during the entire election barack hussein obama was saying, "i will bring our troops home...i will bring our troops home...i will bring our troops home..."
These Bush & Co. wars need to end. The financial drain and loss of lives is criminal.america is always involved in one war or another throughout modern history....time to stop all wars....just bring them home....why are we fighting them...they had nothing to do with 911...bush did. don't let them come home in bodybags....just do it for the sake of mankind.As the father of a soldier who was wounded serving with the 101st. I felt only one small piece of the pain these families must feel and it hurt like hell. We need to stop this war and bring our sons & daughters home as quick as possible. All warriors are special people, the 101st are the creme of our fighting forces. We should get out now and get our kids out of there. Let them kill each other, thats what they been doing for years anyway.this a no win situation for this great country.Muslims hate American because we support the jews.I do believe that a time of truth is coming fast Mr. Hawkeye. It couldn't come soon enough. The 101st may call some of these political and megabusinesses to task. The Federal Reserve. Hmmm, not Federal, and does not even have one half of one percent in 'reserves'. How they run the cycles of inflation and deflation for their own benefit, how they are not a Federal entity, but privately owned, how they, and their ilk, start unecessary wars, that take away the finest of our country. How unfortunate that many of this country's enemies are here; here at home, and protected by our country's best. The truth is leaking out, it will soon flood out, and it will make people free. I believe the truth is going to come out; slow at first, but then gain momentem quickly. Well, I wouldn't want to be the persons who anger the 101st. May they all be blessed and protected.
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