Barack Obama for the Democratic primary race.
More than 40 percent of those who would vote in a Democratic primary or caucus would vote for Clinton while 27 percent said they would vote for Obama, the poll showed.
In the Republican race for the candidacy, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani has a three-percentage point lead over ex-senator Fred Thompson, who hasn't yet declared that he is running, that poll, which surveyed 2,870 adults in the first week of August, showed.
Global political knowledge was miniscule, with just three percent of women and 14 percent of men saying they are extremely knowledgeable on world politics.
One reason for the knowledge gap is lack of interest, according to the poll.
"Well over half (57 percent) say they do not like learning about political issues in other countries," and 32 percent expressed a lack of interest for homespun politics, the Harris Poll group said.
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See, I'm not lying!
Amurkns don't care, so I say FEAST on your daughters and sons, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives corpses! FEAST upon your kins flesh and DRINK their blood in worship to the lying Anti-Christ and his bloody, murderous WARS!!!!
Go one, Amurka, gussy on up to the trough of cadavers and blood and EAT, EAT, EAT!!!!!!!!
Posted by Rocker at 4:49 AM
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