Sunday, January 2, 2011

49 of the last 50 federal budgets have been deficits. BOTH parties are responsible for the fiscal mess this country is in.

Enjoy living in a bankrupt nation? Thank a Democrat or a Republican!Those who continue to rage about raising the taxes on the rich are disgusting.......suggesting its their responsibility for being successful to bail us out of the mess those who aren't wealthy caused by electing the liberal/spending fools in Washington. This hatred for the successful is indicative of those who expect the government to provide their every need at someone else's expense. Too many people have become fat, lazy and convinced they are "victims" who are "due" or "entitled" part of the agenda of liberals to use them to stay in power. Of course the so called, liberal experts wants a continual increase in the debt ceiling. Its not their money or responsibilty to pay it back and without it, their method of buying votes would come to an end.The democrats are just as responsible for the problem as the republicans.There are a bunch of crooked politicans that need to be OUSTED.

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