We cannot win wars today for the same reason we couldn't win in Vietnam. Bleeding heart liberals and a biased media. We lack the men of will that it takes to win. Overwhelming force is what wins wars. The same strategy used by SWAT when the Police engage criminals.
Vietnam was the first war brought into our living rooms by the media. Prior to that we had little thought of collateral damage or civilian casualties. We did what it took to win. We were man enough to define our enemy, and our only exit strategy was victory.
Drawing out a conflict with rules of engagement, proportional responses, and appeasing our enemies only serves to deliver more American soldiers to their families in body bags.
Kevin Spacey's character in The Usual Suspects said "They figured out in order to be victorious you didn't need superior weapons, or even superior numbers, you simply needed the will to do what the other guy won't". What we lack is the will !!!
The left, fueled and supported by a biased media lacks the will to identify our enemy.
They lack the will to engage, convinced a hug and a teddy bear will work better.
They lack the will to accept that war and killing is an incredibly horrible, yet sometimes necessary evil.
They lack the will to commit, citing no exit strategy as a reason not to move forward.
The only will they have is the will to sacrifice you and me and our soldiers while they wallow in their indecisive, spineless, self righteousness.
The gutless left will be the downfall of this country. They are responsible for more American deaths than our enemies are. To you sickening, pansy liberals...
"You've just weakened a country today. You don't know how to defend a nation. You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. I have no time for a man who rises and sleeps under the very blanket of the freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it".
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