Monday, December 27, 2010

No more bank bailouts! Let them go under and take the preferred stock holders with them. Nobody, but nobody, should be safe from this financial crisis, especially those that caused it!after the ceo's gave themselves outrageous bonuses there was nothing left. I want my money back, for real, give it back to me you stinkin' thieves.How about the government bailing out the people ...give everyone $500,000. Its our tax out the people who need it...not the @#$% crooks in the banking business.Did that scumbag Timothy Geithner pay his taxes yet?

Bet he skated on any penalties, just like Rangel.

Hang-em-all......Hang em high.$2.7B? That's a drop in the bucket compared to what the treasury lent out to banks in total. Most of the TARP funds have been paid back (w/ interest). How many trillions did we spend on the Iraq war which saved us from a paper dictator? $2.7B? Hilarious. I'll bet Joey Biden has a good plan to get us out of this Bush-era mess.Many of my customers are small town community banks. They didn't do the stupid stuff the big banks did and played by the rules but this year they had to contribute three years worth of payments into the FDIC fund to bail out the idiots. That's quite a chunk of money for small banks!
Even these healthy banks are telling me they're worried about the second tidal wave of mortgage defaults and that isn't even counting the commercial properties that are going to default. (Thanks to the recession many businesses won't be able to pay their rent or mortgages on the buildings they're in). When that hits you won't have to invest in gold to protect your assets, you'll need to invest in nickel - as in a nickel plated Smith & Wesson.

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