Sunday, January 2, 2011

the dollar will soon be as worthless as monopoly money other countries are getting out of it it. that's why food and other energy prices keep going up. these things were once figured in when the government was gauging how inflation is doing but now the do not include it. so as to cook the book to show hey there is no inflation (if they where included the the inflation rate would be 23.6 percent) and the government can not handle that higher of inflation right now if they where to try the economy would collapse into depression all they did was post pone it for a few months in a vain hope everything will turn around but soon the delay will finally start to show. once prices hit the breaking point then inflation will show up into everything else. then you will be on you knees begging. as a slave9/11 HAPPENED-ON-THE-REPUBLICAN'T'S-WATCH....NOW THEY WANNA MAKE THE FIRST RESPONDERS SUFFER, TOO....HISTORY WILL REMEMBER THAT THE REPLUBICAN'T'S COULDN'T EVEN PREVENT 9/11...A-N-D... THAT THEY, ALSO, WNTED THE FIRST RESPONDERS TO SUFFER FOR THEIR WORK, TOO!....@#$%, how did these jerks win back so many seats in the house? are the American voters THAT dazed and confuse???!?

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